Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 188 Daily life after the war

The impact of Uchiha Setsuna's troubles was not small, of course, not big either.

No matter where or in the world, most people have the idea that the dead are the most important.

The old Uchiha patriarch took all the blame on himself and turned the Uchiha Setsuna incident into a typical power struggle within the family, so this matter should be stopped here.

After all, the person who took the blame on himself is dead, so there is no point in continuing to investigate.

Of course, this statement itself is untenable, such as the most basic thing, the murder of Uchiha Setsuna's family.

It is impossible for Setsuna Uchiha to be assigned to the post of Deputy Minister of Security because he is weak.

How could such a person have no reaction when you kill his whole family?

Yes, the important thing is the lack of reaction, not the inability to do it.

Of course the old Uchiha leader knew that it was impossible to hide it from everyone.

But it doesn't matter to him, he can hide as much as he can.

not to mention……

With the relationship between Uchiha and other families, no one from other families would have enough time to investigate the truth.

This is really interesting. In the past, Uchiha had no contact with other families, which gave the old patriarch a headache, but now, he actually benefits from it.

Putting aside everything else, Uchiha Setsuna's influence was indeed minimized by the old patriarch in a self-blaming way.

A power struggle and a betrayal of the village to usurp the throne are two completely different terms.

Of course, Youya must agree.

And is Youya the kind of narrow-minded person?

Well, he had nothing to lose at all, and because Uchiha Setsuna told Black Zetsu before he died, if possible, Yuya really wanted to give Uchiha Setsuna a certificate.

As we all know, many things can be avoided in the Naruto world without Black Zetsu causing trouble.

And Uchiha Kagami and Uchiha Fugaku knew about the existence of Black Zetsu. If a clan member's temperament changed drastically in the future, they would definitely think of a rat in the gutter immediately.

That's fine.

And after this incident, Youya didn't gain anything.

Uchiha Fugaku is different from the old patriarch with a bad temper. His style is relatively easy-going.

And the most important thing is that he doesn't mind the Uchiha clan integrating into Konoha.

If possible, he would even support the Uchiha clan to integrate into Konoha.

If the Uchiha clan continues to stay away from the major families in Konoha, the family's power will probably weaken day by day.

But what troubles Uchiha Fugaku most now is not family matters.

It's his own business.

As mentioned before, Uchiha Fugaku Ninja School was promoted to Chunin a few years after graduating from the Ninja School, and now he is promoted to Jonin, and he also has the Mangekyou Sharingan.

These things are solid realities.

Therefore, it is not too much to say that Uchiha Fugaku is a genius.

And he is now elected as the leader of the Uchiha clan with a high vote.

The first thing is not to show your political ability.

It’s about starting a family.

Yes, he needs to find a wife as soon as possible.

If he had not become the patriarch, no one would pay special attention to his private life.

But now that he is the clan leader, many people covet his wife's position.

Just like Yuya, before Yuya became Hokage, even if each family knew about the relationship between Yuya and the first generation, the second generation would not be so eager to give Yuya women.

And when Yuya confirmed that he would become Hokage, he had to settle his family as soon as possible. Otherwise, when Yuya was walking on the road one day, a beautiful woman fell into his arms. How do you want him to explain?

Therefore, Yuya decisively married Tsunade at that time. Although I feel a little sorry for Tsunade, it is impossible for Naruto's marriage not to be mixed with some political factors.

Fortunately, Tsunade did like Yuya, so there was no tragedy.

But what Uchiha Fugaku said...

Well, he was a curly dog ​​in school, and then he worked hard to cultivate, and now you let him get married directly...

After talking about it, he couldn't even think of a single candidate.

Although Uchiha Fugaku has no one in mind, Yua does!

At this moment, standing in the Hokage's office was a beautiful girl with long silky hair and a fair face full of astonishment.

"Hokage-sama...why are you asking me what I think...of the new clan leader?"

Uchiha Mikoto looked at Yuya with some confusion.

What can Youya say? You can't say that I want to quickly bring the two of you together so that Itachi can be born and work for me.

So Yuya looked at Uchiha Mikoto with a serious face: "Because I have always believed that Uchiha Fugaku's wife should not be involved in too many political factors, and you are a member of the Uchiha clan and are not very powerful. Weak, a chuunin at a young age, with a good personality, gentle and generous, beautiful and kind...

To be honest, if Uchiha Fugaku hadn't really reached the age of marrying a wife, I definitely wouldn't recommend it to you. "

After saying that, Youya put his hands on his chin and said with a deep expression: "Of course, you can refuse if you don't want to."

Uchiha Mikoto frowned, she was indeed not very willing.

Although the sisters around her are talking about the new leader of the Uchiha clan - Uchiha Mikoto is a chuunin, and the sisters around her are all Uchiha kunoichi - she personally has no interest in it.

The main reason should be...

She is only 15 years old! ! ! !

Uchiha Mikoto was dazed when she finally left the Hokage's office.

She always felt that the way You Ya looked at her was strange, there was something...

Well, I wish she would marry Uchiha Fugaku as soon as possible.

Huh, it’s not like no one wants me. Those ninjas can all line up to chase me. Why do I have to choose Uchiha Fugaku? !

Uchiha Mikoto was born into a branch of the Uchiha clan.

Different from the gentleness on the surface, she is actually very rich inside.

And because of Yuya's changes to Konoha and Uchiha over the years, Uchiha Mikoto did not go to the security department like ordinary Uchiha people.

After graduating from the ninja school, she studied under a jounin for a year and was promoted to chunin, and then went to the women's craft workshop as a trainee guard.

Next year I should be able to lead the team independently.

From this aspect, she is actually a very independent-thinking girl.

She clearly knows what she wants, knows how to get it, and has a clear understanding of her life.

However, because of Yuya's stereotype that this girl is the kind of gentle and easy-going Itachi God and Erzhu's mother in the original work, Yuya would say these words more radically.

In fact, even in the original work, when Er Zhuzi asked God Itachi to take him to practice, Uchiha Mikoto said that God Itachi was busy with work and she could accompany Er Zhuzi if he wanted to practice ninjutsu.

Judging from this aspect, Uchiha Mikoto's indifference when Itachi killed his parents later, it is obvious that these parents are well aware of the changes in their son.

And this is obviously not how a gentle, considerate, family-focused woman should behave.

Uchiha Mikoto is also an outstanding talent.

And good people are always welcome.

If Uchiha Mikoto was in the past, she would definitely have to choose one from the Uchiha family.

but now……

She has so many choices.

Do you know the most popular place in Konoha?

There are different options for each age group.

For example, for children, regardless of gender, it must be an amusement park.

The older boys and girls, around the age of 18, would definitely be the recruit camp in Konoha.

This is what happened to Uchiha Mikoto.

She liked the young men who were preparing troops in Konoha's new military camp very much.

This kind of liking is not one of love, but of appreciation.

There is no other way. When the sunny, cheerful little brother with angular muscles on his body runs past you during morning exercises every day, you are also confused.

For boys of this age, the most popular one is the Konoha Handicraft Workshop.

Because the handicraft workshop is a delicate job and most of the boys are careless, men are not accepted here at all.

Therefore, most of the girls here are around twenty years old.

You are young and beautiful, and when you glance at them, they are all young and beautiful girls, even you are confused.

Oh, except Fugaku.

Uchiha Fugaku was a curly dog ​​in school. After he came out, he only wanted to practice. Later, he was thinking about how to get the Uchiha clan out of trouble, woman?

Well... Uchiha Fugaku has indeed never been in contact with any women.

So here's the problem.

Uchiha Mikoto is not unpopular. It can be said that if she were not too young, people chasing her would have a long queue.

After all, the people of the Uchiha clan are now divided into two types: those in the clan and those outside the clan.

How could ordinary Konoha villagers know this difference?

Anyway, Uchiha people who work in the inner city of Konoha live in the inner city by default.

It's not like ordinary people in Uchiha haven't married outside these years.

They have lived in the inner city of Konoha for more than ten years. They must have married ordinary people who left the Konoha clan.

It's just a pity that Uchiha Mikoto is not an ordinary person.

So based on this calculation, if Yuya hadn't found Uchiha Mikoto...

It is really possible that these two people will not see each other because of the butterfly effect.

In this case, can the Itachi God still be born?

Hmm... I don't dare to think about it.

Uchiha Fugaku rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, not because of his recent marriage or anything.

Okay, this is also annoying but not that annoying.

What gives Uchiha Fugaku a headache now is the voice in the Uchiha clan.

They had too many expectations for Uchiha Fugaku's eyes.

Some people even think that the third generation of Hokage may not be Uchiha Fugaku's opponent. Uchiha Fugaku was numb after hearing this. There was no way he could say that, in fact, the earthquake in Konoha Village a few days ago was not a natural disaster, but caused by the Sandaime, right?

And you really praise me too much. I saw with my own eyes that the Sandaime hammered Setsuna Uchiha, who had the same eyes as me, into a dog.

Uchiha Fugaku wanted to say ten thousand things in his heart, but in the end he held back.

What happened to Uchiha Setsuna must be kept in mind. If he told it, some Uchiha clan members would definitely kill his whole family in order to gain strength.

This was something Uchiha Fugaku couldn't accept.

Unable to say this, Uchiha Fugaku could only listen to the compliments of the Uchiha tribesmen on him with a blank face.

At night, walking on the road back to his clan, Uchiha Fugaku looked indifferent.

He once thought that he did not need comrades on the road of Uchiha reform.

But now it seems...

It would be better to have a comrade...

He has to handle everything by himself, and he finally understands what it means to be busy in a high position...

Uchiha Fugaku sighed deeply, raised his head, and was about to continue walking home, when he saw a head of soft hair dancing in the wind...

A pretty figure...

A pair of deep and charming eyes...


With a snap, Uchiha Fugaku fell.

Uchiha Fugaku got up from the road in disbelief, and then rubbed his nose.

Am I going to lose my mind? !

Uchiha Fugaku's eyes became a little serious.

Could it be...

Is it an illusion? !

Then he raised his head and saw the girl giggling at him.

Uchiha Fugaku: "..."

After getting up, Uchiha Fugaku quickly got up and ran away.

It's a bit embarrassing indeed.

After a while, a girl walked out from the tribe. She tangled her hair and ran towards the girl who was waiting for her. She hugged her arm and said, "Sorry Mikoto, I seem to have been dressed up for a long time." Hehe~"

Uchiha Mikoto smiled and shook her head: "It's okay, and...if it weren't for waiting for you...I wouldn't have seen such an interesting scene."

Uchiha Mikoto's friend turned her head in confusion: "Huh?"

"I'm back." Youya held a bag of sweet dates and closed the door behind him.

Just as he was about to change his shoes, he heard thumping footsteps, and Yulu ran over with tears in his eyes and hugged Yuya's thigh.

"Oh, what happened to my Lulu? Who bullied Lulu? Be good and tell me! Tell your father and I will beat him to death!"

With that said, Youya changed into slippers and came to the living room.

I saw Travel Notes, who was watching TV, lying on the sofa, very relaxed and carefree.

You Ya suddenly narrowed his eyes: "Yu Ji, it seems you don't want to live anymore."

Travel Notes waved his hand: "Dad, Mom went to the ancestral home today, and she also said she wouldn't be back tonight. Mom will have to go to the hospital to work night shift tomorrow, and she won't be back today or tomorrow. Are you afraid? What?"

Youya was stunned for a moment, and then he was instantly overjoyed.

But Yuya still looked at Yuya calmly: "You kid, where did you get such accurate information?"

This kid has the potential to engage in intelligence at such a young age, um, not bad.

Yu Ji stuffed a melon seed into his mouth: "Grandpa and grandma told me, and I went to the hospital to confirm the rest. Don't worry, Dad, the information is accurate!"

Youya couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth now.

Then his cheeks were torn apart by You Lu's small hands.

"Ouch! It hurts, it hurts~" It doesn't actually hurt, but Youya just wants to pretend:

"Lulu, what's the matter, Travel Notes! Why is your sister angry? How can you still eat when your sister is so angry!"

Yu Ji curled his lips, spit out a mouthful of melon seed skin, and snorted disdainfully: "She didn't want to go to school, so she was crying here. Oh, by the way, she didn't cry when mom left. She was waiting to cry with you when you came back. of."

Youya waved his hands and hugged Youlu: "Then I won't go tomorrow, what's the point."

Anyway, the kindergarten has no use for balls.

You Lu suddenly beamed.

Youya thought for a while and added: "But mom may come back the day after tomorrow, and you still have to go to school the day after tomorrow."

You Lu pouted and nodded reluctantly.

At least I can play for a day.

Then, the next afternoon, Tsunade came back before going to the hospital for her night shift.

When she saw the mess at home and the two brothers and sisters who were having fun on the sofa, a majestic anger instantly filled her chest.

Yuya leaned on the chair in the Hokage's office, and he was lost in thought.

Yesterday, Yuro sold him out immediately, saying that it was Yua who asked her not to go to school. Yuji also wanted to sell his father out, but Tsunade didn't believe it at all. In the end, the father and son knelt on the washboard and were raped. Tsunade trained for three full hours.

Sigh... What does marriage bring to men? Why do men need women? What on earth is going on in this world? When will we men stand up?

Hmm... Is this wolfberry tea becoming less and less effective...

You Ya thought about it carefully and felt that the wolfberry was not effective.

Next time I will buy Tamade from another store.

In order to appease the furious Tsunade yesterday, Yuya tried his best.

Tsunade felt comfortable, but Yuya's calves were trembling.

Alas, it turned out that there were no damaged fields, only exhausted cows.

You Ya picked up the thermos cup and was about to take a sip.

There was a knock on the door.


Outside the house, Nara Shikama also walked in and handed two pieces of paper to Yuya:

"The damage caused by the sudden earthquake a week ago is all here. We went to the site to investigate. Some buildings did have cracks in their walls and had to be demolished and rebuilt. However, the newly built twenty-story buildings did not. Influence."

You Ya nodded and was not surprised. It was originally built on a level 10 earthquake proof basis.


This earthquake was caused by myself...

Yuya sighed, that's why he doesn't like to use violence. How can the impact of the war be eliminated without spending money...

The money can obviously be used in other places!

"And this...the international student representatives sent by Sunagakure Village this year are all here.

The leader... is this person. "

You Ya picked up the information and took a look at it. Hey, it looks familiar...

This iconic ball head and two colors of hair color...

Who is coming?

Youya looked at the detailed information column on the right...

【Sunagakure Village】

【Ye Cang】


【Twelve years old】

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