Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 805: Blood as Matchmaker (Part 1)

 Samsara Eye?

After that terrifying aura invaded Hidan's body, Hidan's slowly opened vertical pupils turned out to contain the aura of the Rinnegan Eye, and except that there were no six ripples inside, the rest of the shape was exactly the same as the Rinnegan Eye.

Could it be

Is the evil **** Hidan believes in the legendary Sage of Six Paths?

 Otherwise, how could such strange changes occur on Hidan's body during the moment of the outbreak?


Does the Immortal of Six Paths have a certain relationship with the so-called evil god?

Almost as soon as Hidan's vertical pupil slowly opened, revealing the shape that resembled the Samsara Eye, Cross Country's pupils shrank slightly, obviously very shocked that Hidan was able to open another one after bursting out his own power. The shocking fact about the reincarnation eye. Moreover, after Hidan opened the ripple-less Rinnegan, Cross Country could clearly feel that Hidan in front of him was moving faster, and even the power filled in his body became more terrifying.

 What makes cross-country people feel that they must be treated with dignity is that every few seconds, the physical energy in Hidan's body increases exponentially!

 If this continues, who can be Hidan's opponent?

 Because, it may only take a few minutes, Hidan's physical fitness is able to perfectly crush the Ten-Tails, or the Ten-Tails' body outer demon!

 Seeing that the situation was very bad, while squinting his eyes slightly, he couldn't help but pay attention to the blood-stained church around him. Inside the blood-stained church, it was still so quiet. Except for Cross Country and Hidan, no one was inside. However, when Cross Country paid attention to the situation inside the Blood-stained Church, he suddenly discovered that his Kagura mind was unable to sense Orochimaru outside the Blood-stained Church.

 What's going on?

  Could it be that the blood-stained church had already turned into a so-called realm due to Hidan's explosion?


  Could it be that it is already within the range of the evil god’s power?

It can be said that he never expected that he and Hidan would face so many dangers when they clashed. Cross Country finally understood why Orochimaru was not sure of capturing Hidan. It turned out that Hidan's hidden trump card was actually There are so many. In the original book of Naruto, he died unjustly because many of his trump cards were not used and were calculated by Shikamaru.

And when Cross Country felt that Hidan was a strong enemy, Hidan had that evil smile on his face, harassing Cross Country with words all the time.

All right.

I have to say that Hidan is one of the few who is relatively cheerful in the Akatsuki organization.

 Fighting this guy, you can hear Hidan chattering all the time.

Just like now, Cross Country has to face Hidan's physical attack on one hand, and Hidan's chattering verbal harassment on the other!

“Hahaha, Shadow Mage, your physical skills are just average! Look at me attacking from the left this time!”

“Oh, sorry, I just lied to you. In fact, I was behind you. Are you scared?”

“Blood, that’s the smell of blood! Shadow Mage, you are finally injured, hahahahaha!”

“Wait a minute, that’s not your blood, that’s...”

 “It’s actually my blood?”

Licking the blood stains on his palms, Hidan thought that his verbal attack was effective. He was already injured enough to be able to perform the so-called evil god's ritual. However, when Hidan licked the blood stains on his palms, Hidan suddenly froze there because he discovered that the blood stains on his palms were not from cross-country, but his own blood stains.

 So, when Hidan was stunned there, there was confusion in his heart.

 That is, he was obviously injured in the cross-country. Why was he not injured in the cross-country, but he was injured himself?

With confused thoughts, Hidan once again rushed towards the cross country at high speed. It was very strange that Cross Country, who had never shown a flaw in front of Hidan before, actually showed a flaw again, which made Hidan seize the opportunity very well and once again injured Cross Country's leg with the iron thorn in his hand.

However, just when his eyes showed joy, Hidan felt a sharp pain in his leg.

The pain showed that Hidan's leg was injured.

Sure enough, when his eyes fell on his legs, Hidan's pupils narrowed slightly. He saw the same injury as the cross-country body in front of him, appearing on his body again.

 Let’s talk about off-roading.

 Looking at Hidan's injured appearance, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Zi Yue's mouth.

Especially with this method of treating others with their own methods, when Hidan was seriously injured twice, Cross-country felt that he was in control of Hidan's battle.

 “Victory is getting closer.”

"Everyone thinks that I am proficient in the secret techniques of Yin Escape, mainly using the secret techniques of Shadow Escape, but that is not the case. I learned more about how to use illusions from Shisui and Itachi God, and I have already excellent Yin Escape skills. Escape attainment, now I am also very good at using illusions. At least if Shisui and Itachi are competing in illusions in front of me, it is basically impossible to escape from my illusions. "

"As for Hidan, your taijutsu is very powerful, and the physical energy in your body has doubled. When you compete in taijutsu, even if you combine taijutsu and the secret technique of shadow escape, I can't defeat you now." Yours. Unfortunately, the Yang Escape Secret Technique is powerful, and there must be flaws in the Yin Escape Secret Technique. Just like you, Hidan, your resistance to illusions is basically equal to zero. "

"So, my illusion now happens to be the most suitable illusion to solve your problem!"

"In my illusion space, no matter how you hurt me in the illusion space, in fact, in the real world, Hidan, you are hurting yourself!"


Secretly thinking, Xue Yue suddenly realized that Hidan in front of him had stopped hurting himself, but was frozen in place as if thinking about something. Immediately, a blue light lit up in the palm of the cross-country. With the sharp gun in hand, the cross-country slowly walked up to Hidan and murmured:

"However, to avoid long nights and long dreams, I'd better deal with you first."

“Hidan, your strength has shocked me, now.”

 “It’s time to make a break!”


As soon as Ji Yue finished speaking, the blue light that lit up in his palm struck at Hidan's neck.

 Obviously, Cross Country is like Shikamaru in the original Naruto novel, cutting off Hidan's head to end the battle in front of him. However, just when the off-road sharp spear was about to land on Hidan's neck and cut Hidan's body into two pieces, a phantom suddenly appeared slowly from behind Hidan. It was just when the off-road's sharp-edged gun invaded that it suddenly intercepted it in front of the off-road!

"That is."

 “Is that the **** realm?”

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