On the side, Wukong's face also showed curiosity, obviously also curious about this question.

However, Li Zhenwu did not directly answer this question: "This, you will know when you have a chance in the future."

Now, Li Zhenwu's true combat power is indeed not told to them.

After all, the current combat effectiveness of Li Zhenwu is a bit shocking to the entire earth.

So Li Zhenwu decided that it would be better to hide his identity first.

Then, Goku and Krillin asked a lot of questions respectively.

Among them, Goku also learned that he was on Planet Vegeta, as well as his father and mother, and was very happy.

"When I grow up, I must go back to Planet Vegeta to meet my parents." Goku said excitedly.

Li Zhenwu sighed slightly, and then told Wukong some other things about Saiyans.

"Actually, it's not an exception to be exiled to other planets like Goku."

Li Zhenwu said: "The Saiyans actually have a very good memory. They usually remember their own infancy, so when these babies are released to other planets, they will give them a task!"

"That is to grow up on this planet, then conquer it, and then be eligible to return to Planet Vegeta. And because Saiyans are inherently evil by nature, this strange rule has continued."

"Wow, so Wukong is here to conquer the earth?" Krillin said in surprise.

"It doesn't count now." Li Zhenwu shook his head and said, "Wukong has lost his memory, so what happened when he was a child has nothing to do with him."

"Furthermore, the Saiyans conquered the planet only because of their evil nature. The current Wukong's character has been completely terrestrial, and naturally he will not do such a thing." Li Zhenwu explained.

"So that's how it is." Krillin scratched his bald head.

Afterwards, they chatted a lot.

And Goku and Zhenwu are already close enough.

At the same time, Li Zhenwu also knew where the current plot has developed.

The current Sun Wukong has been practicing alone for three years, and because of the [-]nd Martial Arts Conference, he specially prepared to join Kelin as soon as possible.

Goku is full of confidence and is determined to win a championship this time.

"Uncle Zhenwu, where do you live? When I come back from the martial arts conference, I will find you."

Finally, Sun Wukong said.

Li Zhenwu pondered for a while: "I have wandered in the universe for many years, and this time I came to Earth. Since you are here, I will stay here for a while."

"But I just came to Earth, so I don't have a fixed residence yet." Li Zhenwu thought about it and said, "I'm quite interested in the World Martial Arts Conference you mentioned, why don't I go and see it with you. "

Li Zhenwu finally made such a decision, and Wukong cheered and expressed his happiness for Li Zhenwu's decision.

Ke Lin scratched his bald head: "Uncle Zhenwu, what are you going to do, Wukong's somersault cloud, only he can sit."

"You just need to tell me where the address is." Li Zhenwu waved his hand and said, "We will move forward separately, and then we will meet at the martial arts conference."

I have to say that the timing of Li Zhenwu's arrival on Earth was a coincidence.

Just a few days later, it will be the Martial Arts Conference.

For the martial arts conference, Li Zhenwu has been famous for a long time.

The martial arts conference, which can be said to be the characteristic of Dragon Ball, runs through the entire plot for decades.

Basically, all the powerful characters in Dragon Ball will go to the martial arts conference.

Although Li Zhenwu's strength is now strong enough, he still couldn't help but feel a little excited when he heard this martial arts conference.

"Otherwise, suppress your strength and go for a try." Li Zhenwu finally thought to himself.

He participated in the martial arts conference, not because he wanted to win a championship.

More, it is a kind of nostalgia, and the focus is on participation.

Li Zhenwu, who had decided in this way, immediately went to the world's first martial arts conference!

However, in order to participate in this martial arts conference, Li Zhenwu changed his clothes and took off his battle uniform.

Otherwise, just by wearing this high-tech battle suit, no one will be able to break his defense at the current No. [-] Martial Arts Conference in the world.

In addition, Li Zhenwu also used other means to suppress his identity, and to participate in the world's first martial arts conference, he decided to use a vest.

Two days later, the World's No. [-] Martial Arts Conference will open.

Audiences from all over the world, as well as some martial artists, all gathered together, making the city look very lively.

And Wukong and Kelin also gathered together with their other friend Yamucha, who was considered a friend, and Turtle Immortal.

The innocent Wukong, and Kelin, who is not too thoughtful, couldn't help but tell the turtle fairy about Wukong's 'acknowledgement' when they got together with the turtle fairy.

"What? Wukong is an alien?" Immortal Turtle, who had just learned the news, was also stunned.

It also made Krillin, who told the news, feel very interesting: "Yeah, Goku is a race called 'Saiyan'! Known as a cosmic fighting nation, the characteristic of this Saiyan is that everyone has a tail , the uncle Zhenwu we saw has the same tail as Wukong!"

"It's no wonder that the child Wukong is so talented. It turned out to be a nation born to fight."

Immortal Turtle supported his crutches and said thoughtfully.

Chapter [-] Competition and Turtle Immortal

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