when choosing a number.

Krillin whispered: "I hope not to touch Li Locke, otherwise it will be miserable, his attack is too weird."

Unlike him, Goku is looking forward to the lottery, but the Saiyan's eager blood for a powerful opponent is driving him.Looking forward to the draw to be able to duel with Yin anger!And last year's champion, Cheng Long, had already been left behind by him.

The shadow clone draws a number under the spotlight.

Referee: "Li Locke drew No. [-]! The opponent is...Dumpling contestant!"

Dumpling is a little boy like a porcelain doll with only three hairs left on his head. He has this pink | tender cheeks and looks very cute.

However, if ordinary people underestimate him so much, they will definitely suffer.Because his strength is seriously inconsistent with his appearance, and because of his naive and simple nature, 560 was taught by the Hexianren, but he was ignorant and extremely vicious to his opponents.

Just when everyone regretted that he met the shadow clone, and felt that Dumpling would not be the opponent of the shadow clone.However, Tianjin Fan showed a wicked smile and sneered: "Let him continue to be proud, he will be surprised when Dumplings appear!"

The referee with a suit and leather shoes, yellow hair and a pair of black sunglasses announced on the stage: "The next game will be No. [-] Dumpling vs No. [-] Li Locke! Li Locke is a strange person who can make a small moon, and this Dumpling Not much inferior, the attack method is very interesting! Let's look forward to the next game!"

Dumplings with a cute face floated in the air and floated into the field under the surprised eyes of people.

The way he moves is very strange, especially for the earthlings who haven't seen anything in the market!Although it seems to be normal in the shadow clone.

Because no matter whether Dumpling uses his super power or levitating from the air, for the current Li Zhenwu, he can do the same.


With steady steps, he stepped onto the ring step by step amid the fiery cheers of the audience.

In the arena, the shadow clone looked at the various enthusiastic audiences who were shouting excitedly under the stage. Once again, Sensen felt the mentality of people in this world to join in the fun.

"It's no wonder that there have been waves of deaths and so many viewers come to see the martial arts meeting every time." Li Zhenwu couldn't help but complain.

At this moment, the dull and cute Dumpling said, "Is your name Li Luoke?"

"Well, that's right."

"Do you want to admit defeat, or I'll bake you into coke." He said seriously, but his child's appearance was quite unconvincing.

Otherwise, there would not have been a hapless person who was almost electrocuted by him in the last round.

"I want to try it out, let's get started."

As Li Locke's voice fell, the dumplings that were calmly suspended on the table accelerated instantly!Leaving trails of phantoms that slide in parallel like ghosts!Neither feet nor arms move at all.

At this moment, he slammed towards Li Zhenwu like a cannonball, so fast that even ordinary people's eyes couldn't catch it.

"It's amazing." Off the stage, Kelin and Yamucha looked at them and felt that the speed of the dumplings on the stage was even faster than their own. Most importantly, the way the dumplings moved at the moment was very strange to them, and they didn't even have a foot. landing.

In this era, Wukong and others have not yet mastered the air dance technique, and the way the dumplings move is undoubtedly a great shock to them.

The following scene surprised them even more.

Facing the high-speed and destructive attack of Dumplings!In the 'crisis' of the shadow clone, he actually escaped from the shackles of gravity and floated like a dumpling, and he floated faster!Easily dodge the dumpling's attack.

Then, the others were stunned.

"He can fly too??"

The host in a suit and leather shoes couldn't help holding the microphone and exclaimed, "Player Li Luo actually flew up!"

He Xianren was shocked and said: "What's going on? How can he know the secret technique that is not known to us Hexian - Dance of the Sky!"

At this time, Immortal Crane carefully observed the shadow clone, but found that the way the shadow clone flew up was exactly the same as his 'Dance of the Sky'.

Tianjin Fan was silent, carefully looking at the shadow clone on the stage.Said: "His air dance is very skilled, obviously he didn't just learn it."

"You must get rid of him! Don't let the air dance technique leak out!" He Xianren also said so.

He was naive, but he didn't know that in the future, his current esoteric 'Dance of the Sky' would become the standard Z fighter of Dragon Ball...

In their shock, Dumplings have launched a swift and violent offensive.Unlike Goku and others, his attack method is super power.

The [-]-kilogram white stones laid on the ring were easily lifted up by him through his superpowers, and turned into regular small stones like deadly sand filling the sky, rushing toward Li Zhenwu.



This whirlwind of white stone fragments has already turned into a small long tornado at this moment, and the audience and even Sun Wukong, who were blown by the wind, had to close their eyes or squinted to watch this strange scene.

They sighed inwardly.

"Why is Roque Li missing? Was he caught in this sand storm?"

"This dumpling is so strong! It looks so cute, but it's so cruel. I'm afraid Li Locke will be disabled if he doesn't lose."

Dumplings remained unshakable, and still stretched out his hands. A wave of transparent abilities rippled from the palm of his hand, and invisible waves rolled toward the shadow avatar.

This process of dumplings has been maintained for more than ten seconds!Even he was struggling to continue.Fortunately, it seemed to be worth it, because he didn't hear Li Locke's voice, presumably dead or seriously injured.

"are you tired?"

Li Lock quietly appeared behind him.

Dumpling turned his head and finally showed a surprised expression after seeing him.

Doubtful and startled, he asked, "Why did you suddenly run behind me?"

Chapter [-] Provocation

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