Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 181 Uchiha Fugaku’s Weekly Insights

Uchiha Fugaku, nineteen years old.

Born in the 19th year of Konoha when Konoha and Kumogakure were at war.

Regarding Cloud Hidden Village, Uchiha Fugaku was influenced by his elders and felt that the people in this village were a bunch of bad people.

He thinks so.

Today is his first official day at work in the security department.

The members of the Uchiha clan have a sense of pride and responsibility for the Security Department.

The same goes for Uchiha Fugaku.

His parents told him that the Security Department was won by the Uchiha clan themselves and was proof that the Uchiha clan stood up to resist oppression.

Uchiha Fugaku firmly believes in this statement. He graduated from the ninja school at the age of 13 with all grades as A. Although he is not an S-level genius, since the restructuring of Konoha Ninja School, no student has ever received an S rating. .

The evaluation criteria for S level are very simple. Anyone with superhuman talent in any aspect such as ninjutsu, mathematics or science can be evaluated as S.

In the more than ten years since Youya came to power, there has not been a single S-level student.

But it should be available soon. After all, a certain Kakashi was a genius who was promoted to Jonin at the age of 12.

Others had just graduated from the ninja school, and he was a jounin. He also figured out the Chidori, a powerful weapon, so he could be called a genius.

As for Itachi God later on, and Namikaze Minato who is now entering the school, they are all people who can be called geniuses.


However, it seems that the young couple Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina have been in trouble recently, because the mathematics taught in the ninja school is already at the junior high school level.

Let's put it this way, most of what was learned in boarding, day kindergarten and elementary schools before Ninja School was the content of Youya's previous life in elementary school, with at most adding a basic concept of geometry, algebra, and equations.

It won’t be difficult. The main thing is to give you a general idea.

Then when I arrived at Ninja School, the first year was about rational numbers, irrational numbers, quadrants, functions and solid geometry.

That amount of knowledge is beyond what ordinary people can remember.

Of course, Youya also said that the requirements are not high. A score of 60 in the math test will qualify you to select outstanding students. Specifically, it depends on the other subjects. A score of 40 in the math test will not cause you to be called a parent by the teacher. A score of 20 in the math test will not cause you to be called a parent. If you have good grades in other subjects, you can graduate by barely making up some classes - by the way, this is how Shengshu graduated - but if you score below 20 points...

Then you will definitely fail the exam.

Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, both of whom have been kings since they were children, are now in their first year of ninja school at the age of 11, and both of them score below 80 most of the time.

This was unacceptable to the two proud guys.

But there is also an advantage, that is, they were originally rebellious, but they passed it because they refused to admit defeat.

As for the current results of these two people, they can only barely give an A-.

From this aspect, you can tell that Uchiha Fugaku's A-level evaluation when he graduated was already very good.

After graduating at the age of 13, Uchiha Fugaku spent two years learning ninjutsu under the guidance of senior Uchiha, and was promoted to chunin at the age of 15.

In fact, he could enter the security department at that time, but Uchiha Fugaku did not have such a choice.

Because he feels that his talents are more than that.

So, now, four years later, he was promoted to Jonin.

He was promoted to Jonin at the age of 19, which is already very fast.

According to Yuya's regulations, if you want to continue to advance to the elite jounin, that is, directly skip the intermediate jounin assessment and the senior jounin assessment, you must have a ten-year transition period.

Although there are some geniuses who have the ability to reach the shadow level at the age of 18 (don’t look at the second pillar and the prince, I’m talking about you two), but if he really reaches the shadow level at the age of 18, how can Youya have the nerve to let him go? Doing some jonin drudgery?

Every village uses this level of combat power as a weapon.

Even if I really have a task to ask, it is still a very important task.

Konoha Village doesn't need that kind of outrageous mission right now. For example, Yuya would definitely not do such a brain-dead mission like Taki Country asking Kakuzu to assassinate Naruto.

Things in other villages are fine and there is no need to join in the fun.

Therefore, Yuya still needs these jonins to work part-time.

If you were to be directly promoted to senior jounin, where would I find cows and horses?

Of course, Uchiha Fugaku didn't know this. Uchiha Fugaku was a little proud of his promotion to Jonin at the age of 19.

It's just that he won't show it.

He considers himself to be the kind of person who talks little and does little.

However, on the first day he came to the security department, he felt numb.

Because he was already a Jonin, he was assigned to lead a group.

There's nothing wrong with that in itself.

The problem is that as Konoha Village develops, various problems will become apparent.

For example, in the past, people in Konoha Village mostly went to other villages to farm or open small shops. These people had a lot of rest time every day and generally did not cause trouble.

Nowadays, many jobs require people to connect with, and there are also many jobs in the service industry. When people come into contact, conflicts will arise. When conflicts arise, there will be trouble. When trouble becomes big, trouble will occur, and trouble will bring more trouble. Much trouble.

Not to mention the dark sides of Konoha Village that I haven't mentioned before, but there are still people in Konoha Village who are lazy, eat and wait to die.

It has been fifteen years since Yuya took office. Many people who were three or four years old when Yuya served as Hokage are now adults and have no pressure to own a house at home. They don’t want to go to school, let alone work in a factory. They inevitably become sluts, that is, gangster.

Of course there are not many such people, but they just gather together and ask for money from home, verbally tease the beauties passing by, and whistle.

Not to mention grabbing money with a knife, even if they just harass a passing beauty, as long as they do it, they will be classified as harassment.

And this is enough for them to squat on the sewing machine.

You Ya won't be paid if you go in and use the sewing machine.

Oh, by the way, the people who entered the Sarutobi clan because of embezzling public funds and embezzling money have already come out. However, those who entered in their thirties are now over fifty when they come out. The changes in Konoha Village are too great, and they have basically shown There are symptoms of being out of touch with the times.

If it weren't for the Sarutobi clan to protect their lives, they probably wouldn't know what to do.

Apart from anything else, public urination is not allowed in Konoha Village now, and public toilets have been built.

At the same time, phone booths are also being built on the road, and the low-rise bungalows that used to be there have all disappeared and become real estate developments. This gives some people who have been in prison for more than ten years a sense of alienation, as if they are from another world.

Yuya dared to arrest even members of the Sarutobi family. Although Konoha Village has now expropriated the clan lands of various ninja families and expanded the entire village area, strictly speaking, it is still just a county-level city.

How big can it get?

Who doesn’t know the news?

Therefore, some people with evil intentions only have evil intentions but no courage.

But that doesn't stop them from being disgusting.

Uchiha Fugaku received a complaint on his first day in office. After all, it was the first case. Uchiha Fugaku was full of energy and prepared to seek justice.

Then I saw two stall owners fighting each other in the vegetable market.

Uchiha Fugaku went up to the two of them and asked what was going on. He frowned when he learned that it was a verbal dispute.

It was just a quarrel. Why did you let him come over?

Well, you can't think so. The Security Department manages the entire Konoha. If the verbal disputes continue to evolve, there may be casualties.

Uchiha Fugaku patiently persuaded him for half an hour. Finally, seeing that the two sides were not ready to negotiate peace, Uchiha Fugaku suddenly frowned and changed to a serious look.

He is not the kind of good-natured person. If the two people are really unwilling to shake hands and make peace, then he will arrest them and take them to the police station to talk.

This method is very effective, but this is just the beginning. As soon as the matter here is solved, someone comes to Uchiha Fugaku to say that someone is drunk and crazy.

Is there someone drunk in broad daylight?

Uchiha Fugaku frowned, and then walked over to take a look. He was not drunk and was obviously just using this reason to take advantage of others.

Uchiha Fugaku was furious and wanted to take the person away and put him in prison.

The team members accompanying him quickly stopped him, saying that they would just teach him a lesson and arrest him.

Uchiha Fugaku frowned, why?

The law promulgated by the Third Hokage clearly stated that people could be arrested directly.

Then after the matter was resolved, he realized that if someone was imprisoned for such a trivial matter, many people in Konoha would have to go in, and there were not so many places in the prison. Besides, they have to deal with more than a dozen accidents a day, so they don't have that much time to waste on such trivial matters.

Uchiha Fugaku frowned. To him and the members of his own group, this kind of thing was indeed a trivial matter.

But is this a small thing for the person being harassed?

Before Fugaku could think about it, the next incident to be handled was notified.

And this time, the call was made directly to the Headquarters of the Security Department.

Telephone lines in Konoha have not yet been laid to every household, but some important locations will definitely be connected as soon as possible.

There is no doubt that there is also a list of the Ministry of Security.

The call came from the logistics team in the Hokage's office building. They found that the number of documents sent in this batch was wrong. It was three volumes less than the number reported by the people below.

Uchiha Fugaku was a little confused. It was only three volumes. What was this big deal?

But his team members were instantly shocked.

Because the scrolls in the Hokage's office were collected by factories, merchants, and various street offices, compiled and summarized their own relevant situations, and reported to the people in the office building.

Then the clerks in the office building will classify the relevant information that is important and unimportant. The important ones will be handed over layer by layer and finally sent to You Ya. The unimportant ones will be marked as read and then written down. The handling opinions were sent to Nara Shikaya’s secretarial team.

Strictly speaking, most of the time what the people below hand over will not be important information.

But that doesn't mean they don't need to look for it.

What if the three wrong scrolls are important?

Uchiha Fugaku and his team members worked for more than two hours, and finally found it. It was dropped in a public car during transportation.

Once this is done, the next task comes without stopping.

Uchiha Fugaku finally came home at eleven o'clock in the evening.

After I got home, I just lay on the bed and didn't want to move.

The rush-to-work mood I felt when I went to work at nine in the morning was gone by the end of the day.

Uchiha Fugaku always felt that there was something wrong with the security department, but he had a busy day today and didn't want to use his brain. Now he just wanted to sleep.

After maintaining this kind of work intensity for a week, Uchiha Fugaku, who was called over to work overtime even though he was supposed to be on vacation today, finally couldn't help but ask a question:

"Our security department is so busy, why don't we hire more people to relieve the pressure?!"

As soon as Uchiha Fugaku said this, many people in the security department fell silent.

Only then did Uchiha Fugaku realize that it was not just him, but many people in the security department thought so...

In this case...

"Why don't we jointly speak to the Minister and ask him to expand the size of the Security Department and recruit more people?" Uchiha Fugaku put forward his own opinion.

However, at this moment, a cold snort came.

Uchiha stood up instantly with a gloomy face.

Uchiha Fugaku could only lower his head: "Deputy Minister..."

The gloom in Uchiha Setsuna's eyes gradually became thicker. He looked at Uchiha Fugaku: "Do you want us to hand over the security department and let others in Konoha manage it?!"

Uchiha Fugaku lowered his head and defended: "No, Vice Minister! I'm just because everyone has too much work to handle, so..."

"That means you are incompetent!" Uchiha stared at Uchiha Fugaku with bloodshot pupils in his eyes and said coldly:

"Too busy? That's because you are too incompetent! If you are too busy, then don't rest! Work hard for me! If you have time to raise these complaints, you can handle a dispute.

Go away, don't let me hear your complaints again, do you understand? "

Uchiha Fugaku could only bow his head and respond.

But what he thinks in his heart, only he knows.

Uchiha looked around for a moment, and no one in the Uchiha clan dared to look at him.

Uchiha instantly smiled with satisfaction. He enjoyed the feeling of being "respected" by all the people in the security department.

That was so enjoyable.

In an apartment in the Konoha Village Public Employee Accommodation Building:

"That's why I don't like Setsuna. He is too gloomy." Uchiha Kage picked up a cup of tea and drank it in one gulp. Then he shook his head and said to Yuya sitting opposite:

"I know about the security department. I can't and I don't want to care about that place..."

Uchiha Mirror said this and shook his head again and sighed: "They used to say that that place was the last position of Uchiha. They must not give in. If even that place is taken back by the village's top management, Uchiha will really have nothing. For this reason, they will complete the work of the security department wholeheartedly, so that the village senior officials will not have an excuse to intervene..."

Youya didn't want to laugh at first, but when he heard this, he couldn't help laughing, and then he quickly apologized: "Oh, I didn't mean it, but what you said was really...

Well, it’s unbelievable that you thought so before. "

Uchiha Mirror was a little helpless, and then couldn't help laughing.

"Actually, it's really ridiculous when I think about it now." Uchiha Kage said, drank a cup of tea, and said with emotion: "I used to really believe it. I believed they were public-spirited and wanted to make the village better. Although Maybe I have selfish motives, but I’m still trying my best..."

Uchiha Jing said, holding his forehead and shaking his head with a smile: "But now I really see clearly where so much public-spiritedness comes from. The resistance I made before was just to deceive those people in the clan. Just let them stand with him and fight against the village's senior officials.

Now, they understand that the Security Department is no longer enough to complete their workload. However, because you have never expressed your intention to forcibly take back the Security Department, they naturally cannot give up so easily. "

Yuya grinned. Konoha was short of people everywhere. After the security department took back Yuya, he had to invest a lot of manpower. There are more than two million floating people in the inner city of Konoha. Such a large number of people would require at least 5,000 members of the security department to manage them.

There are only over 500 Uchiha clan members, so where can the remaining 4,500 people be made up?

Moreover, these are people from the security department who are responsible for public security. Therefore, not all of them are Chujounin, at least most of them must be Chunin.

Where do these people come from?

So instead of taking the Security Department back, Youya wanted the Security Department to be the one taking the blame.

Wherever there is chaos in Konoha, if the security department doesn't arrive in time, then it must be the security department who is being blamed, and Yuya will not blame anyone.

He is the bright and majestic Third Hokage. It is too late for the villagers of Konoha Village to be grateful, so how can they blame him~

It's all the damn Security Department's fault and all the damn Uchiha's fault for making us suffer!

You Uchiha ninjas can manage the security department well if you can!

It's all your fault for not managing it well and refusing to hand over the management of the security department to our great Hokage-sama! It's your fault!

After all, Konoha Village is so big, and it is no secret that Uchiha refuses to hand over the management of the Security Department to Yuya. This makes some people who have suffered losses due to the poor management of the Security Department naturally feel dissatisfied with Uchiha.

And what You Ya wants is this kind of effect.

As for Uchiha Mirror, he was also helpless.

Because from his point of view, there is definitely no problem in handing over the security department to Youya.

Yuya is the Hokage, the highest manager of Konoha. Is there anything wrong with leaving it to him? No, you people who don’t want to hand over the security department are the ones with the problem!

However, in exchange for Uchiha Kaoru's thoughts, he is the dignified ANBU minister, and now lives in Konoha's official accommodation building.

Uchiha Kage also has a temper about this. You reject me. Do you really think I want to stay in the family? !

So I simply moved out.

On the contrary, it is similar to Madara.

Today, Yuya came to see Uchiha Mirror mainly because of the security department. Too many people complained, and Yuya had to pretend. The rumor was that he wanted Uchiha Mirror to take over the security department.

Of course it is impossible for the Minister and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Security to be willing.

Therefore, in the end, this matter will definitely go away. Yuya's reputation will not be affected at all. The curses are all Uchiha's, and he is clean.

It's just right, let's take this time to take a rest.

If you sit in the office for a long time, you should move around more.

"Ding dong"

And just when the two of them put down their work and turned to talk about other things, Yuya asked Uchiha Kagami that his son was almost an adult and was old enough to marry a wife. He didn't know when to prepare for this. He would be ready soon. Konoha is 39 years old.

Uchiha Kaoru was a little helpless. He always felt that Yuya was just waiting for his grandson or granddaughter to be born for fun.

Although...he was actually looking forward to it.

And just then, the doorbell rang.

Yuya and Uchiha Kagami looked at each other, both confused.

Who would look for an Uchiha mirror when nothing happens?

And it’s still like ringing the doorbell. If it's an ANBU person, what's the doorbell? !

I came right in through the window!

Uchiha Mirror went over to open the door, and then saw a black-haired man wearing Uchiha robes standing outside, looking at Yuya in surprise:

"Sandaime...Hokage-sama? Why are you here?"

The person who came was none other than Uchiha Fugaku.

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