But in fact the two are very different.

Li Zhenwu originally had a combat power of several million to nearly [-] million. After the eight doors were fully opened, the combat power soared to [-] million!

It is really a terrifying increase. Even if he uses the world king boxing that he has not completely mastered, he may not be able to use the world king boxing ten times.

So Bamen Dunjia is still very useful to him.

The only downside is that it needs a quick fix.


Li Zhenwu, who was radiating golden light like a bright sun, collided with Frieza, who was full of evil and dark aura.

The two forces are intertwined and tangled!

One is like light and the other is like darkness. The two strongest forces are colliding, causing waves in the eternal universe.

At least, in the space above this level of the universe, on the other side of the land of the dead, in the world called the Realm King Realm, there are several people who are respected as the supreme and powerful gods of the realm king, and are quietly paying attention to this place.

"Fliza is deflated? How rare!"

"Who is that opponent, the legendary Super Saiyan?"

"Friza, the destroyer of the universe, finally met his opponent."

After the strength of the two reached hundreds of millions, their battle became more intense!Originally, there were a group of Saiyans watching the battle tens of thousands of kilometers away from them, and Frieza's subordinates had to stay away again at this moment to avoid being affected by the aftermath of the battle!

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Li Zhenwu and Frieza fought even faster, attacking each other hundreds of times a second!

Moreover, at this moment, almost every attack strength, if it falls on the planet, is to pay attention to the attack of destroying a planet!

One hundred strokes!Two hundred strokes!A thousand strokes!

A thousand strokes, just less than a minute!

The two are almost indistinguishable from the battle, but... Li Zhenwu's body could barely hold up, and was on the verge of collapse!

So much so, that Li Zhenwu's attack was also somewhat weak!

"Bang!" Frieza caught a flaw and punched Li Zhenwu!

"Hahaha, it looks like you can't do it!"

Frieza sneered evilly: "I didn't expect your state to be so unsustainable!"

With that said, Frieza chased after him, another savage blow!


Li Zhenwu vomited blood and was on the verge of collapsing. At this time, the eight-door Dunjia had already overloaded his body!

After all, the combat power of hundreds of millions is not something that can be increased in vain!

"Ahem, there is still a gap between the Eight Gates Dunjia and the King of Worlds."

After Li Zhenwu coughed and spat out a mouthful of blood, he couldn't help thinking.

The side effects of World King Fist are not as short-lived as Bamen Dunjia.

Moreover, the increase of the World King Fist is simple and direct, and can be increased by a maximum of twenty times.

And now Li Zhenwu, with his own combat power of almost [-] million, uses the Eight-door Dunjia, but his strength has increased by more than ten times!

And this is the limit.

Frieza flew over at this time, not in a hurry, as if the victory was in hand: "Looking at your appearance, it seems that the state just now can't last."

After saying that, Frieza gave a sinister grin: "Then, you will be like a lamb that I will slaughter."

While speaking, Frieza flew towards Li Zhenwu.

"Fliza won?"

Because of the stagnation of the battle between the two, bystanders also saw the general situation, and King Vegeta was shocked.

But Frieza's two subordinates looked happy: "King Frieza is really amazing..."

"Even a Super Saiyan is no match for King Frieza!"

"Damn." At this time, Li Zhenwu stopped his eight-door Dunjia state, and his body was already difficult to move, but he was also in the process of rapid self-repair, and it would not be long before he would continue to have combat effectiveness.

However, "Even if the eight doors are fully open, it may not be Frieza's opponent if it continues!"

Li Zhenwu couldn't help but think.

Frieza has a combat power of [-] million, and Li Zhenwu only has a combat power of about [-] million even if he has all the eight-door Dunjia fully open, so he could not suppress Frieza just now, but he was evenly matched. .

Seeing Frieza getting closer and closer to him, Li Zhenwu gritted his teeth.

"As of now, that's the only way to do it!"

Thinking, Li Zhenwu raised his hand and swallowed a fairy bean.

Suddenly, the body that was on the verge of collapsing but was repairing quickly became more intact.

"Huh?" Frieza snorted lightly and noticed the abnormal state of Li Zhenwu.

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