Unlike the pure Wukong and the effective Krillin, Turtle Immortal is an old fox who has lived for many years.

After learning about the origin of Sun Wukong and the background of the Saiyans, he began to doubt whether Li Zhenwu's purpose in coming to earth was really just wandering in the universe, and then came here by accident.

Because according to Keling's retelling, Saiyans are a race that almost enjoys conquering and destroying. So, is this the case with Li Zhenwu?

If this is the case, is there anyone on earth who can deal with such a Li Zhenwu?

Turtle Immortal considered this question.

Therefore, Immortal Turtle also decided that before the martial arts conference, he would also meet Li Zhenwu, who is Wukong's 'same clan'!

Quietly, Li Zhenwu has come here.

However, he didn't go to Wukong immediately to join him, but when he entered the city, he found a remote location and quietly picked up a seal.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

'Boom! ' sound.

A white light flashed, and a shadow clone appeared beside Li Zhenwu.

In the Naruto world, because of the final devouring of the divine tree, the chakra in Li Zhenwu's body has not only reached an unprecedented realm, but also can use all kinds of ninjutsu.

Now, Li Zhenwu used the technique of shadow clone.

Shadow Clone Jutsu can be said to be quite a magical ninjutsu, almost recreating a 'self'.

Because the avatar created by the shadow avatar technique can not only have its own autonomy, but also be able to move freely and even play it by itself, and when the avatar is released, it can also spread the real-time exposure to the main body.

Now, Li Zhenwu released a shadow clone and gave the shadow clone a certain degree of chakra.

This chakra is not too strong, not strong enough to move mountains and reclaim the sea, but it is definitely not weak.

This is what Li Zhenwu intends to use to participate in the preparations for the world's No. [-] Martial Arts Club!Use Shadow Clone to participate!

In this way, you can directly limit your own strength, and you can play to your heart's content.

Looking at the shadow clone who looked exactly like himself, Li Zhenwu touched his chin and thought about it: "You should change your image, and in the martial arts club, you can just use ninjutsu."

"Okay." The shadow clone nodded, and then instantly formed the seal, and the next moment there was a 'bang', changing its appearance.

The changed shadow avatar is a typical Naruto world ninja dress, and with a plain face, it will never make people associate with Li Zhenwu.

"Not bad, not bad." Li Zhenwu nodded with great satisfaction, and he also had more expectations for the next martial arts meeting.

Li Zhenwu thought that when he was in Naruto World, he often used the martial arts of Dragon Ball World.

And now at the world's No. [-] martial arts meeting in the Dragon Ball world, he uses the ninjutsu of the ninja world to fight against the warriors of Dragon Ball, so it must be very interesting.

After changing the shadow clone and letting the shadow clone sign up to participate in the world's No. [-] martial arts meeting, Li Zhenwu's body also went to find Wukong to join as promised.

According to Li Zhenwu's current strength, it was easy to lock Wukong's breath in the city.

Then he walked over in a hurry.

Sun Wukong and Ke Lin, as well as the group of Turtle Immortals, are all familiar faces of the world's No. [-] Martial Arts Society.

Therefore, they directly received the treatment of being received.

When Li Zhenwu went to find them, Wukong was still training with Kelin in the gym here.

However, as soon as Li Zhenwu came here, he was noticed by Wukong.

"Uncle Zhenwu!" Wukong shouted, and then ran over: "I've been waiting for you for a while."

"After all, it's still not as fast as your somersault cloud..."

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly.

"Hello, Uncle Zhenwu." Ke Lin also came over and said hello to Li Zhenwu.

On the other side, Yamucha, who was training here with Wukong, also discovered Li Zhenwu here.

At this moment, Yamucha is not like the original desert robber.Today, he is also under the door of Immortal Turtle, wearing the clothes of Immortal Turtle, with his alien partner 'Pool' beside him...

"Are you Wukong's uncle? Hello, I'm Yamucha." Yamucha looked at Li Zhenwu curiously, then walked over to greet Li Zhenwu.

The current Li Zhenwu did not hide the tail behind him, so at this moment, 'Pool' beside Yamucha said with a surprised expression: "It's really like Wukong, he has a tail."

"Hi, how are you." Li Zhenwu greeted them with a smile.

In Naruto World, Li Zhenwu once exchanged abilities and martial arts from the system, including those from Yamucha and Poole in front of him, so Li Zhenwu still has a good impression of them.

"Uncle Zhenwu, Teacher Wutian wants to meet you." Wukong said directly, without any intentions.

3.9 And Li Zhenwu pretended not to know: "Who is Teacher Wu Tian?"

"It's our master, the best martial arts master in the world." Ke Lin added on the side, and ruthlessly complained: "It's just a **** old man."

"Who is speaking ill of this immortal behind his back?"

As soon as Ke Lin's voice fell, he heard such a sentence. Suddenly, Ke Lin tightly closed his mouth and made an innocent appearance: "Who is it? Who is speaking ill of Teacher Wu Tian?"

Li Zhenwu turned his head and saw that in his previous life, he admired and reminisced about the past, and in today's Dragon Ball universe, he has a very extraordinary status as a turtle fairy.

The Turtle Immortal looked old, with white hair and beard, but bright eyes, wearing a beach suit, and was looking at Li Zhenwu at the moment.

Chapter [-] The Invitation of the Turtle Immortal!

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