"Who won? Who lost?"

The first thing they care about is this problem!

However, I heard Frieza say: "It seems that [-]% of my power is not enough to destroy it. Then, I will release [-]% of my power completely!"

"It's worthy of my full strength to deal with it, except for my family, you are the only one I have!" Frieza's eyes were cold and evil, her tone was cruel, but the content of her words was surprising.

"He didn't use all his strength just now?"

As Frieza said, her body has slowly changed again!

He was full of momentum, and his breath was high, and his muscles swelled again.

Li Zhenwu, on the other hand, is relatively solemn!

Fifty percent of Frieza's strength is enough to have a combat power of [-] million.

And once all the power is released, Frieza's combat power will be able to directly exceed [-] million!Such days!

The multiplied combat power, hundreds of millions of combat power, is far from what Li Zhenwu can match now.

"So, only all eight doors are open?"

Li Zhenwu sighed slightly!

The so-called Bamen Dunjia, the consumption and burden of the body is not a joke!After Jagged Kai released the Eight Gates of Dunjia, his vitality was overdrawn and his body collapsed and nearly died.

And Li Zhenwu is no better!After all, although he is countless times stronger than Jie Xue Kai's basic physical fitness, in the same way, what he uses to increase his strength is also his own strength!So the body will suffer the corresponding side effects!

Therefore, even if he used the state of the eight-door Dunjia fully open, he would inevitably collapse afterward!

But fortunately, he still has a big killer like the fairy bean...

Moreover, in addition to Xiandou, he also has the same ability as a 'sacred tree incarnation'. He has the energy of yin and yang in his body. If he can hardly be injured, or in other words, the healing ability of yang is a pervert!

Therefore, Li Zhenwu was not reconciled to whether his body would not be able to bear it after opening the Eight Gates of Dunjia!

What he is really worried about is whether he can solve Frieza with a combat power of [-] million during the period when the eight doors are fully open!

"Never mind, let's try it!"

Seeing that Frieza had unleashed all of his power, the powerful aura seemed to fill the vast vacuum of the entire universe, Li Zhenwu gritted his teeth, knowing that he should not hesitate.

So, when Frieza was about to come over, Li Zhenwu shouted violently!

"Eight-door Dunjia! All open! Open open open!"

Following Li Zhenwu's words, his aura suddenly skyrocketed!

Moreover, the golden chakra on Li Zhenwu's body was burning and rising violently, as dazzling as the golden sun!

Li Zhenwu's aura is also constantly getting stronger.

"How can he get stronger?" Frieza was shocked.

"Isn't this really a Super Saiyan?" King Vegeta murmured, Li Zhenwu's appearance is somewhat different from the legendary Super Saiyan.

But the power created at this moment made King Vegeta think that nothing could be so powerful!

"Father, is this the legendary Super Saiyan?" Vegeta looked at Li Zhenwu at the moment and asked his father.

"I don't know either." King Vegeta shook his head. Even now, he can't say for sure whether Li Zhenwu's state at this time is the legendary Super Saiyan!

On the other side, the startled Frieza had already arrived in front of Li Zhenwu.

Looking at the 'golden light' all over his body, he couldn't help but wonder if the legendary Super Saiyan was so powerful?

Unlike King Vegeta, he already believes that Li Zhenwu's current state is to become a Super Saiyan.


Li Zhenwu's eight doors are fully open, and his various qualities, as well as his body, have been strengthened again! , originally had less than [-] million combat power, but at this moment it has already exceeded [-] million!

The ultimate physique, the Eight Gates Dunjia, has shown the greatest improvement in history in his hands!

It directly increased his power by almost [-] million!

After that, Li Zhenwu didn't dare to stop, and he had already bullied him to fight Frieza.

Because of the full opening of the eight doors, the strength has increased by more than ten times, and Li Zhenwu's body has already been greatly burdened, and it is even faintly about to collapse.

Therefore, he has to fight quickly!

"Come on! Frieza!"

Li Zhenwu jumped!The whole body exudes a dazzling golden light!The body is also accompanied by small golden lightning!Like a god in the universe, heading towards Frieza!

Frieza's breath is extremely evil, her appearance is ferocious, and her aura is huge. At this moment, she and Li Zhenwu's team are like a powerful and incomparably dark and evil evil spirit!

At this moment, a peak duel that is rare in the universe burst out between them!

Chapter [-] The real transformation!

Li Zhenwu originally had the divine tree physique after swallowing the fruit of the divine tree, and the chakra in his body was almost 'endless'.

At this moment, after he has fully opened his eight armors, the potential of his body has been tapped to the limit, and chakra is extracted more violently.

Therefore, the chakra overflowed directly from the body, causing him to rise up with golden arrogance-like chakra, which also caused a scene like the transformation of a Saiyan.

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