Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 302 The Prepared Person

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

"Hey, we've arrived at Sand Ninja Village."

Hearing this voice, Chi Dong's face was startled, and a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes.

He secretly excitedly said.

"Master Aizen, you are here!"

Immediately afterwards, Chi Dong heard something.

"The time has come, we have come here naturally, and I hope you are ready for me."

Hearing these words, a flash of light flashed in the eyes as big as the doorbell, and said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, Aizen-sama, everything is ready."

"I will rush out of the village immediately, please be patient."

After he finished speaking, Aizen's voice came slowly.

"It's okay, I can feel your breath, you just need to find a convenient place."

After hearing these words, Yan Tong nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice.

"I see!"

When his voice fell, he quickly rushed towards a direction outside the village.


Outside Sand Ninja Village.

Under the sky filled with yellow sand, three figures slowly appeared here.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

As the sound of feet rubbing against the gravel slowly sounded, the three figures gradually walked in one direction.

"The position of Chi Dong has stopped, it seems that he has found the place we need."

Suddenly, Aizen's magnetic words sounded on the field.

I saw Aizen standing upright on the spot, looking slowly towards a distant direction.

After hearing these words, Kazuto and Ulquiola on both sides of Aizen looked at Aizen and asked for his opinion.

Lan Ran's eyes flickered slightly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, she said softly.

"Let's go. Although I don't know what kind of surprise he will bring us, I hope the result will not disappoint me too much."

As his voice fell, the three of them began to walk in that direction.


In a corner of the edge of Sand Ninja Village, a simple small house stands here.

The yellow sand that permeated the outside floated gently from the outside of the hut, knocking on the house, making a "srustling" sound.

For some reason, this room always reveals a faint weirdness, even under the scorching sun, it gives people a cold feeling.

In the room, a strong and sturdy man was standing in front of a table, looking seriously at a small child in front of him, and exhorted with a serious expression.

"Xie, after a while, no matter what, don't be rude in front of that lord!"

"This is not advice, but a requirement that must be fulfilled. Do you understand?"

Hearing what he said, the kid with fluffy red hair in front of him nodded stiffly, then lowered his head and immersed himself in the things in his hands.

I saw that he gently picked up an arm, his eyes were calm, and he looked at it carefully, as if he was studying some important experiment.

"Tick tock...tick tock..."

On the table in front of him, blood was dripping drop by drop along the edge of the table, converging into a thick blood stain.

His white palm was already covered with blood at this time, but he didn't care at all, continuing to dissect the fresh corpse bit by bit.

From time to time, he will pick up one of the organs, and then look at it calmly for a while, the scene is very frightening.

If there are villagers from Sand Ninja Village here, they will definitely notice that the fresh corpse lying on the table is the villager who disappeared in Sand Ninja Village not long ago.

On the side of Xie, Tong Tong has long been familiar with this, and is not surprised at all. On the contrary, for him now, he is more concerned about whether Master Aizen will meet with Master Aizen next time. Satisfied with Scorpio's performance.

At this time.

Outside this room, in the wind and sand that filled the air, three figures slowly emerged from it, it was Aizen and his group.

As soon as they appeared here, all of the three of them frowned slightly.

"Master Lan Ran, you should stop here for a while, such a strong bloody smell cannot tarnish your figure."

At this time, all people frowned slightly, turned to look at Lan Ran, and advised respectfully.

Hearing his words, Ulquiorra looked at him calmly.

Both of them are taciturn people, and they have never met before, and Ulquiola has no interest in exploring Hinata.

But what he said today made Ulquiola recognize him.

Regarding Jieren's words, Lan Ran glanced at him lightly from the corner of his eyes, slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, and said softly.

"Since that's the case, then you can go, remember, Tong Tong is our companion, let me test whether the things he prepared are worth my waiting."

Hearing Aizen's order, Jieren nodded slightly and said in a deep voice.

"I understand, Aizen-sama, if his performance can make me agree, I will bring him in front of you."

After finishing speaking, his pale eyes opened instantly, and as the veins in the corners of his eyes swelled up, he opened his white eyes and carefully looked at the house not far in front of him, and walked slowly towards the house.

With a smile on the corner of Lan Ran's mouth, she stared at the departing Juren and said softly.

"Ulquiorra, what do you think of everyone?"

Hearing Aizen's question, Ulquiola looked calm, and his gaze also stopped on the back of the departing people.

As if thinking for a while, he said softly.

"I seem to be able to feel that his loyalty to you, Mr. Aizen, is no less than mine."

Hearing Ulquiola's words, Aizen's eyes flashed a smile, and he murmured softly.




Outside the house, Jieren suddenly appeared here with a pair of white eyes!

Although he could feel the strong smell of blood permeating around the room, everyone's face was still very calm, and he slowly stepped forward.

"Boom!" "Boom!"...

After knocking lightly on the door twice.


The door was opened, and the excited-faced Yan Tong stood respectfully at the door, beside him was the expressionless red-haired boy who was dragged over by him.

The two looked at the person who appeared outside the door together.

There is only one person in front of the eyes of Ji Dong.

Seeing this scene, the expression on Chi Dong's face froze for a moment, looked at all people in front of him, and asked in a rough voice.

"Where is Master Aizen?"

"How could it be possible for Lord Aizen to come here in person in such a place filled with dirty and bloody atmosphere."

As for Ji Dong's question, Jieren answered while looking at the expressionless red-haired boy standing beside him.

After a long while, he turned his gaze to Chi Dong, and said in a flat voice.

"So, I'm here on behalf of Lord Aizen, and by the way, I would like to know if you have made the promise to Master Aizen that you are ready?"

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