Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 173: Broken Pride

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

Soyousuke, who was standing in front of Tokino, slowly raised his right hand.

At this moment, the slender white palm pointed at Tokino as if standing up like a blade, and stabbed at him swiftly!


Tokino standing in front of Soyousuke just had time to shrink his pupils!

He was blasted into the distance in an instant!

Boom Ka Ka——

The deep black rock and soil behind him was smashed by the huge black skeleton in an instant!

The flames scattered and splashed, and the earth and rocks were turbulent!

A thick cloud of smoke quickly enveloped the huge skeleton!

Under the protection of the huge black bone, Tono still had a look of shock on his face, and his eyes could not help but glance slightly in front of him, shocked again!

On top of the huge black bones, several thick black bones where Soyousuke attacked before turned into shattered pieces!

The shattered black bones are sticking together in the thick chakra, and it seems that they can break through Buduhuming's defense and attack the time field located within it!

Tokino gasped, feeling extremely shocked!

It turned out that just one blow broke Budu almost to death...! !

At this time, not far in front of him, Soyousuke had a smile on the corner of his mouth, with a relaxed expression, and casually flicked away the bright red blood from his hand.

Looking gently at Shi Ye in the distance, he smiled lightly.

"Is it completely protected... Budu is deadly... What a good ability..."

Can it perfectly block physical attacks of sufficient strength...

From the looks of seems that the damage received in that skeleton is almost negligible...

This is... the ability that Kaleidoscope Sharingan can bring...

I'm getting more and more interested in this bloodline...

Thinking of this, his eyes slightly lowered, and he said in a low voice.

"So... how many times can I block it next..."

Almost as soon as the voice fell, his figure seemed to disappear in place out of thin air!


In the distance, Shi Ye's face changed slightly, and he quickly widened a pair of scarlet kaleidoscope Sharingans and looked around vigilantly!

Is that trick again!

That invisible illusion...!

I must...I must see through his movements! !

"What are you looking around for..."

As a slightly indifferent voice sounded in his ears, Shi Ye was startled, his eyes turned cold instantly!

"Thunder Hammer!!"

I saw that he slammed the mine with one hand, and the Chakra attribute skyrocketed!

Wielding a huge lightning hammer in his hand, he slammed it behind him!

However, he only made half of his movements, and the whole body covered and protected by Budu Kuiming flew into the sky with a bang!


Kacha Kacha——

Under the violent impact, Shi Ye could hardly control his figure, and looked at Budu with disbelieving eyes, whose black giant bones were almost broken for a moment!

And below, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, Soyosuke slowly withdrew his palm, and gently swung it to the ground.

While slowly touching the mirror flower and water moon at his waist, he said softly.

"It's really painful. Sure enough, the effect of physical skills is too low for me, but... I can already feel its intensity..."

"Are there any other moves, if not..."

Speaking of this, the mirror flower Suigetsu at the waist pulled out lightly, showing the sharp blade, and a gleam flashed in Soyousuke's eyes.

"...Then end this game."

As soon as the words fell, Soyousuke's figure suddenly disappeared in place out of thin air!

In mid-air, Shi Ye's eyes froze! Quickly thought of it in my heart.


Butu couldn't block that guy's next attack!

Just take advantage of that guy's next attack and get rid of him at once! !

At this moment, a gentle voice slowly sounded in midair.

"it's over....."

Hearing this voice, Tokino stared instantly!

This is the time! !

"Thunder Dun. Black Emperor Thunder God!!"

Tokino stretched out his hands violently, and as the redness of his eyes became deeper and deeper, the black lightning entwined on Budu's shattered bones instantly condensed his body!

It suddenly turned into a terrifying black thunder spear and stabbed around in an instant! !



In mid-air, centered on Shi Ye, a range of tens of meters was covered by the terrifying black thunder spear that bloomed in an instant!

On the tip of one of the sharp black thunder spears, Soyousuke's body hangs high!

The black lightning spear pierced his heart, and the blood instantly stained his white clothes red!


Tokino landed on the ground, half-kneeling and panting deeply, looking at Soyousuke lying on the ground with disbelief in his eyes, who had already lost his vitality.

"Kill...kill him...I...I really...kill...this..guy!!"

Just when he wanted to move his exhausted body, and wanted to get closer to see if Soyousuke was completely dead.

A gentle voice sounded slowly behind him.

"Oh, the power of the last move seems to be good, but it's a pity that I couldn't feel it for myself. I'm sorry, Tokino."

Hearing this voice, Tokino's face instantly showed a look of astonishment!

Turning his head slowly, when he saw the gentle smile on the face of that tall and straight figure, his face suddenly turned extremely pale, revealing a bitter and miserable smile.

"Sure enough... Captain can't..."

He didn't continue to say the following words, and lowered his head with a sluggish expression. Although the blood red eyes had returned to normal at this time, they had lost some of their luster.

After seven years of brewing self-confidence, and enduring seven years of dormancy, is it still like a child's game in front of this man...

Even in the end.... it just made his arm bleed a little.....

Maybe if he doesn't want to... even I can't do that...

Thinking about this silently, the pride and complete collapse in Tokino's heart at this time,

I saw Soyousuke walking towards him slowly, and stopped in front of Tokino with his head bowed down, with that gentle smile still on the corner of his mouth, speaking in a gentle voice.

"Relax, Tokino, I've said it before, this is a chance for you, so I won't take your disrespect to heart."

"However, I don't want to see any willful behavior from you in the future. After all, the eyes you have seem to have a higher potential. I will inevitably need this power in my future plans..."

Speaking of this, a smile flickered in his eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he whispered.

" have problems in my plan...then, I can only let that lovely child Sakuya complete this plan for me instead of you..."

Hearing Soyousuke's words, Tokino's downcast eyes froze for a moment, then he raised his head suddenly, his eyes met Soyousuke's.

After seeing those deep smiling eyes, he calmed down, put away the gloomy eyes, and said in a low voice.

"I see...."

Hearing his words, a smile flashed in Soyousuke's eyes, but he slowly turned his head to look at the hidden corner in the distance.

Mild exit.

"Mr. Duan, why did you hide there secretly when you treat your companions in the village?"

Hearing Soyousuke's sudden words, Tokino was taken aback, and looked there with astonishment on his face.

And outside a messy venue.

A figure with light blue hair slowly came out from a corner of the tree trunk, his face was extremely serious, he looked at Soyousuke and Tokino, and said in a deep voice.

"Captain did you appear here...!!"

"Besides...there was such a fierce battle with Tono, I don't think you guys are exchanging ideas...!!"

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