Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 809: Weird mask (medium)

Just when I was thinking about using my newly acquired trump card to show off, I didn't expect that mysterious guy could actually completely invalidate the new trump card I just acquired off-road.

Feeling the strange energy surrounding the mysterious guy, as the cross-country perception deepened, he discovered that the strange energy surrounding the mysterious guy was pure spiritual energy.

However, that spiritual energy is different from conventional spiritual energy, and even when you feel that strange spiritual energy off-road, you will feel uncomfortable.

If the spiritual energy held by ordinary humans is masculine, the spiritual energy emitted by that mysterious guy is feminine, and it is full of negative emotions.

If that mysterious guy can input his own spiritual energy into other people's bodies, that person must be riddled with negative emotions. Even a kind person will slowly change under the envelope of negative spiritual energy. become an evil person. It's just that it's hard to imagine what kind of person can cultivate such evil spiritual energy.

Who on earth can master such terrifying Yin Escape skills, and who is practicing evil Yin Escape skills?

However, just when Cross Country was secretly thinking about how the mysterious guy in front of him cultivated his Yin Escape skills to possess such evil spiritual energy, suddenly the mysterious guy wearing the Death Mask appeared in an instant. Arriving in front of Hidan's body, he slowly placed his palm on Hidan's body.

  followed by.

 A scene that made even off-roaders feel horrified appeared in front of him.

When the mysterious guy touched Hidan's body with his palm, Hidan's body was like melting ice cream, slowly turning into a milky white liquid. Moreover, the milky white liquid did not soak into the ground, but slowly entered the mysterious guy's body under the control of the mysterious guy.

  It was as if Hidan and Hidan had the same body originally. After the mysterious guy completely devoured Hidan's body, his blood-stained body slowly began to take on the form of flesh and blood. However, there are still traces of bright red color in the flesh and blood of that mysterious guy, which makes people feel shuddering. When Cross Country saw that mysterious guy had a body, the pupils in his eyes tightened slightly.

However, before giving the off-road any time to be shocked, the mysterious guy devoured Hidan's body and suddenly rushed in the direction of the off-road.

Moreover, just when he suddenly appeared in front of Cross Country, Cross Country felt that the spiritual energy in his Yin Escape brand began to increase little by little.


"How can it be?"

“Just by being close to me, can my spiritual energy disappear for no reason?”

“That feeling is not like being devoured by someone’s spiritual energy, but like my spiritual energy is melting bit by bit and dissipated between heaven and earth.”

“What kind of abilities does this mysterious guy have? This kind of terrifying ability makes people who practice the secret art of escape feel helpless. It’s really”

 “It’s really awesome!”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country took a deep breath, and was clearly preparing to use the "Moon Step" to keep a safe distance from the mysterious guy in front of him.

 Judging from the fact that the mysterious guy's spiritual energy can only be melted when he is close to him, if the mysterious guy wants to use his abilities, he must be within a certain range. Therefore, at this time, Cross Country wanted to get out of the range of that mysterious guy's ability quickly, so that his spiritual energy would not disappear for no reason.

I never expected that when using the "Moon Step" for off-roading, no matter how high-speed he used the "Moon Step", that mysterious guy would be like a ghost, always maintaining a distance of about three meters, always. Stand tall in the face of off-roading!

Such a weird situation, it's like seeing a ghost.

If it weren't for the fact that Cross Country could detect the aura of space-time ninjutsu around him when he used Kagura's mind-eye perception, Cross Country might have been beaten to death by the terrifying ability of the mysterious guy in front of him before he officially fought with him. Scared to death!

"This mysterious guy is not only proficient in the secret art of escape, but also has such high attainments in time and space ninjutsu? He always keeps a distance from me and maintains the use of time and space ninjutsu! Speaking of the ninja world If there is anyone out there who can compete with this guy in space-time ninjutsu, then I really don’t believe it.”

"But, I obviously don't have any time and space marks on my body, so why can that mysterious guy always lock my existence? Could it be my spiritual energy? That guy locks my spiritual energy, so every time he uses time and space ninjutsu, You can always appear in front of me and keep the same distance from me? "

Silently guessing the ability of the mysterious guy, Cross Country frowned slightly, quickly gathered his spiritual energy, and then used another "Moon Step".

 Sure enough, the off-road guess was right.

When he began to collect his spiritual energy and breath, he once again used the "moon step" cross-country, and the mysterious guy no longer appeared in front of him. Therefore, just as Cross Country thought, the mysterious guy who was proficient in the secret art of escape relied on Cross Country's spiritual energy to sense his existence. It is also because of this that no matter how high-speed the cross-country moves, the mysterious guy can lock the spiritual energy of the cross-country and suddenly appear in front of him using time and space ninjutsu.

Then, when Cross-Country finally got rid of the scope of unreasonable consumption of spiritual energy, and had no intention of confronting the mysterious guy for the time being, Cross-Country suddenly locked Orochimaru's spiritual energy aura, and immediately used the Shadow Shuttle Technique to come directly Arriving at Orochimaru's side. However, Cross Country originally thought that when he came to Orochimaru's side, he still had to fight with the mysterious guy for a period of time before he could successfully evacuate here.

Who would have thought that the moment Cross Country came to Orochimaru, Cross Country actually found that mysterious guy still staying in the blood-stained church where Hidan was before. His eyes narrowed slightly, feeling that the mysterious guy might not be able to escape the scope of the blood-stained church. Off-road could not help but become more interested in the mysterious guy.

 If you don’t understand something, asking Orochimaru is obviously the right choice.

So, I felt that the mysterious guy was very weird, and when I wanted to know more information about the mysterious guy, I still kept my secret of peeking into Hidan's memory, so I asked Orochimaru:

“Orochimaru, you have more information, so I want to ask you.”

“Do you know who the guy you see right now is?”

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