"Of course it ran behind you when you didn't see it." The shadow clone smiled slightly, and then the whole person suddenly moved.

For a while, Dumpling panicked and couldn't help but immediately activated his own defense measures, "Superpower - Mind Defense!"

He responded quickly, but for his shadow clone who was determined to defeat it, these were all in vain!

The left hand of the shadow clone escaped with a crackling blue electric current, like a small silver snake coiled around.



When the large amount of chakra condensed in the left hand touched the dumpling shield, the invisible shield cracked and dissipated, and the chakra was like a awake wild beast madly wrapped around the already thin dumpling.

The numbness and stinging pain of the electric current are constantly piercing like thin needles, and the body is clad!But it can't bring any physical|visible_trauma.

The dumplings, who couldn't bear the stinging pain, couldn't help screaming in pain: "Ah—"

The shadow clone didn't really hurt his thoughts. Dumplings heavily relied on Tianjin Rice and Hexianren, and their own evil and righteousness depended on him.This porcelain doll-like dumpling itself is very simple.

With the palm of his right hand, the dumplings flew out. He was paralyzed and could no longer use the air dance technique. He rolled and fell to the bottom of the ring.

Tianjin Fan, who has always been in love with the dumplings, rushed up for the first time. The moment he touched the dumplings, he felt the sore and numb pain, and he couldn't help looking at Li Locke with three fire-breathing eyes.

Then Tianjin Fan said angrily: "Li Luo, you'd better pray not to be in a group with me!"

Tianjin Fa has made up his mind. If he encounters this 'Li Locke' in the game, he must do his best to avenge the dumplings.

On the ring, the shadow clone waved his hand, and the blue current entrenched on it dissipated and turned into a shimmer of light. He did not take the threat of Tianjin Fan seriously.

The results of the first round of the competition did not exceed people's expectations. Although Dumpling's initial performance was amazing, it was much inferior to the shadow clone's vest 'Li Locke'.

After the game, the shadow avatar suspended by the wall with the air dance technique and watched other people's game.

Afterwards, the matchup will be Tianjin Fan vs. Yamucha.

The two have long been in conflict, and this game can also be seen as the end of personal grievances.Yamucha's strength has greatly improved since he worshipped Immortal Turtle as his teacher, but...he is not a match for Tianjin Fan.

really!The gap in the attack was noticed by Tianjin Fan, a wrong step, a wrong step!It was soon defeated.


Unable to resist, he fell on the ring, facing him who had lost the ability to resist.However, Tianjin Fan jumped and hit his right knee with the force of the fall.

"Bang." "Crack—"

The huge pain at the moment of the fracture of the bone made Yamucha faint before even crying.

After finishing these Tianjin meals, he looked at the 'shadow clone' outside the ring with a provocative expression on his face.

… As the referee declares Tianjin Fan the winner, the next round begins.

This is also the game that Li Luo is most interested in, the duel between Wukong and Krillin!These two warriors who are close friends from the beginning to the end of the story, the gap will really widen today.



Fighting back and forth, although the two are teenagers, the battle is full of loopholes in Li Zhenwu's view, but the game itself is quite exciting.Exciting struggles don’t necessarily have to be advanced, and even going all out has a certain effect!

The two of them are like that at the moment.Sun Wukong used several tricks he often used, and Ke Lin also used the stunt of the turtle immortal - Turtle School Qigong beyond everyone's imagination!

The wonderful battle lasted for more than twenty minutes.You must know that this kind of battle is very physically exhausting, and it is conceivable how hard the two of them can fight for 1 minutes.

At about the same time, Li Zhenwu had already sensed Kelin's defeat and whispered, "Wukong is going to win."

Immortal Turtle, who had been observing him since the beginning, couldn't help but be a little surprised: "What a keen insight."

On the stage, Ke Lin happened to be knocked off the ring.

… Of the four qualifying matches, the fourth is probably the most boring.Cheng Long's opponent was an idol boxer, and he attracted the attention of many young girls at the beginning of the match.

But the results of the game were not ideal.

On one side is a good/sexy old man, and on the other side is a handsome and handsome man.The approval ratings are completely incomparable, but the young beautiful man was knocked off the field by the immortal turtle's wretched fart.

Referee: "The winner is Cheng Long! The next four finalists have been determined: Li Luo, Sun Wukong, Tianjin Fan, Cheng Long! After the noon break, the semi-finals will officially start in the afternoon."

The spectators left the arena unsatisfied, discussing the final winner of the game.

"I think it should still be a lon. He was the champion last time. It's really amazing."

"Chenglong? No, I think he's getting old. Tianjin Fan should be able to win."

"I don't like Tianjin Rice, he's too brutal, I think Li Locke should be the winner!"

"I think it should also be Li Locke."

Sun Wukong was automatically ignored by them. Although this little guy had a wonderful game, after all, he was only in his teens and had to fight with his peers.

The backyard of the arena.

In a place where the sundries were piled up, an old man, a strong man, a young man, and three people vaguely surrounded the indifferent man.It was Li Locke who was surrounded!And these three people are Hexianren, Tianjin Rice and Dumplings.

Immortal Crane threatened: "Boy, don't blame me for not warning you. Tell me, where did you steal the air dance skills you learned from."

The shadow clone looks like a ninja, and there is no change in the face of the three, but there is some interest in his tone: "Isn't this simple skill easy to learn?"

Immortal Crane was immediately enraged by him and was about to start.Cheng Long, Sun Wukong, Ke Lin, and Li Zhenwu just happened to pass by here.

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