Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 172 Good Power, It's Time to Change Me (Subscribe)

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!


I saw that with the movement of Shi Ye's hands expanding, a thick tubular object shining with dazzling blue light was pulled out from the ball of light in his palm with all his strength!

When the tubular object fully revealed his face, it was a thick barrel! !


The cannon barrel is composed of dense chakras that have almost become a solid body, and dazzling arcs are constantly wandering on the surface, shining brightly, as if carrying a terrifying and terrifying power of thunder!

Tokino, who was slowly falling from mid-air, stared at Soyousuke with fiery red eyes.

His expression became slightly excited, as if under the slight stimulation of the blazing blue lightning current, his whole body became active!

Suddenly, he shouted loudly.

"Captain Aizen, this is the power I got from pupil surgery. Since you want to know the ability of Kaleidoscope Sharingan, then you should have a good taste of it!"

After his words fell, he quickly aimed the huge cannon barrel at Soyousuke who was in the forest below.

"Take it! Thunder Dun. Thunder God Cannon!!"

The terrifying electric current all over the sky rushed towards the muzzle of the gun barrel quickly!

"Chi la chi la!!"

With the increasingly dazzling blazing blue light, it quickly gathered at the muzzle to form a dazzling blue blazing spot!


The scattered lightning arcs in the air quickly dissipated, as if the air was steaming in an instant!

An extremely dazzling blazing blue thunder group quickly bombarded Soyousuke with a brilliant arc!

Facing the dazzling ball of light rushing towards him in the sky above, Soyousuke slightly raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and looked at it with his eyes.

But he waved his palm lightly in front of him and said softly.

"The Eighty-one of Binding Dao. Duankong!"


As his words fell, a huge transparent barrier suddenly appeared in front of him!

The barrier is like a huge glass that can clearly see the scenery on both sides. It suddenly stands in mid-air, and even blocks the large forest behind it!

Almost at the moment when the transparent barrier appeared, the dazzling blazing blue thunderball dragged an electric arc and slammed into it violently! !


The intense and dazzling thunder almost lit up the entire sky in an instant!

Across the transparent barrier, one will find that the dazzling incandescent blue light cluster in the midair exploded incomparably rotten! !

Fiery yellow flames and dazzling blue electric lights intermingle, condensing and bursting together!



The terrifying roar caused by the explosion was endless, followed by the howling wind that almost crushed the forest trees to the ground!


At this time, Tokino slowly landed on the ground, and a pair of blood red eyes looked at the transparent barrier still standing above the sky with great solemnity!

The violent wind was blowing his long black hair, the expression on his face was tense, but his heart was extremely shocked!

How can it be.....! !

Thunder...Thor's cannon couldn't blast that defensive barrier...! !

After seeing the result, Soyousuke, whose hair was slightly swaying in another part, smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth. 【Zero↑Nine△Small↓Shuo△Net】

His eyes slightly glanced at the heavy-faced Shi Ye in the distance, his eyes focused on the huge black bones attached to his body and the thick barrel in his hand, and he thought to himself.

The skeleton mixed with black lightning... seems to have a good defensive effect...

Does the weapon in his hand launch a chakra attack of lightning attribute... Sure enough... those eyes gave him another chakra attribute...

And...that strange it the ability bestowed by the pupil technique or a materialized item...

But... the power is too scattered...

"Is it just like that? Compared with this kind of powerful attack, I am more interested in the black skeleton on your body. What is the name of this move?"

I saw Soyousuke looking at Tokino, with a soft smile on his face, and said gently.

Hearing his words, Shi Ye's face was slightly cold, and he said in a deep voice.

"This is Buduhuming, the ultimate pupil technique carried by the Kaleidoscope Sharingan!"

In response, Soyousuke nodded with a light smile, and continued.

"Really...then...go ahead..."

"The previous attack didn't satisfy me. If there are other moves, let's use them together."

Hearing his words, seeing the indifferent smile on Soyousuke's face, Tokino's eyes narrowed slightly, thinking deeply in his heart.

Since the Thunder God Cannon has lost its effect in front of this guy, it can only be replaced with another form!

Fight close to him to find a chance!

With Buduhuming, I don't need to worry about ordinary attacks, as long as I fight with him to my heart's content, find a chance to use that move, maybe I can succeed! !

Thinking of this, his eyes turned slightly cold, and the figure with the huge black bones suddenly disappeared from the spot!


His figure suddenly appeared in front of Soyousuke, and the Thunder Cannon in his hand was suddenly raised high, and he swung it towards Soyousuke suddenly, his eyes were slightly cold, and his mouth said coldly.

"Then... just accept me again!!"

Seeing Tokino who was attacking him fiercely, Soyousuke dodged the blow just by turning sideways slightly,

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said softly.

"This kind of move is too weak... Use all your strength..."

Hearing his words, Tokino's eyes were cold, and the chakra in his body suddenly surged, rushing out of his body crazily!

He turned his body around quickly, staring at Yousuke with cold eyes, suddenly jumped up with all his strength, raised the extremely bright thunder in his hand high, and shouted in a deep voice.

"Thunder Hammer!!"

I saw that as his words fell, the huge cannon barrel in his hand changed suddenly in the middle of hitting Soyousuke! !

The bright blue thunder cannon instantly turned into a huge and heavy lightning hammer!

On the field at this time, Tokino was seen carrying a huge thunder hammer almost the same size as him, and his scarlet eyes were fiercely smashing at Soyousuke!

On the huge hammer of thunder and lightning, there is a blazing and dazzling electric glow!


The ground instantly collapsed layer by layer like waves!


Numerous gullies spread continuously towards the surroundings!


A huge air wave blew all around instantly, and the slightly thinner trees were almost broken by the blowing, bending to the extreme arc!

The ground where Tokino and Soyousuke were sitting suddenly sank! !

The powerful attack instantly turned the ground into a semicircular pit with a diameter of tens of meters, the ground was pushed away, and the trees that were closer were almost reduced to powder under the impact of the huge air wave!

In the deep pit with a diameter of tens of meters, a cloud of smoke and mist covered it, blocking the situation inside!

As the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, a horrifying scene slowly appeared.

In the deep pit, Soyousuke held up an arm, and the slender white palm was slightly dripping with blood, but he didn't care at all.

On the white clothes that were slightly stained with dust, blood fell gently on it, leaving speckled plum blossoms.


On his face, he didn't care about the injury on his hand at all, and he still had that gentle smile on his face.

"Not bad strength, Tokino."

I saw him standing tall and straight, facing the slightly stunned figure in front of him, with a slight smile on his face, and said gently.

Tokino stood in front of Soyousuke panting heavily, but his face was filled with uncontrollable astonishment. could someone...take...the Hammer of Thor with bare hands! !

He looked at Soyousuke in front of him in shock, stared at the scarlet kaleidoscope Sharingan in disbelief, and looked at the slender white palm that was bleeding a little bit of blood!

His face was pale!

On that slender white palm, a huge Thor's Hammer that is completely disproportionate to it is being lifted on it!

The dazzling electric current had dissipated, but the huge Thor's Hammer looked so pale and powerless at this moment.

That Thor's Hammer, which he had exerted all his strength to strike!

It was unexpectedly caught by Soyousuke with the palm of his hand! !

At this time.

I saw Soyousuke looking at him with a smile, with a smile shining in his eyes, and said softly.

"Is this... the strongest attack..."

"Then... Next, it's time for me to taste how strong this layer of bones on your body is..."

Words like a warm breeze sounded softly on the field.

However, when he heard these words, Tokino felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his face instantly became extremely bleak.

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