Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 346 Long time no see, Konoha Sannin

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

As the tall figure's voice fell, the expressionless young man in the distance gently sealed the selected corpses in the scroll, then turned and walked towards him.

The three of them stood together, and the leading man glanced lightly into the distance, his eyes shone with an unknown luster, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.


With a soft sound, the three of them suddenly disappeared in place, leaving only bloody corpses all over the ground and a Konoha ninja with a dull face.



A heavy sound suddenly sounded on the huge rocky mountain.

On the high hill, a colorful giant snake swooped down from the hill as if ignoring the hard rocks.

On the way, they broke through huge rock barriers one after another. The previous noises were caused by these. The huge snake body left twisting and twisting marks on the ground.

Such a sound naturally attracted the attention of a group of Iwanin. The faces of the elite Iwanin turned cold, and they reacted instantly and rushed to the field.

"Shua!" "Shua!" "Shua!"...

In just a moment, black shadows gathered on the rock in front of the giant snake.

From a long distance away, the three figures of Orochimaru standing on the giant snake were spotted.

"Master Nantu, those three guys are not wrong. As you expected, they didn't escape from this rocky mountain at all." A rock ninja said in a deep voice.

Hearing his words, the middle-aged Yan Ren named Nantu said with sharp eyes and a low voice.

"Don't relax your vigilance. Even if you are injured, since those guys dare to set foot in Iwanin Village alone, they must have tyrannical strength. Let me know and use ninjutsu to kill them from a distance."

After the Yan Ren heard Nantu's order, he immediately conveyed the order.

The rock ninja who received the order all looked respectful, and none of them acted without authorization. They scattered one after another, standing on a high place and releasing ninjutsu at the giant snake.

"Tu Dun. Yan Su Beng!"

"Tudun. Tuling Tuanzi!" "Tudun. Tulong Spear!"...

As Kogo Iwanin released ninjutsu one by one, he saw a dense rain of stones smashing towards the giant snake. Some rocks were as small as a fist, while others were as big as a house.

Not only that, on the ground where the giant snake advanced, rock spears suddenly surged densely on the surface, and the sharp spears pointed directly at the giant snake rushing here.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

All of a sudden, the sound of violent roaring and blasting resounded continuously on the rocky mountain. Under the intensive attack, even though the giant snake's body was extremely hard, it still couldn't resist so many ninjutsu attacks.


Finally, after being hit again by a rock the size of a house, its body collapsed to the ground weakly.

At this moment, the scales on its huge snake body have already withered, and the flesh is bloody, and a pair of muddy snake eyes are slowly losing the luster that symbolizes vitality.

And the three people on the snake's head also jumped to the ground early.

The three leaned on each other back to back, looking firmly at the group of rock ninjas surrounded by them.

Seeing this, Nantu's eyes turned cold, and he shouted in a deep voice.

"Give it to me, be sure to kill these three people here!"

Hearing his order, Iwanin, who had been in an orderly formation all the time, showed fierce faces, jumped off from high places one after another, and rushed towards the three of them in unison.

Facing the group of Iwanin who rushed forward in unison, the three of them looked dignified, but they didn't panic, and judged everyone's attack trend calmly and calmly.


There was a cold glint in Da Shewan's eyes, and he shouted in a hoarse voice.

As his words fell, the three people who were leaning back to back disappeared instantly from the spot!


A rock ninja who rushed to the front had a bloodthirsty look in his eyes. The ninja in his hand aimed at the three of them and threw them away. He was expecting to kill each other, but he saw the three of them disappear in an instant. In sight.


With a soft sound, he suddenly felt a chill in his neck, and then he found that everything in front of him began to blur, and he suddenly fell to the ground.

Beside him, Yan Ninja, who was splashed on the face by the sudden warm blood, was just stunned for a moment, then instinctively reacted and immediately backed away!


A sharp kunai left a cold light in mid-air, just missing his neck by a tiny distance!


The next moment, a huge rock fist hit the Orochimaru holding Kunai, blasting it away, and then, countless rock ninjas replenished in time, rushing towards him.

And Iwanin, who was lucky to survive, was covered in cold sweat. He couldn't help but look at the figure fighting with a group of Iwanin in fear, and he could only say thank you in his heart.

However, Nan Tu, who was watching the situation on the field from a high place, frowned slightly. For some reason, he always felt that something was wrong.

On the rocky mountain, a fierce battle was going on at this time. Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya were struggling to cope with the attack of a group of rock ninjas.

Except for killing a few Iwanin who were unprepared at the beginning, they were exhausted at this time and faced the Iwainin who was in good condition, resisting with difficulty, and it was only a matter of time before they lost.

Nantu, who was standing on a high place and did not participate in the battle, felt more and more that something was wrong.

Have the chakras of these three guys been exhausted... Why haven't they seen them release ninjutsu! ?

Suddenly, his mind suddenly reacted, and immediately shouted at Iwa Shinobi beside him.

"Order to go down and deal with them quickly. I'm afraid these few are just avatars. The real ones may have escaped at this time!"

Suddenly Nantu yelled loudly, and Yan Ren who was beside him was also taken aback, but after hearing his words clearly, he realized that he couldn't help but hasten to convey the news.

However, at this moment, Tsunade, who was constantly circling among the group of iwa ninjas below, was caught off guard for a moment, and was pierced through the abdomen by a soil gun that suddenly rose from under his feet!

Iwanoshi who was nearby was overjoyed, but the corner of Tsunade's mouth twitched slightly, and his white palm instantly pulled a series of detonating charms from his body.

After activating the detonating talisman, her figure instantly turned into a burst of rising white smoke, and disappeared from Yan Nin's sight.

Just when Yan Ren was still in a daze.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

Explosions caused by a series of detonating symbols suddenly emanated from their centers, and fiery air waves rushed towards the surroundings.

Hearing the noise here, at the same moment, Orochimaru and Jiraiya also took out detonating charms from their bodies.

Immediately afterwards, a series of huge noises resounded violently on the halfway up the mountain, and some rock ninjas were knocked to the ground by the fiery air waves.

The entire rock mountain also seemed to tremble slightly in the violent explosion.

Although none of the Yannin died in the explosion, they also caused a lot of injuries. Looking at this scene, Nantu couldn't help being extremely angry!

He gritted his teeth, and said in an angry voice full of hatred.

"Chase! Chase me, you must not let them go!"

Hearing Nantu's order, Iwanin, who still had plenty of combat power left, immediately organized his troops and chased them in the direction where the three might flee.

On the other side of the rocky mountain, on the empty mountain road, three black shadows were constantly dancing among the boulders, rushing towards the direction down the mountain.

Suddenly, their figures paused, obviously receiving information from the shadow clone.

Jiraiya, who was supported by Tsunade, couldn't help grinning, and laughed loudly.

"Ahem...Look... I saw that there is no Dashewan, it's thanks to my strategy, otherwise, I'm afraid we will really lose here this time."

Hearing his words, Orochimaru glanced at him expressionlessly, and that faint disdain couldn't help but provoke Zilai and Ye Lai to shout and scream.

Tsunade wiped the sweat from his forehead slightly, feeling uneasy.

"Okay, it's all like this, it's still noisy, and I haven't escaped from Iwanin's pursuit range yet, let's find a way to escape completely."

Just when Jiraiya was about to say something, the bodies of the three present all froze suddenly!

The feeling on their bodies at this time was indescribable, a coldness or a slight sense of shock shrouded their bodies.

"Jiraiya, can you still smile so happily after being hurt to such an extent?"

A warm and magnetic voice spread into the ears of the three of them like a breeze. Of course, to the three of them at this time, it was no less than the sound of death's approaching footsteps.

The eyes of the three were slightly cold, and they looked at the position in front of them solemnly.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"...

Following the sound of gentle footsteps, three figures slowly appeared in front of their eyes, the leader looked at the three with a smile in his eyes, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and said softly.

"Long time no see, Sannin of Konoha."

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