Naruto: Sakura Blizzard

Chapter 72 What a great sadomasochistic romance drama [Part 2] [Chapter Three]

"He's not my son..."

In the picture, Uchiha Fuyue suddenly reached out and grabbed the African version of Sasuke, and then fell hard to the ground.


Uchiha Itachi, who was watching the play in front of the screen, exclaimed, only to feel a pain in his chest and almost fell to the ground.

"I said you're enough, brother-in-law didn't come from you like that!"

Sakura's head is full of black lines, Uchiha Itachi's brother-control problem is almost useless, or the Uchiha family, if there are two brothers, do they all have brother-control problems?

"I know this is an illusion and it's fake, but I can't control it!"

Uchiha Itachi laughed embarrassingly, this is a feeling from the heart, and it is not something he can control.

"Can you explain to me..."

Uchiha Fuyue looked at the screen with fiery eyes, and his teeth were gnashing like sparks. "Why am I always the bad guy in fantasy?"

Uchiha Fuyue is angry. Although he is indifferent to the enemy, he is very gentle to his family. How can he become a scum when he arrives in the illusion? !

"No way, who made Aunt Mikoto like you? If you want to open the kaleidoscope, you must suffer the pain of losing a loved one, and making Aunt Mikoto despair for you is just the first step, don't worry, your image will follow. There will be a reversal!"

Sakura made a promise, if that's the case, of course, it's impossible for Uchiha Mikoto to feel the pain of losing a loved one, but things like the plot can only be more powerful after they are reversed.

In the picture, Uchiha Mikoto burst into tears. She watched her husband throw her second son on the ground. She wanted to stop her, but she was weak because she had just given birth to a child, and she fell off the hospital bed. , It hurts, but the pain in the body can never compare with the pain in the heart.

"Hmph..." Uchiha Fuyue snorted coldly in the illusion and left the ward. Uchiha Itachi also left blankly, leaving Uchiha Mikoto alone lying on the cold ground crying silently.

The pictures on the screen are constantly changing, Uchiha Fuyue and other women in Konoha Village are indulging in sensuality, and even doing those things in front of Uchiha Mikoto, Uchiha Itachi has nothing to this mother. Her smile, whether it was from the Uchiha clan or other people in Konoha Village, all pointed at Uchiha Mikoto. Overnight, she seemed to be the target of a thousand people.

Day by day, Uchiha Mikoto watched Uchiha Fugaku laugh and play with other women every day, and the desperation in her heart turned her into a walking dead.

"When will the plot be reversed?!" Uchiha Fugaku in front of the screen couldn't sit still. If this goes on, when Mikoto wakes up, will she not be able to tell the difference between fantasy and reality, and then she will fight with herself? !

"It's already here!" A smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Ying's mouth. Only when the plot was reversed would it be enough to stimulate people.

In the picture, Uchiha Mikoto shuts herself in a small and dark room every day, her eyes are dull, but no one sees the slowly rotating Sangou jade in her eyes, as if everyone ignores this.

Knowing that in the middle of the night, the Uchiha family's station suddenly sounded a series of shouts and killings. The sound of fire and explosion continued to appear within the scope of the station, and the mourning spread into Uchiha Mikoto's ears, making her eyes show a trace. fluctuation.


Uchiha Fugaku, dressed as a ninja, pushed open the door with a sullen face and walked in, holding two seal scrolls in his hands.

"Mikoto, listen to me, get out of here now, leave Konoha Village, and don't come back!"

"What?" Uchiha Mikoto's expression was sluggish, is she trying to drive herself out? !

"Sorry, Mikoto, I have wronged you these days!" Uchiha Fuyue suddenly hugged Uchiha Mikoto, and whispered in her ear: "Konoha is killing the Uchiha family, in order to protect the Uchiha family. The flame of the Uchiha family, I have sent Sasuke secretly, that day was fake, I was very selfish, in order to give you a chance to escape and take care of Sasuke, I can only deliberately act to stimulate you and make you gradually fade out of everyone I will stop them later, run away quickly, and find a hidden place with Sasuke to live well in the future..."

"Fuyue..." Uchiha Mikoto's eyes were full of shock, is all this fake?

"Remember to tell Sasuke that his father loves him very much, and that if there is an afterlife, I still want to be your husband..."

Uchiha Fuyue dropped a kiss on Uchiha Mikoto's forehead, turned around resolutely and rushed out.


Uchiha Mikoto staggered to her feet and ran to the door, but what she saw was a picture of Uchiha Fuyue being pierced through his chest by several knives. At this time, Uchiha Fuyue turned his head slightly and was bleeding. The corners of his mouth opened, and he said a word silently.

"I love you……"

Everything stopped as if time and space stood still, but the three hook jade in Uchiha Mikoto's eyes spun very fast, and finally turned into a four-cornered shuriken pattern.

The blows, grievances, pains, and despair that I had suffered before were completely reversed at the last moment. It turned out that everything before was to protect myself, but this hope has just risen, but I saw with my own eyes that my husband who was silently protecting me died. In front of myself, before dying, I said I love you so gently.

The violent fluctuations in her heart finally made Uchiha Mikoto open the kaleidoscope writing wheel.

"Why did I die so miserably?" Uchiha Fuyue was very depressed, why did he just hang up after he was whitewashed? And it was still so embarrassing that several people poked them in the opposite direction.

"If you didn't die, Aunt Mikoto's mood would definitely not fluctuate so violently. After such a long period of despair, a glimmer of hope instantly arose after you've been whitewashed. The hope that was suppressed to the extreme was the strongest. And then at this time, you sacrificed heroically. You just raised hope and then fell to the bottom in an instant. This despair is stronger than in the days before, and the confession before your death has deepened the pain in Aunt Mikoto's heart. Layer upon layer, Aunt Mikoto opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel!"

Sakura explained a little, and then laughed very narrowly. "But Uncle Fuyue, what you should be concerned about now is not this, but Aunt Mikoto. The psychological impact just now can easily change Aunt Mikoto's personality. You should take advantage of the fact that you care about her and let her feel your love. Only then can Aunt Mikoto calm down better!"

"What?!" Uchiha Fuyue frowned, if Uchiha Mikoto was injured, then this kaleidoscope writing wheel eye might as well not be opened.

"Hurry up and go!" Sakura threw a look you know at Uchiha Fuyue. "Hurry up and take Auntie Mikoto back to the room to comfort him, maybe he can add a younger brother or sister to Sasuke!"

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