Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 804: Evil religion (bottom)

 Very strange.

In the eyes of others, the **** Hidan believes in should be the evil god, but why does Hidan, a believer, call his own **** the evil god?

  is the name of God, who was originally the evil god.

Or is it that Hidan is also suffering under the control of the evil god, so when he calls the **** he believes in, he calls him the evil god?


These are things that don't matter. Anyway, Off-road knows that he has to deal with Hidan and just tie him up in front of Orochimaru for experiments. Therefore, looking at the arrogant Hidan, Xue Yue sighed deeply and thought to himself, Hidan, if you really have no strength and dare to scream in front of me, then your result will be ten thousand times more terrifying than death. .

 After all, a guy who cannot die will endure more torture, right?

However, just when Off-Road was thinking of ten thousand ways to torture Hidan, Hidan's figure suddenly disappeared in front of Off-Road, which made Off-Road's pupils shrink slightly.

 “What a fast speed!”

"Based on Hidan's speed, he couldn't even be a scumbag in the original Naruto novel. At the beginning, when I mastered the "Wind Flash Body", my speed was about the same as Hidan. It can be seen that Hidan's The taijutsu is still very good. Shikamaru in the original version of Naruto is really cheating. Otherwise, he has only been practicing taijutsu for just a few months. How could he fight Hidan without falling behind? "

 Hide in his mind, Cross Country uses Kagura's Eyes of Mind to lock onto Hidan's figure.

  Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden "bang"!

Off-road actually used his own flesh and blood to defend himself against the iron thorn that Hidan was holding tightly. No matter how sharp the tip of the iron thorn is, it just can't penetrate into the skin of the cross-country. It is naturally impossible for Hidan to get the blood of the cross-country.

When Hidan saw how solid the cross-country surface was, the pupils in his eyes also narrowed slightly.


 Because, not being able to obtain the blood of Cross Country is equivalent to not being able to use the secret technique and use the weird evil ritual to kill Cross Country.

Hidan can now say that cross-country is one of the most difficult enemies he has ever seen. However, if you want to get blood, there is more than just scratching someone's skin. Therefore, when Hidan discovered that Yuchi's physical fitness was so tough, he rotated his body in mid-air, and Hidan was about to step on Yuchi's chest.

 But just when Hidan's body had just spun around and before he could kick out that kick, Yukio's indifferent voice suddenly echoed in Hidan's ears.

 “You are really too slow.”

  “Gateful flow!”

 “Sharp spear with palm blade!”


Without giving Hidan a chance to kick himself, Hidan slowly stretched out his right palm, and the blue light of the sharp spear directly penetrated Hidan's heart, causing Hidan to lose control of Hidan during the first confrontation with Kidan. In one round, he was seriously injured.

Off-road's use of a sharp spear to pierce Hidan's heart was, of course, just the first step in his attempt to capture Hidan.

 Next second!


The palm-bladed sharp spear suddenly turned into a palm-bladed trident. The blue light accompanying the trident directly tightly bound Hidan's body, making him completely unable to move in mid-air.

 Obviously, although Hidan's strength is much stronger than in the original Hokage, his physical skills are several times stronger than in the original Hokage.

 However, Hidan’s main attack ability is known to Cross Country.

So after knowing Hidan's intelligence, Cross-Country can only take a matter of minutes to deal with Hidan.

 After all, most of the current shadow-level experts can only hold on for a few seconds at most when facing off-road, right?

And when Off-Road used the trident of his palm to restrain Hidan's body, looking at Hidan's painful expression, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Because, when using Kagura's inner eye to perceive, Yue Yue found that the physical energy in Hidan's body was also very terrifying, and it was very similar to the body structure of the ninjas of the Rain Ninja Village he had fought against.

  That is to say, the mystery of the bodies of the ninjas in the Rain Ninja Village may really be related to Hidan. Therefore, I feel that if Orochimaru uses Hidan to conduct research, he will definitely be able to solve the mystery of the body of the ninjas in the Rain Ninja Village. Cross Country is the heart of the situation. When he is fighting against the mastermind behind the Rain Ninja Village, there is no need to fall into the trap. Downwind.

Who would have thought that just when the corner of Xue Yu's mouth raised that smile, Hidan in front of him actually smiled evilly again. Immediately, when the corner of Hidan's mouth raised that evil smile, Cross Country felt a strong spiritual energy behind Hidan's body. Suddenly, following Hidan's direction, it was about to invade his own spiritual energy.

If it weren't for the cross-country's extremely high level of Yin Escape, Hidan's attack of mental energy would have been able to kill the cross-country. It's a pity that Cross Country's Yin Escape skills are notoriously strong in the ninja world, so the spiritual energy coming from behind Hidan not only didn't hurt Cross Country, but also changed the Yin Release brand in Cross Country. When the mental energy was the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path, it was directly turned into nutrients and absorbed by the off-road.

 But why is it that Hidan is still smiling confidently despite absorbing that strong mental energy during cross-country?

 What trump cards did Hidan have that he didn’t use?

 Is it the so-called evil god's power again?

Feeling that something was very wrong with Hidan's situation, Cross Country frowned slightly and was about to use the secret technique of Shadow Escape to further restrain Hidan's power. However, just when the cross-country secret technique of Shadow Escape was about to be used, the terrifying aura that originally filled the blood-stained church turned out to be as the smile on Hidan's face gradually expanded, accompanied by "boom" and "boom" "The sound entered Hidan's body.

When that terrifying aura first entered Hidan's body, he could see it at first. Hidan's body was growing little by little, as if he had used the Akimichi clan's doubling technique. And when Hidan's body, as the terrifying aura invaded, completely transformed into a six-meter-tall giant, standing in front of the cross-country, the last terrifying aura invaded Hidan's body, and he flew away. On Duan's forehead, Cross Country actually saw a trace of purple!

Furthermore, the trace of purple gradually opened up as Hidan's aura increased, turning into a purple vertical eye!

“Could that power be the power of the evil god? Could the vertical eye that Hidan is opening now be the eye of the evil god?”

“Wait a minute, why does the imitation of the eyes give me a familiar feeling?”

“It seems that except for the ripples of the samsara eye in that eye, the rest of it looks like.”

 “They all look very much like the Samsara Eye!”

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