Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 808: Weird Mask (Part 1)

"it's over"

When Cross Country used the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to seal the Hell King, Cross Country used huge spiritual energy and successfully sealed the Hell King without a doubt. And Hidan's head and body are separated. Now even though he can curse cross-country, he has no ability to fight. This is because Hidan in the original Naruto novel is like this. Although he has the ability to become immortal, if his head is different from If the body is separated, Hidan will lose all his fighting power.

After the battle, Cross Country took a deep breath, and then a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

 Because after the confrontation with Hidan, Cross Country suddenly gained another trump card.

That trump card is

 The principle of using Hidan’s secret art that uses blood as the medium!

Originally, Cross Country thought that the secret technique used by Hidan must be a secret technique from the Evil God Cult. But when he used his shadow clone to peek into Hidan's memory, even Cross Country never expected that Hidan's The so-called secret technique of the Evil God Cult is actually a secret technique of escape. If we use the concept of cross-country to explain it, the secret technique Hidan uses should be called soul sharing.

As the name suggests, the principle of the secret technique used by Hidan is to connect one's own soul with the soul of the enemy and share the pain!

Then let’s use a simple method to explain the use of the secret techniques used by Hidan.

 First of all, if Hidan wants to use the soul sharing in cross-country eyes, he must need a medium, which is the blood of the enemy.

 This is the same as in the original Naruto novel. Hidan must also obtain the blood of the enemy before he can cast his secret technique. However, after deeply understanding Hidan's secret technique, Cross Country knew why Hidan wanted to obtain the blood of his enemies. This is because Hidan does not have the ability to directly devour or lock onto other people's spiritual energy aura, unlike Off-Road who can directly lock into other people's spiritual energy aura by relying on his perception of spiritual energy, or directly devour others with his Yin Escape Brand. of spiritual energy.

 Hence, when Hidan casts a secret technique, he must obtain the blood of others. You know, human blood contains not only physical energy, but also a little spiritual energy. Hidan just relies on the spiritual energy in the enemy's blood to first lock on the enemy's spiritual energy aura.

Soon, the second step when Hidan was about to cast the secret technique was about to begin.

Similar to the original Naruto novel, Hidan’s second step in casting the secret technique is also to use blood to outline strange patterns.

As for the function of the weird pattern, it is naturally not just a ritual of an evil **** cult. In fact, Hidan just used the weird pattern to shape a small realm. As long as Hidan is in that realm, his soul can be connected to the enemy's soul. When Hidan's body changes again, that is, the skin all over his body turns black and white marks appear on his body, it means that Hidan and the enemy's soul are successfully connected and can share the pain.

 At this time, any wounds suffered by Hidan can be applied to the enemy.


If Hidan did not have immortality, Hidan could only use such secret techniques, or forbidden techniques, once. When peeking into Hidan's memory, Cross Country only learned about the principle of using the blood-based secret escape technique. As for Hidan's immortality, Cross Country still doesn't have the time to explore it.

 So, after catching Hidan, Cross Country slowly came to Hidan.

Listening to Hidan still cursing endlessly, Yukio slowly stretched out his finger and landed on Hidan's lips, then murmured: "Hidan, you are too noisy. I'm very annoyed. So I'm sorry, I'm going to sew your mouth shut now so that the world can be a little quieter."

"no, do not want!"

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Hidan showed a look of horror.

Perhaps it was at this time that Hidan felt a little like a prisoner.

However, when Hidan spoke, he meant what he said, so when Hidan shouted "No", the spiritual energy in the Yin escape brand was already condensed in the palm of his hand. Then, the mental energy slowly turned into the Shadow Sewing Technique, directly sewing Hidan's mouth there. And just like what Cross Country said, after Hidan's mouth was sutured, the whole world became much quieter.

In this way, Cross Country can finally use his human ability to take a good look at Hidan's memory and see how Hidan's immortal body was cultivated in addition to the secret technique that uses blood as the medium. Yes.


Just when Cross Country was about to use the ability of the human world to further peek into Hidan's memory and understand the mystery of the immortal body, suddenly in Cross Country's Kagura mind eye perception, a **** figure appeared slowly. In the blood-stained church.

 That’s right, it’s a **** figure!

 In the perception of Kagura's inner eye, Xue Yue could clearly see that the figure was blood-colored.

In other respects, the **** figure was just like a **** man. He was not wearing any clothes, and he had no flesh and blood. He was only made of blood. But if we want to talk about the characteristics of that **** figure, we can only say that the mask worn by that **** figure is very distinctive.

 Because the mask worn by the **** figure was a mask of the God of Death!

The reason why Cross Country can recognize that it is the mask of death is

The appearance of the Death Mask is exactly the same as the appearance of the Death Shadow that emerged when the Fourth Hokage and the Third Hokage used the corpse seal in the original Naruto novel!

 “Interesting, a mysterious guy wearing a death mask.”

"Looking at Hidan's slightly mocking eyes, it seems that he knows this mysterious guy."

“Did Hidan get his immortality from this guy?”

,On the other hand, Cross Country locked onto the spiritual energy aura of the **** figure. Immediately in front of the **** figure, Cross Country's feet were filled with endless blood, and strange patterns were slowly drawn on the ground. Come.

What is that pattern?

 Obviously, it was Hidan who drew the pattern with blood when he used the secret technique that used blood as the medium.

There is no doubt that the cross-country at this time just wanted the trump card he had just obtained to defeat the mysterious guy in front of him. The reason why Cross Country can cast the secret technique used by Fei Duan without getting the blood of that mysterious guy is naturally because Cross Country can directly lock on the spiritual energy aura of that mysterious guy with its own perception.

  followed by.

 When the pattern under the off-road foot is outlined, the off-road only feels like a "buzz".

 In an instant, the cross-country in the pattern is connected with the spiritual energy of the mysterious guy, which is equivalent to sharing the soul together. Next, Off-Road only needs to harm himself like Hidan. In the case of soul sharing, the mysterious guy will suffer the same damage as Off-Road.

What Xue Chuang never expected was that just when his soul was sharing with that mysterious guy's soul, there was a sudden "click"!

 A mysterious energy filled the surroundings of that mysterious guy.

 Next second!

Off-road suddenly discovered that his soul was shared and was isolated by the mysterious energy surrounding the mysterious guy!

 “This mysterious guy”


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