Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 170 This's easier to talk (fourth more)

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

In the land of rain.

The downpour of rain has been going on for a day.

However, Yuren Village, located in the center of the Rain Country, no longer feels sad and troubled by the continuous rain.

At this time, although it was raining heavily in Yuren Village, there were still villagers walking on the street.

What is different from the past is that the numbness and confusion on the faces of the villagers disappeared, replaced by radiance and hope.

Although most of the villagers' faces are still a little thin, they feel the changes in Yuren Village in this period of time!

Under Master Jinnaruo's policy reforms, the villagers of Yuren Village are full of hope for the future!

Maybe their life at this time is still very dilapidated and barren compared with other ninja villages, but they have seen the dawn, and they have seen the real changes in this village.

That young Kinnara-sama seemed completely different from Hanzo-sama.

He worked hard to build this village with sincerity, and the villagers felt a little relieved when they saw his sincerity, and they were no longer full of fear of Urenin as before.

"Crack!" "Crack!"...

In the heavy rain that filled the sky, two figures arrived at the gate of Yuren Village.


I saw the tall figure in front of me speaking softly, with a flat and deep voice.

Hearing his words, the young man who was already drowned in the back slightly raised his head and looked at the village under the rain, and murmured.

"This is... Rain Ninja Village..."

Suddenly, he turned his head to look at the tall figure, with a trace of confusion on his small face, he asked softly.

"Brother Jieren...why...why did you choose to come here...Aren...Areninin Village is not Konoha's enemy..."

Hearing his words, everyone turned their faces slightly, and said in a flat voice.

"Once upon a time, this place was Konoha's enemy..."

"But after Captain Aizen killed Hanzo, this place will no longer be Konoha's enemy... This will be the beginning of the first sprout..."

Nakoki didn't hear the latter words, because Nakoki was stunned when he heard that Kairen said that Captain Aizen had killed Hanzo.

He knew that Brother Jieren always called Brother Soyousuke Captain Aizen, and he also knew that there was a famous demigod named Hanzo in the ninja world...

After hearing Jieren's words at this time, he couldn't help being stunned, and a sentence kept echoing in his mind.

Brother Soyousuke...killed the legendary demigod...

Ignoring Naoki's bewilderment, everyone continued.

"The new leader of this village is also a follower of Captain Aizen, and will also be a member of the creators of the new world. I think the purpose of Captain Aizen asking you to come here is to hope that you can see through it."

"Compared to the so-called village, Captain Aizen has already set his sights on the peace of the entire ninja world. Captain Aizen will create a brand new world, a world where ugliness will disappear!"

"Naoshu, can you understand Captain Aizan's great idea!"

Jieren, who was originally calm, looked excited when he mentioned the words of this new world, and his pale eyes were filled with incomparable heat.

On the side, Sheng Shu, who was listening to his words, opened his mouth even more, as if he was imagining the grandeur of that scene in his mind.

This... This is... Is that the pattern that Brother Soyousuke said...

Looking at the entire ninja world...

This is so shocking....! !

"I...I...also...can I participate in this..."

Sheng Shu suddenly lowered his small face, and murmured in a very low self-esteem.

After hearing his words, everyone looked at him and said in a deep voice.

"Since Captain Aizen chose you, it proves that you have such potential and ability. Never doubt Captain Aizen's decision!"

"I have seen too much with these turns out...everything is just as Captain Aizan said..."

"From then on, I understood that only Captain Aizen can save this dirty world and all the misery in the world. The creator of this new world will only be Captain Aizen!"

Hearing Jieren's words, Sheng Shu raised his small face to look into his pale eyes, nodded deeply, and said in a childish voice.

"I understand, Big Brother Jieren!"

In this regard, Jieren nodded slightly, and slowly turned and walked towards Yuren Village.

Sheng Shu looked at his back and followed closely.

Brother Soyosuke!

I will unfold my pattern as you said!


at the same time.

In another Konoha stronghold in the Kingdom of Rain.

A very handsome and cruel young ninja was frowning at the map on the table in the tent.

There was also a circle of Konoha ninjas around the table, and they would glance at the ruthless young man frowning from time to time, with eyes of admiration shining in their eyes.

"That's it, send people to focus on here, here, and this place, and then cooperate with the town stronghold to cut off the sand ninja's retreat in one fell swoop!"

Speaking of this, he raised his head slightly, looked at everyone present with sharp eyes, and said in a cold voice.

"This time, be sure to give Sand Ninja the hardest blow!"

Hearing his words, all the ninjas around said in a low voice.

"Yes! Captain Tono!"

at this time.

In their eyes, Captain Tono, who had always been extremely calm, changed slightly.

"Continue to discuss what else is wrong."

After Tokino coldly put down such a sentence, his figure disappeared instantly in place!

After he left, all the ninjas talked about it.

"What happened to Captain Tono!? It seems that I have never seen him so restless!"

"Sigh... I don't know what happened... Is there any flaw here... Captain Tono's strategic analysis has never made a mistake..."

"Who's to say it's not.... To be able to win the name of 'Konoha Shura', I think Captain Tono is very promising even if he takes over the position of the fourth generation!"

While everyone was discussing on the field, a ninja with light blue hair followed Tokino and left here.


In a lush dense forest far from the stronghold.


A figure suddenly appeared here, with long black hair, a ninja combat uniform, and a tall figure.

Look at that cold face, it is Uchiha Tono who made the strategic plan in the stronghold before.

"Slap!" "Slap!"......

With the sound of gentle footsteps, a gentle voice slowly sounded from behind a giant tree.

"Long time no see, Tokino."

Hearing this voice, Tokino turned coldly, turned around slowly, stared at Soyousuke who gradually appeared from the darkness, and said coldly.

"Okay..long time..gone...lan..ran..captain..."

There was a smile in the eyes of Soyousuke under the lens, looking at Tokino lightly at this time, and said softly.

"Looking at are very satisfied with your life at this time..."

Hearing his words, Shi Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in a deep voice.

"I'm just following your orders..."

Soyousuke didn't care about the cold tone in Tokino's words, but smiled slightly and said softly.

"It seem to be very confident in your power at this time..."

His voice fell softly, but to Tokino, it was like a heavy blow!


Tokino's body suddenly fell to the ground!

The whole body knelt down on the ground! !

Boom Ka Ka——

The ground he was on instantly formed a huge semicircular pothole!

The cracked gully continued to spread around!

The forest in this small area seemed to be trembling, as if the gods were wrathful!

At this time, Soyousuke's gentle voice full of magnetism slowly sounded on the field.

"In this case, will it be easier to talk..."

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