Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 303: The Strength of the Scorpion

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

Hearing Jie Ren's words, Ji Dong couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then inadvertently glanced at the red-haired young Scorpion who had no expression on his face.

Noticing Chi Dong's gaze, Jieren's eyes also turned accordingly, moving to Xie's body, and said calmly.

"The preparation you're referring to refers to the young man in front of you, right?"

Hearing Jieren's words, a smile appeared on his rough face, and he said in a rough voice.

"Why can't it be him?"

"Scorpion has unique conditions and advantages to do such a thing, even I can't do it!"

Everyone was slightly taken aback by what Ji Dong said, then turned to look at the expressionless Xie, and with a "chuss", the white eyes instantly opened.

What he saw next really surprised him, and he couldn't help but muttered in surprise.

"This child..."

Looking through the white eyes, in the body of the scorpion, densely packed chakra lines converge at the heart of his body.

It seems that the chakra line that starts from the heart and radiates from the inside to the outside runs through his entire body, controlling every movement of this body.

This feeling... is like a puppet pulled by a chakra line...

The expression on everyone's face was a bit complicated, and he said in a puzzled tone.

"This child, has he made his own body into a puppet..."

As if hearing the pity in Jieren's tone, Xie turned his head slightly, looking at Jieren calmly with reddish-brown pupils.

The pupils of the two met together, one was as pale as jade, and the other was as red as blood.

However, what is very similar is the calm expression hidden in the pupils of those two pairs of eyes.

I saw Xie quietly looking into Jieren's eyes, and spoke softly, his voice was a little immature, but his tone was very peaceful.

"If you feel pity for me, you don't have to."

"It's my own choice."

Speaking of this, he slowly lowered his head, his reddish-brown eyes lightly glanced at his white hands, and said softly.

"Human beings are too fragile after all, and only in the form of puppets can they maintain eternal existence."

"This point was inspired by my teacher. Although the teacher failed to achieve this point, I achieved this point. This is something worth expressing with happiness."

After finishing speaking, I saw Xie lightly glanced at Yan Dong at the side, and nodded slightly.

On the other hand, Yan Tong showed a gratified smile, then turned his head to look at everyone, and said in a rough voice.

"Scorpion is right. He has achieved the most incredible achievement in the history of puppetry, and he can survive forever as a puppet."

"Compared to the so-called crude puppetry, this is more like an eternal art, a perfect art!"

After hearing what Yan Dong said, the scorpion at the side flashed a light of enthusiasm in a subtle way.

eternal art...

While hearing the words of the two, Jieren nodded slightly, and he said softly.

"As a companion, I agree with your thinking, but what I need to do more is to test whether your behavior is meaningful for Master Aizen."

"You know, the enemy is Kazekage, one of the Five Great Ninja Villages, and even... the ninja known as the strongest Kazekage in history."

"To get rid of him quietly, you should know that you must rely on the power of Master Aizen."

"If something goes wrong and the real reason for Kazekage's disappearance is exposed to the Ninja World, the upcoming Third Ninja World War will become a joke."

"So, let me see if your so-called eternal art can be turned into a power to serve Lord Aizen."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Chi Dong lightly, wanting to know Chi Dong's answer.

Hearing Jie Ren's words, Chi Dong's expression was also slightly serious, and after thinking carefully for a while, he said in a deep voice.

"I see."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Xie beside him and said in a deep voice.

"Scorpion, show off your ability. If you are valued by that adult, you will have a wider path to go. This is what I expect to see."

Hearing what Yan Dong said, Xie's expression was very calm on the surface, he turned his head slowly, and looked at everyone humanely.

"Then, let's experience the real puppet secret technique..."

As his words fell, he slowly stretched out a palm, and unfolded two scrolls, one blank and one densely covered with symbols.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

As two streams of white smoke rose, a ninja with a scar on his cheek appeared in front of Jieren from the scroll, while the red-haired figure of Scorpion on the field had disappeared.

The ninja looked calm and said hoarsely.

"As the existence of the main body, if it is destroyed because of this senseless battle, it will be an irreparable loss, so I choose to use this body to fight you."

Jieren looked at this scene with a pair of pale eyes calmly, knowing that the ninja in front of him was the scorpion who replaced the container for the heart at that moment before, and said softly.

"It doesn't matter, the important thing is that you need to show me that you have enough ability."

"If even I can't satisfy you, you will disappoint Master Aizen, and as subordinates, the last thing we can do disappoint Master Aizen."

Speaking of this, a bright light flashed in Jieren's eyes.

Hearing what Jieren said, Xie nodded slightly and said softly.

"I understand, I will do my best."

Speaking of this, he lightly raised a hand, aimed at Jie Ren, and said softly.

"Ninja method. Thousand-handed martial arts!"

As his words fell, suddenly, on the arm of the hand that Xie stretched out, dozens of spells clinging to the arm suddenly shone brightly!

In an instant, hundreds of venom-stained arms sprang out from the scorpion's right arm, grabbing at everyone!

Facing this attack, Jieren looked calm, and with a "shua", his body quickly backed away, and easily escaped the arrest.

He looked at Xie lightly, and said in a flat voice.

"This kind of move, for me, I don't like it at all."

Regarding this, Xie slightly raised his head and glanced at Juren, and said softly.

"I know, so this is just the first step in forcing a distance from you."

"The next move, please feel it."

As soon as he finished speaking, he slowly stretched out his left hand, and slowly unfolded a scroll with the word "fire" written on it.

Scorpion stuck the scroll with the word "Fire" on his left arm, then stretched it out and lifted it up, aiming at Jieren who had distanced himself from him, and said softly.

"Scroll 1. Hell of Fire!"

As his words fell, a pipe suddenly burst out of the palm of his left palm!

Suddenly, a fiery flame spewed out from the mouth of the pipe, like a high-pressure gun, and the flame with strong melting power and temperature shot straight towards Jieren a hundred meters away.

The crimson flames all over the sky made this scene very shocking and magnificent!

The people in the distance saw this scene, and their expressions were still very calm. Facing the flames that seemed to tear the sky apart, he did not retreat to avoid, but murmured softly.

"Can you rely on the puppet to release the ninjutsu of fire escape? Let me feel the power of it."

After finishing speaking, he saw him standing straight on the spot, facing the tongue of flames.


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