Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 182 Konoha 39 and Fugaku’s Mangekyō Sharingan

Youya narrowed his eyes, smiled and joked: "Why, can't I be here?"

Uchiha Fugaku apologized quickly.

Youya waved his hand, he didn't mind this kind of thing, but...

He was indeed curious as to why Uchiha Fugaku came to Uchiha Mirror.

Although Uchiha Fugaku didn't expect Yuya to be here, he seemed a little cautious.

But after Uchiha Fugaku thought carefully, he decided to tell Yuya what he saw and heard.

Anyway, there's nothing wrong with it.

So, Uchiha Fugaku told Uchiha Mirror what he saw and heard in the first week after going to work.

Finally, he said to Uchiha Mirror: "You are the most convincing adult in the Uchiha clan besides the clan leader, so I would like to ask you, do you have any suggestions for the current situation of the Security Department?

I know that many people are not satisfied with the status quo, they just don’t dare to come to you. "

Uchiha Mirror was silent, then he shook his head, looked at Uchiha Fugaku and said: "I know you, a genius who was promoted to Jonin at the age of 19."

Uchiha Fugaku lowered his head slightly, but his expression looked more confident.

After all, his ability to become a Jonin at the age of 19 is enough to prove his excellence.

Uchiha Mirror did not immediately answer Uchiha Fugaku's words, but instead asked Uchiha Fugaku a question: "Does other people in the clan know that you came to my place today?"

Uchiha Fugaku shook his head: "They don't know. In fact, today was supposed to be my rest day, but I was called over temporarily to continue working overtime. After finishing those things, I took the time to come to you. "

Uchiha Kage nodded, then looked at Uchiha Fugaku and said: "You just said that you have only been working for a week, how can you be sure that other people in the security department think the same as you?"

Uchiha Fugaku quickly replied: "Actually, I helped occasionally when I was 15 years old. But at that time, it was all paperwork, and I never worked on the front line."

Uchiha Kage nodded clearly, and then looked at Yuya: "Hokage-sama has also finished listening. Why don't you listen to Hokage-sama's opinion?"

Uchiha Fugaku then looked at Yuya.

For Yuya and Uchiha Fugaku, it is more that the Uchiha clan members are born with fear or respect for the word "Hokage", but there is definitely not much respect from the heart anyway.

After all, the environment in the Uchiha clan is like this. No matter how you look at it, it is impossible to cultivate a large number of characters who look at the entire village like Uchiha Kagami.

Most Uchiha tribesmen are born and raised here, so they will inevitably be affected by the family's environment.

Yuya rubbed the beard on his chin and grinned.

He didn't expect that Uchiha Fugaku could be so naive.

After all, in the original history of Naruto, Uchiha Fugaku, as the patriarch of Uchiha, was caught between the family and the village. It can be said that he lived in the cracks between the family and the top management of Konoha.

Tiantian carries a man with a serious look on his face.

Of course, Yuya couldn't remember it when he was so passionate like now.

But that's normal. Who hasn’t passed the second grade in middle school when they were young?

So Yuya touched his chin and smiled at Uchiha Fugaku: "I have listened to what you said, then... what do you want by saying this?"

Uchiha Fugaku was stunned for a moment, then looked at Yuya and said, "Of course I want Master Kagami to return to the family and lead the rest of the family to change the status quo."

Youya smiled and nodded: "So, you think your family's current situation is not good, right?"

Uchiha Fugaku was immediately confused.

Although he wants to change the status quo, he really wants to say that the current situation of the Uchiha family is not good...

That is indeed nonsense.

After all, the money the Uchiha family takes from Yuya every year is not in vain and must be used for the family.

Therefore, everyone in the security department lacks nothing in life except being a little bit tired and being scolded every day.

And it's not just the Uchiha Fugaku family, it's all the members of the Uchiha family who don't lack for a living.

How can this situation be called "bad"?


Uchiha Fugaku always felt that the Security Department should not be what it is now.

But if you ask him to come up with a relevant charter and say something about Chou Yinmao, he really doesn't know what to say.

Yuya looked at the troubled Uchiha Fugaku and knew what was going on.

So he smiled and said to Uchiha Fugaku: "Although you are aware that something is wrong, you don't know how the Security Department led to the current situation. You want to change everything but you don't know where to start or how to change it. Right wrong?"

Uchiha Fugaku suddenly raised his head and looked at Yuya in shock.

You Ya was like a roundworm in his stomach, and he said everything he was thinking.

Uchiha Jing smiled: "How do you think Lord Hokage can secure this position? What you are worried about is only the Uchiha family, but Lord Hokage needs to consider all families in Konoha.

These troubles you have are not a big deal at all in the eyes of Hokage-sama. "

Uchiha Fugaku's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Yuya and bowed sincerely: "Please teach me, Hokage-sama!"

This time it’s a request that comes from the heart and is spoken from the inside out.

Yuya did not immediately answer Uchiha Fugaku's words. Instead, he asked a strange question: "Do you like reading?"

Uchiha Fugaku looked at Yuya confused: "Reading?"

"Well, do you usually like reading books?"

Uchiha Fugaku was a little confused, and then he said carefully: "I haven't read much since I graduated..."

Yuya smiled: "There's nothing embarrassing about this. After graduation, many people in Konoha Village hate the textbooks in school and never touch them again. This is normal. Well...

Especially math. "

Uchiha Fugaku suddenly laughed. In fact, he also knew this. The first thing many people do after graduation is to tear up or burn their math books.

He originally thought that Hokage-sama would be very angry about this situation. After all, Hokage-sama attaches great importance to the subject of mathematics.

Doesn't that seem to be the case now?

You Ya then changed the subject: "Of course, burning books is still bad, don't learn this."

Uchiha Fugaku immediately lowered his head.

You Ya then smiled and said: "A lot of things, in fact, cannot be taught in profound truths in school, and if you try to understand these truths in your own life, it would be a waste of time.

So in fact, many people have troubles like yours.

It's just that they don't have the... well, subjective initiative like you to go directly to the elders in their family to solve their doubts.

They all come directly to me. "

Uchiha Fugaku suddenly looked embarrassed. Yuya meant that he could directly ask Yuya for advice, and Yuya would not hide his secrets.

So Uchiha Fugaku saluted again: "Please teach me, Hokage-sama."

You Ya: "I can't teach you myself. There are many things that you can only rely on to understand on your own and combine them with reality to understand what contradictions are and what are the root causes of them.

These things cannot be explained clearly in a few words.


If I did teach, a lot of people would be upset. "

Uchiha Fugaku somewhat understood.

To put it bluntly, the "imperially appointed" quota for the Hokage's disciples cannot be given casually.

People in the Uchiha family are even more repelled by this identity.

If Uchiha Fugaku really becomes Yuya's disciple, then among other things, the group of people in the family headed by Setsuna Uchiha will definitely reject and resist him. This is also the reason why he came to Uchiha Mirror instead of directly to the Hokage.

Anyway, Uchiha Kaoru's surname is Uchiha. Even though he left the clan, he never said anything about betraying the family.

After all, are there few people in the Uchiha family who have left the clan?

"Then...then what should I learn?" Uchiha Fugaku looked at Yuya.

Yuya smiled slightly, and just asked Uchiha Kage to take a pen and paper, and then wrote two book titles on the paper.

One is "Class Theory" and the other is "Contradiction Theory".

Uchiha Jing looked a little surprised: "You let Fugaku read this book so early? Are you sure he can understand it?"

Uchiha Fugaku was a little confused.

Yuya looked at Fugaku with a smile: "Isn't he an outstanding graduate?"

Uchiha Mirror: "But...but after all, he has no experience in public service..."

Yuya shrugged at Uchiha Fugaku: "I certainly can't tell you the method, but I can remind you that if you understand these two books, you will understand the root cause of the Uchiha family's current situation.

After understanding this, if you still have the courage to continue changing the status quo, come to Uncle Jing. "

As he spoke, Yuya winked at Uchiha Fugaku: "By the way, it's best if you can understand these two books. If you can't understand them, then just get a rough idea.

Remember, don’t memorize by rote, but understand the content in the book based on reality. "

Uchiha Fugaku was still a little dizzy when he left.

After taking a look at the sky, it seemed that it was still early. The Konoha Library should not be closed yet. If I went there now, I should be able to borrow these two books.

So, Uchiha Fugaku left the building and walked to the Konoha Library.

Konoha's library is not big, at least much smaller than a twenty-story building.

The library is a cylindrical building with a hollow interior, and books are placed on the walls of the corridors on both sides.

There are only four floors in the library. It is worth mentioning that more than half of the walls on the fourth floor are empty.

There are no textbooks related to ninjutsu here. They are all knowledge that ordinary people can learn.

For example, things related to agriculture, handicrafts, things that need to be paid attention to when entering the factory, and beginner and intermediate surgical manuals written by Tsunade.

Uchiha Fugaku found the two books Yuya gave him among the few books on the fourth floor.

Two books were covered with dust on the bookshelf. It was obvious that they had been there for a long time and no one had taken them away.

Uchiha Fugaku patted the book cover, and the dust raised suddenly made him cough.

"There are not many candidates...this kind of book..." Uchiha Fugaku sighed helplessly. He always felt that he had been deceived by the Hokage.

I looked at the author's signature, and it turned out to be a blank column?


Could it be that the author knew that what he wrote was not good, so he deliberately did not sign it?

Uchiha Fugaku finally borrowed the book.

The librarian asked Uchiha to fill out a library card and told him that he could only read it for three days at most, and he must return the book after three days.

Of course, if you want to continue reading, you can read it in the library, but you cannot take it away.

Uchiha Fugaku didn't think he would watch it for that long.

These two books are not thick, and the number of words is not that many.

Uchiha Fugaku felt that he should be able to read it in one day.

Even if you have to go to work during the day, you can just take a few hours to read it in the evening.

After returning home, he put the two books on the cabinet. After eating dinner, taking a shower, and watching the latest episode of TV, Uchiha Fugaku picked up the two books and walked into the bedroom.

For him, these two books may just be a way to kill time before going to bed.

Opening the first book, Uchiha Fugaku read it with little interest.

[...Social division of labor is the basis for the emergence and evolution of classes. The role each person represents in society, the type of work he does, the various responsibilities he undertakes, and all the benefits he obtains... represent the class he belongs to. ...]

Uchiha Fugaku casually flipped through a few pages, and found that they were all specious words, and the writing was a bit difficult to understand. Although some examples were given later, those examples were of no reference to Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Fugaku yawned, put down the book, and picked up another one.

[The development and change of all things are driven by contradictions. Contradictions are the opposites existing within things...]

Some obscure words again...

Uchiha Fugaku read a few more pages and found them a bit boring, so he put the two books on the bedside table and prepared to go to bed. He would have to get up early to go to work in the security department tomorrow.

That's what he thought.

However, in his daze, Uchiha Fugaku remembered what Yuya said to him...

You should read these two books in light of Uchiha's own family's internal situation...

Uchiha Fugaku gradually fell into a deep sleep...

Until some point in the middle of the night...


Uchiha Fugaku suddenly sat up from the bed, and then panted rapidly with a cold sweat on his face.

He didn't have any nightmares, he just subconsciously went over Uchiha's situation in his mind, and then used the contents of the book to compare his family's situation...

Then he discovered...


And more than just matching, it can be said that the Uchiha family has always had conflicts since the beginning of the film when Sengoku and Senju Hashirama stabbed each other.

It's just that everyone in the past only knew the superficial appearance. They had not read this book and did not know the words and sentences summarized in this book, so they could not summarize the relevant laws.

However, when Uchiha Fugaku was half asleep and half awake, he subconsciously made a comparison.

Uchiha Fugaku's eyes suddenly turned into Sharingan eyes, and the three magatama in his pupils were slowly rotating.

After Uchiha Fugaku breathed rapidly for a moment, he slowly calmed down.

And the movement in his eyes gradually stopped.

Uchiha Fugaku shook his head, then picked up a book on the side, reading it very seriously this time.

At dawn, Uchiha Fugaku rubbed his eyebrows and got up to go to work in the security department.

Then when he came to the security department and spent a fulfilling and busy day, Uchiha Fugaku, who didn't come home until 11 o'clock in the night, looked exhausted.

But today, he still had something to compare.

He picked up a book next to him and scrutinized each word while translating it.

At this time, he could see clearly some things that were vague or that he had never expected at all. He even came to a very absurd conclusion:

The Uchihas who are actually working on the front line in the Security Department and the leaders who sit in offices in the Security Department's office building are not of the same class at all.

The people who work in the security department and the elders of the Uchiha family are even more different from the same class.

Cold sweat gradually appeared on Uchiha Fugaku's face. He picked up another book and continued to compare the situation of his family...

As the leadership of the Uchiha family, it is impossible for them to do the dirty work themselves, let alone Uchiha Setsuna's dream of serving as the head of the security department...

These people and the front-line workers of the Security Department are not a united front at all...there is just a cold superior-subordinate relationship!

This should have been a conflict between Uchiha and outsiders, but now it has become bigger and bigger within Uchiha...

Uchiha Fugaku has no doubt that if this situation continues to develop like this, sooner or later the frontline clan members of the security department will resign directly, or even directly conflict with the family elders...

If it really comes to that point...

The Uchiha family will not only become the laughing stock of Konoha, but internal problems will also cause a civil strife in the Uchiha family!

This kind of civil strife will not be the kind of civil strife that involves armed conflict. It will only show quarrels and then fragmentation, allowing the leaders of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Setsuna and the Uchiha clan leader, to eventually become bare commanders.

And let the Uchiha first-line clan members who are oppressed and overwhelmed by the heavy workload directly break with the current Uchiha clan elders...

This is not betrayal, this is...

A new Uchiha clan is reborn...

but! Uchiha Fugaku didn't want this.

The Uchiha family has been oppressed since the founding of the village. It is not the strongest family. If it is still divided...

That might really turn it into a second-rate family...

Uchiha Fugaku's eyes stung again.

He thought of what Youya said to him that day...


Did the Sandaime do it? !

This is what was you who did it, right?

The rotation speed of the three magatama in Uchiha Fugaku's eyes gradually increased.

But then, Uchiha Fugaku suddenly thought of a question.

If it was really You Ya who did it, then why did he let himself read these two books? !

He didn't say that he would never think of this in his life...

The magatama in Uchiha Fugaku's eyes gradually subsided, and he took a deep breath.

There's still time...

It hasn't developed to that point yet...

He still has a chance...

The next day, Uchiha Fugaku took half a day off to copy the two books at his home, and then returned the books.

A few days later, Konoha ushered in the last day of Konoha's 38th year.

This year's New Year's Eve was even more lively. Hiruzen Sarutobi also invested a lot of resources this time. The fireworks alone exploded for ten minutes, which was extremely gorgeous.

Yuya spent this day happily with his children, Tsunade and his parents-in-law.

And that night, Uchiha Fugaku fell into isolation.

He thought of a solution.

That is to introduce new members of the security department.

Let the Security Department publish recruitment brochures to other ninjas in Konoha Village.

But as expected, he was sternly rejected by Setsuna Uchiha.

Uchiha Fugaku's lungs were about to explode with anger, but after reading those two books, Uchiha Fugaku already knew why Uchiha Setsuna had such a big reaction.

Bring in new people and the power in their hands will be divided.

Even if the plate becomes bigger by then, although the proportion will be smaller, there may be many more people than can be controlled now.

However, if you can have 100% control, why do you want the 20 or 30% control?

If the security department is too busy, that's your problem. Want to recruit new people?


Uchiha Fugaku knew that there was one and only one person in the entire Konoha Village who could make Uchiha make this choice.

However, knowing that Yuya was probably behind the current situation, Uchiha Fugaku couldn't possibly be in such a hurry to find Yuya.

During the annual vacation of Konoha 39, Uchiha Fugaku shamelessly visited his classmates from the ninja school.

That is, the latest generation of descendants from major families to enter society.

However, it was this visit during the annual vacation that made Uchiha Fugaku discover a horrifying fact.

It's not just the Uchiha family that has internal conflicts.

There are also people in the Sarutobi family who are dissatisfied with the management of Hiruzen Sarutobi, and there are quite a few of them!

The Shimura family... Needless to say, after Danzo and Yuya fought in the ring, Shimura Danzo had been pretending to be dead for almost ten years in order to stabilize his position.

Other families have more or less internal conflicts.

Uchiha Fugaku thought of the passage he read...

[When the new generation grows up, they will naturally want more, and this method, in addition to developing new tracks for winner-take-all, has another way to eat.

Eat up the capital of established forces...]

After Uchiha Fugaku returned home, he only felt weak.

He was confused.

He didn't know what to do now.

In other words, he actually knew...


Are you going to find the Sandaime?

Doesn't that mean he completely surrendered?

Is this really something he can accept? !

Uchiha Fugaku thought for a long time, and two lines of blood and tears flowed from his eyes...

What else can he do?

Even if I know that it is impossible to solve the situation in front of me...

He could only lower his face and go to visit...

When Yuya heard the doorbell and came to open the door and saw Uchiha Fugaku.

Yuya, who was about to ask Uchiha Fugaku why he suddenly came to him, suddenly shut up.

Because the patterns in the blood chakra eyes of Uchiha Fugaku are not ordinary three magatama at all...

This is……

Mangekyō Sharingan!

Yuya looked confused. I haven't heard of anyone in the Uchiha clan. Why did you open your eyes? !

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