Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 171 Give You a Chance

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

At this time, Soyousuke's gentle voice full of magnetism slowly sounded on the field.

"In this case, will it be easier to talk..."


Tokino, who was oppressed into a semicircular deep pit in an instant, coughed muffledly.

A few wisps of blood spit out to the ground with his violent coughing.

Under the bright sunlight, the scarlet blood was in sharp contrast to his pale face!

After hearing Soyousuke's words.

I saw Shi Ye, who was kneeling on the ground, raised his head with great difficulty, his body trembling slightly, as if he was suffering from some unknown terrifying oppression!

I saw him gasping for breath, opening one eye and struggling to look at Soyousuke, and tremblingly said.

"This... is... what... ability!"

A slight smile rose from the corner of Soyosuke's mouth, and he said softly.

"It's just some interesting powers discovered recently... What's the matter? Don't you want to show me the ability of the kaleidoscope at this time?"

"It's been enough time for you, now, Shi Ye, you should be able to control it perfectly."

Hearing Soyousuke's words, Tokino knelt on the ground.

"Click, click, click..."

The dents on the ground are still deepening, and the cracked ravines are also continuing to expand!

Although his whole body was under terrible oppression, he gritted his teeth tightly, lowered his head slightly, and his black eyes shone with thoughtful luster.

May I....

Can I... fight against... this... guy's strength....

No....I don't know this guy well enough...if I do...the chance of winning is almost impossible.....

Lowering his head and thinking of this silently, Tokino thought about it. He gradually gave up resisting, restrained his expression and movements, and wanted to show his surrender to Soyousuke.

Soyousuke looked at him lightly, with a smile in his eyes, and said softly with a slight smile.

"Tokino, there is only this chance, only this time, I will not blame you for taking action against me... What is your wish..."

Hearing Soyousuke's words suddenly!

Shi Ye, who had already given up resisting, suddenly had the idea of ​​making a move in his heart.

Is it too careless... or is he too confident in his own strength...

He should not know about my Kaleidoscope Sharingan...! !

If there is only this chance...even if it's just to test his upper limit of strength...

I choose to do it! !

With his understanding of Soyousuke, he naturally wouldn't think that Soyousuke would deceive him.

For him this time, it is the best opportunity to test Soyousuke's strength!

If you miss it, you will really never have it again!

Thinking of this, Tokino suddenly opened his eyes under his lowered head, and froze slightly!

He raised his head abruptly, and his eyes instantly turned into three kaleidoscopic Sharingans like sharp blades!

Under the unknown pressure, he unexpectedly squatted up slowly from his kneeling position, his body trembling constantly.

Despite the incomparable pain and tremendous pressure, he still insists on not having the ability to use the kaleidoscope!

It seems that he wants to stand upright with his own strength.


The sound of violent bone rubbing kept ringing out, very frightening, but he still had a firm face, and a pair of kaleidoscope sharing eyes stared straight at Soyousuke with a funny smile on his face.

"Is that so... Do you want to stand up with your own strength..."

Soyousuke looked at the trembling Tokino gently with his eyes, and said softly.

When he said this, suddenly, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and he chuckled as if with a sense of fun.

"But...I can't wait to see the power of those eyes..."

As his voice slowly fell.

The situation on the field changed suddenly!


I saw that Tono's body suddenly sank again when he stood up half crouched half crouched!

The already semi-circular deep pit sank a thick layer after being impacted by this impact. Under the terrifying pressure, the rock and soil on the ground either cracked one after another, or solidified as hard as a rock. !

Some thick trees nearby also seemed to be suddenly broken in the middle by an inexplicable force!

In an instant, the whole tree trunk quickly became flat!

Various sawdust rolls are continuously squeezed out of it like flower rolls!

What kind of power is this! !

If I go on like this... I won't be able to hold on until I touch his... body...! !

Just...use that power! !

In the semicircular deep pit, Shi Ye's mind quickly thought of the whole body's bones being crunched.

I saw a cold expression on his cold face, following his thoughts!

"Budu is dead!!"


A black skeleton suddenly rose from under his body! !


The huge black skeleton carried terrifying black lightning, as if entwined around the bones, making a terrifying sizzling sound!

Gradually, the huge black skeleton completely covered Shi Ye's body.


The unknown terrifying power is still going on, acting on Buduhuming and making a terrifying sound!

However, the time field inside it was not damaged at all, and he took advantage of this gap to pant slightly, relieving the severe oppression he had suffered before.

above the pit.

Seeing the rising of the huge black bone, Soyousuke narrowed his eyes slightly, and couldn't see the expression in his eyes clearly, but saw a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and said to Tokino with a light smile.

"Is this the ability that Kaleidoscope Sharingan brings to seems pretty good..."

"Let's do it, let me see what kind of style this so-called Uchiha family's ultimate pupil technique can show."

Speaking of this, I saw a flash of light in his eyes, and he murmured like a whisper.

"Tokino... I hope your performance won't disappoint me too much..."

Hearing Soyousuke's words, Tokino, who had already been unable to restrain himself, was suddenly moved by the huge pressure that had always been on his body and suddenly disappeared.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot!

His body suddenly appeared in mid-air, a pair of extremely red eyes looked at Yousuke with murderous intent, and his voice was extremely cold.

"Then I will do as you wish!!"

"Look carefully! What you have given! The pupil power of the Uchiha clan!!"

There seemed to be a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Soyousuke indifferently.


The palms are suddenly joined together!

The gap between his hands suddenly expanded outwards, and as the dazzling blazing blue thunder continued to flicker, there was a strange thing in his hand!

Under the forest, Soyousuke raised his head slightly, with the same warm smile on his face, he looked at the huge black bone in the sky lightly, and whispered.

"Come on...let me see what kind of power your pupil technique has..."

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