Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 348: The Reality Hidden Behind the Scenes, Immortal

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

Hearing these faint words, the three of them looked like they were facing a big enemy, their expressions were vigilant, and they looked at the person with serious eyes.


A gentle breeze blew across the mountain, slightly fiddled with the few strands of hair on the forehead of the visitor, which also brought a bit of chilling atmosphere to this different reunion scene.

"Soyousuke...As expected...As the information are in collusion with Iwanin Village!!"

I saw Jiraiya looking at the visitor with a serious face. Although his physical condition was very poor at this time, facing Aizen, everything seemed unimportant.

After Jiraiya's words fell, Tsunade's eyes behind him shone with a weak luster, and he looked at Aizen with some sadness in his eyes, and said softly.

"Are you really determined to fight Konoha with Iwanin... Soyousuke"

Hearing what the two said, in the distance, Lan Ran, who was gradually walking towards the three of them, twitched with a slight smile, and said softly.

"Soyousuke... What a nostalgic name..."

Speaking of this, a trace of indifference flashed across the corners of his eyes from the three of them, and he said calmly.

"But... to me it's just an illusion of the past..."

"My name is Aizen Soyousuke, and I will become the king of this world, re-establish a new order for this world, and bring a new era to this world."

"Soyousuke, it's just a false existence when it lives next to you."

Aizen's plain voice slowly fell on the field. Behind him, Jieren and Xie bowed respectfully, as if they were facing the supreme king.

Hearing Aizen's words, Jiraiya's expression turned ugly, and he roared angrily while enduring the physical pain.

"Soyousuke! What have you experienced!? Why...why are you unwilling to admit even the memories of being together? Could it be that you dare not face these!?"

"Obviously your best friend understands you, the lies in your mouth are meaningless!!"

Hearing Jiraiya's furious roar, Tsunade also looked at Aizen with a sad face, but there was always a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

However, after Aizen's next words, the ray of hope was completely dimmed.

"Best friend..." Ai Ran murmured softly.

The next moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he smiled lightly.

"But... Jiraiya, how do you know that the me you think you know is not the one I specially displayed in front of your eyes?"

Hearing Aizen's words, the faces of the three people on the opposite side were startled and turned a little pale.

Aizen ignored it, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he continued on his own.

"Jiraiya, you are an unexpected genius. From the very beginning, I can see that you are very different from other children in the past ninjutsu practice."

"However, it seems that you haven't discovered this yourself. In your heart, you hide your unknown inferiority complex, which is why you always take various exaggerated actions to attract other people's attention."

"And I took advantage of this to approach you just right, after all...everyone who lacks self-confidence needs an encourager to fully move forward, right?"

Speaking of this, he ignored Jiraiya who had an ugly face, but glanced at Tsunade with a pretty pale face, a trace of incomprehensible complexity flashed in his eyes, and smiled lightly.

"As for you, are exhausted from bearing the great expectations of the Thousand Hands..."

As soon as the words fell, Tsunade thought of something, and his face turned pale.

"In the ninja world where men hold the right to can a woman like you restore the reputation of the Senju Clan...and even...fulfill the unattainable dream of the first Hokage..."

"So, I told you my thoughts. If I am also committed to making the villagers of Konoha live a happy life, I must be able to gain some favor from you..."

Hearing these words, Tsunade knelt down on the ground, his eyes filled with sadness and gloom, Aizen just glanced at her and didn't look any more.

His eyes were as calm as an unfathomable lake, but the corners of his mouth were hooked, and he continued to speak on his own.

"It's just that I discovered some of your hidden personalities. By showing the way you want to get close in this way, you can easily become so-called friends with you...and also the best friend you call Jiraiya .”

"Speaking of which, whether it's a friend or a close friend...this kind of thing is really cheap."

Hearing Aizen's words, Jiraiya gritted his teeth. He glanced at Tsunade, who had already lost his fighting power. His whole body trembled. He fixed his eyes on Aizen, and said angrily.

"The so-called friends are not the kind you say!!"

"Whether you are Soyousuke or Aizen, this time, even if it costs me my life, I will keep you here!"

Hearing his words, Aizen raised the corner of his mouth slightly and smiled lightly.

"Always say such big words, Ziraiya, you still haven't changed or improved."

Regarding this, Jiraiya stared at Aizen, and didn't refute. He bit his thumb with his mouth violently, and his palm quickly formed seals.



As Jiraiya slammed his palm on the ground, a majestic white smoke suddenly buried him.

Aizan watched this scene with great interest, his eyes flashed a gleam, and he smiled lightly.

"Are you trying to use psychic techniques to deal with me? You should be able to understand the gap in strength between us, Ziraiya."

I saw the white smoke dissipating slowly, but there were two small toads standing on Jiraiya's shoulders, and the two toads didn't seem to have reacted to anything yet.

One holds an iron pan in one hand, and the other holds a sweater being sewn.

"'s little Zilaiya, why did you call us here!?" The toad with the gray beard looked at Zilaiye and asked in a deep voice.

Hearing his words, Jiraiya never took his eyes off Aizen's body, his face was extremely solemn, and he said in a deep voice.

"Fukasaku Immortal, this time I want to use that power. No matter what the consequences are, I will keep this guy here. Be sure to ask your elders to help me!"

Regarding this, the old toad with a gray beard said in a low voice.

"Is that so... Is this the best friend you mentioned who betrayed the village...Since you have said so, Xiao Zilai, I will do my best."

Hearing what Old Toad said, Zilai also nodded solemnly.

After finishing speaking, Jiraiya quickly took out some oil paint from the ninja tool bag on his waist with both hands and applied it on his face, after that, he saw his hands snapped together.

Staring intently at Aizen in the distance, Orochimaru, who was behind him, saw this scene with some doubts in his eyes, but a bright light flashed in his eyes.

Then he and Jiraiya aimed at Aizen and made a fighting move.

In the distance, Aizen didn't pay any attention to the attacking posture of the two, and his eyes were now on the two toads standing on Jiraiya's shoulders with great interest.

The previous conversation between Jiraiya and the two of them was not hidden, so Aizen could hear it very clearly.

Fukasaku... Immortal...

Is this the existence of the immortals of Mount Miaomu? It’s really curious. How do they survive in this ninja world for a long time?

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