Naruto: Sakura Blizzard

Chapter 73 How sweet is it now, it will be more cruel [fourth more]

Uchiha Fuyue Heng picked up Uchiha Mikoto, who was tearing at his chest and crying, and went to the bedroom. Sakura rolled her eyes and walked calmly in the direction Uchiha Fuyue left.

"What are you going to do?!" Uchiha Itachi grabbed Sakura and told him intuitively that Sakura was probably going to cause trouble.

"Aren't you curious?" Sakura Thief said with a smile. "Brother Itachi, don't you want to know how Uncle Fuyue comforts Aunt Mikoto?"

"I don't want to!" Itachi Uchiha was unmoved. He was indeed only thirteen years old, but he didn't understand anything. He wasn't interested in listening to the corner of the wall, let alone the corner of his own father.

"Okay, then, I would like to hear what kind of love words that Uncle Fuyue's serious face can say!" Sakura is a little disappointed, Uchiha Fuyue has always been a very serious image, such people say earthy words of love It may be difficult to comfort people.

"However, Big Brother Itachi, please go and call Sister Quan over. I want to see if I can open Sister Quan's kaleidoscope too!"

Sakura looked at Uchiha Itachi and said, "Sister Izumi now only has the ability of three hooks and a super-electromagnetic gun. The world will be very chaotic in the future, and I must let Izumi improve her strength as soon as possible!"

"This, Izumi is still young, so you shouldn't be in such a hurry!" Itachi Uchiha's eyes were evasive. In the mental space just now, his father's plot really made him a little unacceptable. If you do it again, and the protagonist is himself If so, he's really going crazy.

"Brother Itachi, don't worry, I won't use the plot just now. It's boring to use the same plot twice!" Of course Sakura knew what Uchiha Itachi was worried about, but she was going to change the plot this time. After watching so many heart-busting TV series and novels, this kind of plot is very simple to make up. When the time comes, I will use the soul gem to amplify the emotions of Uchiha Izumi, which is guaranteed to stimulate the opening of the kaleidoscope writing wheel.

"Alright then!" Uchiha Itachi hesitated for a while, then turned around and went out to find Uchiha Izumi.

In the mental space, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui and Sakura stood there, while Uchiha Izumi sat cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed. A snowflake flashed across the screen in the sky, and then a figure appeared.

"Is this ninja school?"

Uchiha Itachi and Shisui recognized it at a glance. The picture on the screen was the classroom of the ninja school.

In the picture, Uchiha Izumi secretly uses the corner of his eye to look at Uchiha Itachi, who is sitting beside him, but when the other party turns his head, he instantly withdraws his eyes, and looks like a little fan girl, so that Uchi who is watching outside. Bo Weasel was sober in his heart.

The plot in the picture is constantly changing. Uchiha Izumi, who has a crush on Uchiha Itachi, was assigned to the same class when he graduated from the ninja school, and the relationship between the two gradually changed.

"I graduated at the wrong age!"

Uchiha Itachi frowned. He hadn't been in the ninja school for so many years, so he opened his Sharinyan early and graduated early.

"Please, Big Brother Itachi, this is an illusion, it's definitely impossible to be the same as reality!"

Sakura covered her face, and if she played according to reality, there would be no sadistic romance.

Uchiha Shisui stood aside, the smile on his face was very stiff, why did he feel panicked when he looked at the picture on the screen?

In the picture, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Izumi have a tacit understanding. When performing tasks, they usually understand each other's meaning with just one look. In their spare time when performing tasks, the two always go to the meatball shop to eat meatballs together. , went for a walk by the river together, even when they were practicing together, the pink bubbles were about to overflow the screen.

Zhishui rubbed his stiff face, he must be Shi Lezhi, and he would come to watch the plot of these two people spreading dog food. A single dog really can't hurt. As a senior, he is still single, Uchiha Itachi But they have already found a girlfriend and confirmed the relationship, and suddenly I feel so sad in my heart.

"Can this plot feel painful?" Uchiha Itachi asked in confusion. He felt so sweet when he saw this, how could it be painful?

"Haha, Brother Itachi, have you heard a word?" Xiao Ying smiled very strangely. "Don't be fooled by the superficial appearance of things. How sweet the plot is now, the more cruel it can be later. If it's not sweet now, it won't feel any more cruel afterward!"

"Also, I think Brother Itachi, you can learn how to flirt with yourself in the fantasy world. Although Sister Quan likes you very much, if you always don't know romance like this, maybe one day Sister Quan will leave you. Well, you must know that the disappointment between couples is accumulated little by little. No matter how much you love you, once the disappointment accumulates too much, that love will eventually be smoothed out. Learn to cherish the person in front of you a lot. , occasionally create a little surprise for her, and relate more to her in the details, so that this kind of love can last forever!"

Sakura looks like a love expert, and she speaks carefully, and Uchiha Shisui secretly pricks up his ears next to him. He wants to learn it so that he can prepare for finding a girlfriend in the future.

"Do you care more about her?!" Uchiha Itachi was thoughtful and decided to wait until tomorrow to go shopping with Izumi Uchiha to enhance his relationship.

In the picture, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Izumi finally determined their relationship. The two hugged each other tightly under the moonlight. The picture was beautiful and harmonious. The time was ticking, and the two had already arrived to talk about marriage. At the age of marriage, everything is so beautiful, and the beauty is like a dream.

However, the good times did not last long. The dream finally came to the day when they woke up. When the two were on a mission, they met a man wearing a one-eyed mask. This man was very powerful, and all his companions were instantly killed. Finally, Only Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Izumi were left, and the masked man gave the two of them a choice. As long as they killed each other, the other could live.

Uchiha Izumi was determined to let Uchiha Itachi kill himself, but at this time, Uchiha Itachi rushed towards her suddenly, waving a weapon in his hand, and Uchiha Izumi was stunned for a moment.

The sound of the blade piercing the flesh sounded, and Uchiha Izumi stared blankly at the man who hugged him.

"Quan, live well..."

Time seems to be frozen at this moment, Uchiha Itachi in the picture himself bumped into Uchiha Izumi's blade.

In Uchiha Izumi's eyes, the three hook jade spins rapidly, and the pain of killing the person he loves with his own hands finally made Uchiha Izumi open the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, three small dark circles on the periphery, and a black line sticks out of the circle. Connected in the middle of the pupil.

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