Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 189 Sunagakure Village’s Konoha Ninja Exchange Team

The status of Konoha Village in today's ninja world is like that of a certain lighthouse country in Yuya's previous life.

However, later this lighthouse abandoned industrialization and went into finance, causing its industrial share to drop from more than half of the world's share to only 15%. A certain rabbit on the other side started from scratch and soared to 30%.

Regardless of the various factors in the two countries, this fact tells us a truth.

That is, those who are good at finance are liars, and those who are bad at finance are either fools or idiots.

Finance serves entities. Finance without entities is just a bunch of bubbles. If someone tells you that these bubbles are valuable and wants to make money with you, then he is either stupid or bad, so don't pay attention to him.

The only characteristic of finance is one...

That is, it is too simple for the country as a unit to play.

Using the money you print to harvest the resources of other countries is a mouth-watering profit no matter how you look at it.

Yuya will not let Konoha go to the stage of detached entities and play virtual economy, at least not now. The technology and technology are not up to standard, so it is impossible to play now.

The problem is...

Youya can choose not to play, but there are many half-hearted people who cannot see the risks behind this method. In other words, he may understand, but he is dazzled by the immediate benefits.

Just like the Third Kazekage.

Things have to start from the Sand Hidden Village three years ago.

After the canal in Sunagakure Village was built, its value itself was actually to bring a river to Sunagakure Village, turning Sunagakure Village into an oasis in the desert, and even playing a role in the transportation industry.

But here's the crux of the matter.

The source of this canal in Sunagakure Village is the water flowing from the overflowing river in the Land of Rain.

The source is in the hands of others. Others in Sunagakure Village can not worry about it, but the Third Kazekage cannot help but worry about it.

After all, if the Rain Country cuts off the source and their Sand Hidden Village cannot drink water, it will be a big trouble.

Therefore, the Third Kazekage began to think of ways to persuade the ninja families in the village to help him find other water flows, water flows that were not controlled by the Land of Rain, to merge into this canal.

In Sunagakure Village, except for the Sunabao family who had a grudge against the Third Kazekage, other families didn't actually think that the Third Kazekage was too much.

Although the Sandbaku family is the largest family in the entire Sunagakure Village, it is because of this that it is natural for the Third Kazekage to suppress you.

In fact, even the Sandbaku family themselves can understand that the Third Kazekage suppressed them.

But understanding is understanding, and you still have to resist when you should.

Therefore, this time the proposal put forward by the Third Kazekage was opposed by the Sandblast clan, who directly slapped the table.

In fact, the sand blasters did not see the risks in this plan at all. They even thought that the plan itself was actually fine.

It's not bad even, after all, it can free Sunagakure Village from dependence on the source of rainwater from the Land of Rain.

Although I think so, this proposal was put forward by you, the Third Kazekage, so it’s not possible and I don’t agree!

Of course, there was no follow-up. Although the Sandblast family opposed it, they only shouted verbally and would not take any actual obstructive actions.

Of course, they didn't dare. After all, this was a water supply issue affecting the whole village, and the sandblasting clan still had to face it.

However, just because they shouted this voice, they seemed to be very prescient.

Three years ago, the Third Kazekage asked the families of Sunagakure Village to donate money and materials under this name. In name, he wanted to use these resources to send people out to search, or simply go to intelligence dealers to buy information directly.

But as we all know, many times the development trajectory of things is completely different from one's expectations.

The Third Kazekage still stuck to his heart for the first month or two.

But in the third month, when he saw that other families were still sending him money, he had other ideas.

Using a very promising name to call on people to donate money and materials, is this start familiar to you?

Yes, this is the beginning of a typical Ponzi scheme.

And from then on, it will naturally develop naturally.

It is impossible to hide the fact that the third generation of these families is Feng Ying. The people who work under him are all people from these families.

So he secretly found the heads of several families except the Sandblast family and said that I would take the lead and do something about it, and everyone would share the profits.

Strictly speaking, this is not a problem. After all, the Third Kazekage took the money to improve the environment of Sunagakure Village.

In fact, the most important one of the Third Kazekage's political achievements is that the canal was built when the Second Kazekage was a peach picker. The construction and planning of the canal itself also involved the organization of manpower and materials. He was not involved in the transportation.

But that doesn't stop him from taking this as his own merit.

No one doesn't like benefits, and no one doesn't like achievements.

So, the Third Kazekage played a trick.

He started a fundraiser.

To be honest, Youya was the first to come up with this form of fundraising.

At that time, Yuya was only a teenager. At that time, Konoha and Kumogakure Village were fighting on the front line. Yuya directly mobilized the villagers in the village to send supplies and letters to the front line. The morale of the ninjas on the front line suddenly increased.

After Yuya became Hokage and developed Konoha Village into a lighthouse village in the ninja world, everything Yuya did before was seen over and over again by other villages with magnifying glasses.

And there is no doubt that the shadows from other villages also want to try this method of fundraising, which allows them to obtain huge benefits just by raising their arms and shouting.

And the Third Kazekage also succeeded.

He gained a lot of benefits.

However, it was at this moment that the foreshadowing was laid.

It's not that the Third Kazekage doesn't know how to play the economy. In fact, apart from Yuya, no leader of any village in the world knows how to play the economy.

Of course, this cannot be said to be related to finance. It is just that the Third Kazekage has learned a typical scam in finance without any teacher.

When a Ponzi scheme develops from top to bottom, it is doomed to be irreversible. The profits and involvement are too huge. Something from the millions of villagers in Sunagakure Village can be worth billions.

And it’s a free gift, with no need for anything in return.

The Third Kazekage didn't remember to look for other water sources at this time. He felt that the money could be used to develop factories and learn from Konoha to build power towers.

There's nothing wrong with the idea, but it's a pity that the money is not yours.

One year has passed and the people think there is no problem, but they want money again the next year?

Give it, give it. Anyway, our life is getting better now and we have some spare money. The Third Kazekage is doing it for our own good.

Then in the third year, this year, Sunagakure Village exploded.

In fact, the Third Kazekage's gameplay can be continued, that is, to report this proposal to the daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind, and then collect the wool of other people in the Kingdom of Wind to raise the villagers of Sunagakure Village.

Is it too much? Too much.

Shameless? Shameless.

Despicable? That's really despicable.

No one knows whether the Third Kazekage thought of this move, whether he thought of it because of his moral bottom line, or whether he didn't do it because he didn't expect it.

In short, the current fact is that the Third Kazekage was asked to step down by the villagers of Sunagakure Village.

Then, the Sandabao clan who had previously slapped the table and challenged the Third Kazekage gained overwhelming public support.

Happiness comes so suddenly that I feel overwhelmed.

It was naturally impossible for the Third Kazekage to agree to step down.

So the two sides fought openly and secretly in Sunagakure Village, and for a while, Sunagakure Village became a mess.

And in this context, whether it is the Sandblast clan or the Third Kazekage, there is one thing that both parties agree on.

That is to deepen the study abroad promotion with Konoha.

The first group of people to study abroad in Konoha were only medical students.

The second batch of students who went to Konoha to study abroad had more types of studies, including those who worked on dust, some who engaged in design, and others who observed the way in which Konoha's politics was maintained and how orders were reported to each level.

Some of this group of people are still studying in Konoha, and some have returned to the village.

And there is no doubt that after they returned to the village, they really demonstrated the skills they learned in Konoha.

So for this third batch, other villages didn't know what to do, but Sunagakure Village was the first to decide to send the first batch of elite ninja children who graduated from the ninja school to Konoha.

This is indeed a gamble. If these children don't come back, Sunagakure Village will suffer great losses.

But in fact they really have no choice.

The relationship between the third generation Kazekage of Sand Hidden Village and the Sunabao clan is becoming increasingly tense. With the environment like this, if the two sides really get into a fight...

It might as well be sent to Konoha.

Youya often thought that the flapping wings of his butterfly should be considered very big.

After all, the Second Ninja World War has not yet started. Counting the time, the Third Ninja World War is about to begin. However, due to my own changes, although the current Ninja World has small frictions, the war between the big powers is No clue at all.

What? Are you talking about big countries and small countries?

That's not called a war, that's called a local conflict. Do you understand?

Yuya often doesn't know how much he has changed the world. After all, he cannot leave the village in Konoha, and it is impossible for the people of Konoha to allow him to leave the village.

Therefore, he personally does not have a clear sense of reality.

Until he stood at the gate of the inner city of the village and saw the man leading the team from Sunagakure Village...

Her red hair is fluttering in the wind, and she wears the classic Sunagakure Village robe with a hood and slippers. The main feature is tight-fitting hands and cool feet.

The boy who was a little over 1.6 meters tall took a step forward and bowed slightly to Yuya: "Dear Hokage, hello, I am the captain of this special ninja exchange team from Sunagakure Village. My name is Akisa."

This man was not very old, and after he said these words, he took a step back and gave up his position to a child standing aside who was about 1.23 meters tall.

This person is famous.

The Red Sand Scorpion, the Scorpion in Yuya's impression, should be a person who made his parents into puppets...

Oh, I forgot, his parents were killed by Hatake Sakumo during World War II.

Tsk tsk, World War II didn't start, and his parents didn't. This little guy doesn't look so autistic anymore.

Although it is small, it has more playability because it is small.

It can be seen that the leader of the team is a jounin, but the one who takes the leading position is this kid named Scorpion.

Others in Sunagakure Village had no objections to this.

Yuya laughed heartily twice, then walked over and patted Xie on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "I know you, I know you, the grandson of Sister Chiyo, the director of the First Hospital of Sunagakure Village, Sister Chiyo and We have a very good friend of a doctor named Tsunade in Konoha, and she has also brought a lot of help to the development of medicine."

Youya smiled and said some clichés, but he was actually sensing Scorpion's physical fitness.

Well, it’s really...

The human body...

I felt a little disappointed.

Although it is perverted to make oneself into a puppet, perverts are attractive.

After coughing, Yuya retracted his thoughts and whispered to Xie: "Your Sunagakure Village is in our store in Konoha. That old woman Chiyo used to work there as a saleswoman for several years. Do you want to go and take a look? "

Xiao, Xiao was stunned.

He once thought that the Third Hokage should be a very serious man who works very seriously, is mature, stable and reliable, and looks very reliable...

But this……

This doesn't look like it at all...

Did I admit the wrong person...

Xie looked at Youya with a constipated expression.

Youya coughed. It seems that this kid doesn't want to read it. Hum, if you don't want to read it, you will lose it.

So Yuya turned around and led this team of imp ninjas into the inner city of Konoha.

Sunagakure Village is naturally led by a Jonin.

Well, that's Scorpion.

In any case, Scorpio's talent is beyond words.

And his strength is indeed not weak.

Especially when it comes to beating flesh and blood humans, the young scorpion who learned from Chiyo can use poison to make you want to die.

Scorpion led the team into the inner city of Konoha. Yuya turned around and looked at Scorpion without leaving a trace, but found that the other party was not interested in the sudden rise of tall buildings, wide roads, green plants on both sides of the road, flat cement, and colorful street signs. Wait, wait, not showing the slightest bit of shock.

You Ya curled his lips, brat, in that case, don't blame me for using my special move.

After that, Yuya continued walking on the streets of Konoha with these brats and started working as a tour guide.

In fact, he planned to come over today to do a face-saving project, to receive visitors from Sunagakure Village, and then said that he still had things to be busy with, so he just yo-yoed.

When the result came, it was discovered that the leader was actually Scorpion's elder. Well, the actual leader should be Scorpion.

The people in Sand Hidden Village are really reassuring.

But...a seven-year-old Scorpion with a boyish body and an extremely normal look?

This made Youya interested, and the so-called perfunctory thoughts disappeared instantly.

He had to put a look of shock on this brat's face today.

Hmm...or something else.

Then, when Youya led the team to the bustling commercial street, surprise did appear in Xie's eyes, but it was just surprise.

It was far from the level of shock.

Youya is unhappy. You are such a strange kid. Even your companions looked shocked when they didn't see you. Why are you so calm?

Pretending to be an adult, right? !

Youya grinned and said to the group of brats that everyone can go to the commercial street and choose an item. The time limit is ten minutes. After ten minutes, they can bring it here and he will pay.

The little ghosts in Sand Hidden Village suddenly became happy.

However, there was no action until Xie turned his head and nodded to them, adding: "Choose the most expensive one."

These little devils dispersed in a hurry.

Youya touched the beard on his chin and smiled immediately.

This scorpion...

Although it is different from the scorpion in the Naruto manga, it seems...

Quite interesting too?

So, Youya looked at Xie in a coaxing tone and asked, "Don't you have what you want?"

Xie pursed her lips, then turned to look at Youya seriously: "I want to ask you to tell me...

How can Sunagakure Village... also have a street like this..."

The seriousness and seriousness in his eyes made him look nothing like a 17-year-old boy.

When Youya saw Scorpion like this, he couldn't help it and grinned.

That's it……

The change he wanted...

Of course he doesn't like tragedy but...

If everything is really perfect...

So where does the storytelling come from?

"Oh? Do you mean you also want Sunagakure Village to become as wealthy as Konoha?" Yuya looked at Xie with a grin, and then the arc gradually widened, and he laughed and said:

"Then work hard in the next days, you brat!"

Night, go home:

Tsunade looked at Yuya with a feather duster in her hand, murderous intent filling her eyes.

Yuya shrank his neck and smiled awkwardly: "Well...I can explain it. The children from Hidden Suna Village came all the way. I bought some gifts for them...but it's not too much..."

Tsunade sneered, then looked at Yuji and Yulu who were shivering at the side, and said with a cold face: "Today you go to sleep at grandpa and grandma's house."

The brother and sister seemed to have received amnesty, and You Lu shouted before leaving: "I love my grandparents the most!"

Then he ran away with his brother in a flash. When his shoes ran away, he heard the voice of Travel Notes: "Go, go, put it on again when you go out, or you won't be able to walk today!"

After the two children ran away, Tsunade put away the feather duster, turned around and gave Yuya a plump back: "Elbow, come into the house with me."

You Ya: "..."

Youya looked sad and angry.

You little bastards!

Let you choose, you Dama really choose the most expensive one!

Can't you choose some toys, dolls, etc.? !

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