Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 190 New research, new breakthroughs, new

Chapter 190 New research, new breakthroughs, new...

Whether history is created by one person or by everyone, there has never been a statement that everyone recognizes.

But it is undeniable that in every major process of history, there will always be a few individuals represented by individuals.

There is no doubt that this character in the world of Naruto is Black Zetsu.

Again, without this guy, the conflicts in the Naruto world would be much weaker.

And major changes on a national level cannot escape the fact that they are caused by a single individual.

Some people are born to be protagonists, and some people do things worthy of their role as protagonists.

Just like Youya.

Scorpion's codename in Hidden Sand Village is still Scorpion of Red Sand, but this time it's a literal nickname.

Scorpion's hair is red, and he is very proficient in puppetry because he learned it from Chiyo.

In a way, the nickname "Red Sand Scorpion" is a compliment to him.

But everyone has their own troubles. Although this guy's parents were not killed by Hatake Sakumo in this life because World War II didn't start at all, he still has troubles.

That's because of the explorations brought about by his talent.

Scorpio's parents love him very much. This is normal. There is no parent in the world who doesn't love their children. It's just that they love them more and less.

It's just that the ninjas of Sunagakure Village have been basically very busy since the construction of the canal.

After all, the whole village points to this canal to drink water. There are so many perversions in this world. What if someone poisons it?

Even if it wasn't poisoning, what if someone was killed and their bodies were thrown into the river? Wouldn't that be polluting the water source?

Therefore, the entire canal line from Sand Hidden Village to the border of Wind Country will be patrolled to ensure that there is no problem with the river.

This is what Scorpio's parents do, working five days a week and two days off. Although they spend less time with their children, Scorpio's parents do love him very much.

This also leads to the reason why although Scorpion is taciturn many times, it does not become the pervert in the original history.

It’s just that children will think more about it after all.

I will think more about why my parents can't accompany me, why everyone in the village seems to be busy, and why so many people are asking me what I think of Feng Ying.

Scorpio has an indifferent temperament, or he is not good at handling interpersonal relationships, but this does not prevent him from having a group of fans who follow him.

How strong Scorpion is is another matter. Scorpion's talent in puppetry is more in puppet making, transformation, and repair.

What does this mean? It means that most of the adult ninja puppet masters in Sunagakure Village have received favors from Chiyo, bought Chiyo's puppets, and had them repaired by her.

Most of the child puppet masters have received the favor of Scorpion.

Therefore, although Scorpio himself does not realize it, his prestige is actually very high.

Many children are willing to obey his orders.

It's just that Scorpio has no intention of entering politics at all.

But he didn't, someone else would.

Everything cannot be transferred based on personal will.

Unless you have great wisdom, perseverance and ability.

For example, Yuya, of course, Yuya knew that strictly speaking, except for a few of the clan heads in Konoha who stood by him, all the others were casual acquaintances and had not exchanged a few words with each other at all.

But Youya can make them all listen to him.

Because Youya can distribute benefits to them.

Youya can give them benefits that no one else can or can give them.

So they are willing to follow You Yaqian.

To put it bluntly, if you want a dog for You Adam, the dog food will be enough!

If someone else came on stage, something might happen.

Scorpion, on the other hand, has no such awareness.

Of course, if he is not planning to enter politics, then there is no problem in this aspect, because there is no need for other people in Sunagakure Village to guard against him.

On the contrary, a Red Sand Scorpion who is not ready to enter politics is the target of all the people in Sunagakure Village.

It's just that Scorpio's ambition is not here.

He still wanted to come to Konoha to visit.

And now, he's here.

I did see the gap between the two sides.


The houses Konoha prepared for the children from Sunagakure Village who came to study abroad were new fully decorated suites.

A total of more than twenty children came to Sand Hidden Village this time. Among them, the leader was Xie, and the team leader among the children was Ye Cang.

At this moment, they were standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the well-decorated house, looking through the glass at the tiny people coming and going on the side of ordinary ants below.

"My, my legs are weak... Why is it so high here?!" A child with two lines of oil paint on his face exclaimed.

The other children also started chattering and making noise.

Xie ignored these children. He looked at a female school teacher who brought them over: "Are you the Konoha teacher who will be responsible for monitoring us from now on?"

The smile on the female teacher's face suddenly stiffened, and then she put her hands on her hips and looked at Xia with dissatisfaction: "What surveillance? No one will spy on you! We in Konoha are not like other villages!"

After saying that, the female teacher looked sideways at Xia and said, "In addition, didn't I just tell you that I have a surname and a first name. Please add a prefix before you call me, Mitarai-sensei, do you understand? Mitarai-sensei!"

Xie looked at the female teacher in front of him in confusion, and had only one reaction in his mind - has she always been so verbose?

After a few words of instruction, the female teacher named Mitarai turned around and looked at the children who had begun to tear down the house. She immediately ran over in shock: "Hey hey hey! You naughty little brats! You can't destroy these things, you'll have to pay for them!"

This sofa costs 50,000 taels, not to mention this TV! The TV costs hundreds of thousands taels!

If you break it, I will cause trouble for your team leader! "

The female teacher took Scorpion and his group to visit the five houses prepared for them. After giving some instructions, she took the children from Sunagakure Village to the ninja school.

Some of them need to study for one year, while others need to receive three years of education in Konoha.

There is no doubt that Konoha's education level is the best in the ninja world.

Because other villages do not have a systematic ninja school system at all.

The teachers in the ninja schools in other villages are all designated. From this point of view, we can see the problem.

After students graduate, they can be assigned to train them for one or two years as genin, but in school, it is best not to assign teachers.

The female teacher took the children around the school for a day, and after making sure nothing was missing, she took them back to their room.

Before leaving, the female teacher looked at Xie with some worry and said, "There are so many children...can you be the only one to take care of them?"

Xie nodded slightly: "Don't worry, I'm alone, no problem."

The female teacher nodded hesitantly and then left.

After a while, the female teacher opened the door again: "Although I know it's not good to keep asking like this, but do you really don't need help?"

Xie smiled slightly: "No need, I can handle it by myself. Thank you very much for your concern."

The female teacher finally gave up and left the room.

Once the adults left, these children became even more lawless.

Xie looked at these children and smiled slightly and said, "I know what you are thinking. It's only for today. Let's go. I'll take you to the night market here in Konoha to see what's delicious and fun."

A group of children immediately cheered, and Scorpion also laughed.

If there is any difference between Konoha at night and during the day, it is that Konoha is a little deserted during the day. Although there are people coming and going, there is still less smoke and fire.

At night, the entire Konoha is filled with fragrance, and the brightly lit streets are as bright as day. Vendors on both sides of the road sit in their stalls, waiting for passing customers to stop and buy a piece of their specialties. , and the children squeezed by the endless stream of people were taken away all the way.

When walking through this snack street, among the twenty or so children, only Ye Cang was following Xie.

Scorpion sighed, feeling a little regretful.

Then he opened his fingers, and thin lines of chakra invisible to the naked eye appeared on his fingertips.

Because this kind of thin wire is too small, it is usually used to control puppets, but this time it is used to teach these children, but it doesn't matter.

If Scorpion exerts slight force, those children will know the direction of Scorpion.

This is Scorpio's confidence that he can take care of more than twenty children by himself.


ten minutes later:

Xie looked at the children, almost all of whom were holding a bag of food, a sausage, or something else to eat, and fell into deep thought.

"Brother Scorpion, do you want to eat?" A boy came up to him with all his might...

The veins on Scorpio's forehead swelled...

Early the next morning, Scorpion woke up the children in Sunagakure Village and sent them to Konoha Ninja School.

These children have a clear learning purpose.

The Puppet Technique and Sand Explosion Technique in Sand Hidden Village can be said to be the best in the ninja world, but they are not without other types of ninjas.

And there are many talented children among these ninjas.

So in fact, these children are the very talented people in Sunagakure Village.

Some people may ask, if these children are so talented, is Sunagakure Village willing to send them to Konoha?

Well, it can only be said that talent is also a matter of comparison.

These children do belong to the category of geniuses in Sunagakure Village, but compared to those like Namikaze Minato, they are far behind.

Of course, the main reason is that Yuya wants to lose face. If something happens to these children in Konoha, Yuya will lose his face.

Well, okay, face is also a small matter, mainly because if something happens to these children, other villages will no longer send people to Konoha, and Konoha will lose a lot of cattle and horses.

Look at the current hospitals and construction sites. Do you know which group of people are working the hardest?

It was people from other villages.

They were paid very little, but did as much or more work than anyone else.

What boss doesn't like such a beast?

It's a pity that such cattle and horses can only stay for a year or two at most and then return to their own villages.

In fact, Youya really wants to provide point-to-point assistance with other villages.

The idea naturally comes from the actual poverty alleviation operation of a certain rabbit in the previous life.

In relatively backward places, with an enterprise as a unit, we can provide point-to-point assistance to this backward place so that their labor force can have a better way out.

This is a win-win for both parties.

But the problem is, what Youya wants is what people in other villages don’t.

Everyone knows that you are good in Konoha, what if you go and don't come back?

This is indeed true. After all, it is not unheard of to stay in Konoha without going back in the past few years.

Especially the second batch of people who come to study abroad are directly the hardest hit areas.

If it weren't for the fact that returning to their village would be helpful to their village, other villages would have been unwilling to cooperate with Konoha on this study abroad program.

As for the children brought over by Scorpion...

To be honest, the representatives of the Sunagakure Village, represented by the Third Kazekage and the Sunabaku clan, did not ask these people to come to Konoha just to let them study abroad.

But to protect them.

Both parties knew that the conflict between them was almost irreconcilable. Not to mention that the Sunabao clan had been tricked to death by the Third Kazekage in the Land of Rain, and more than a hundred family ninjas had been tricked. In the past few years, their family had watched helplessly. It is impossible to be convinced that the development of Sunagakure Village has not brought substantial benefits to oneself.

How did the Third Kazekage rise to power?

Without the support of the Shabaofeng family, he ascended to the hammer position!

After taking the position, he took over the canal project left by the second generation Kazekage by chance and completed it. Only then did he establish his merits and secure his position.

But after you have secured your position, you don't want to repay us. How can this be possible? !

Look at Konoha next door, every family is full of food. We don’t ask to be the same as them, but we should give some!

However, the Third Kazekage had troubles that he could not express.

He had no idea how the Third Hokage of Konoha had developed Konoha into what it was now, let alone the development of Sunagakure Village.

Schools need to be built, hospitals need to be built, roads need to be repaired...

He gets a headache when it comes to building roads.

This thing is really expensive...

But it’s not possible without cultivation!

The Sandblast clan accused him of swallowing all the money, and the Third Kazekage also wanted to scold him: You man, you man, you saw that I had enriched your own pockets?

Didn’t all that money go into infrastructure? !

What are you doing? People in your tribe go to the schools I built and receive medical treatment in the hospitals I built, and then you scold me for not doing you any good? !

Do you want to be ashamed? !

In short, both sides basically dislike each other.

However, there is a tacit understanding between both parties.

That is, you cannot start a war directly and directly cripple the village like Kirigakure Village.

Kirigakure Village is now completely a negative example for the ninja world.

A shinobi village second only to Konoha among the five major countries, and even a village richer than the previous Konoha in some ways because of its rich fishery resources, was abruptly beaten into the horrible shape it is now.

Although Konoha had basically completed its industrial foundation twenty years ago in the hands of Yuya, there were still people who were hungry, and there were still people who were not well fed or clothed.

But twenty years ago, no matter how bad things were in Kirigakure Village, you could still go fishing and not worry about food and drink.

But now...

The infrastructure of Kirigakure Village is completely finished. If it were not for the annual business dealings with Konoha, Kirigakure Village would have completely collapsed economically.

Although the internal conflicts in Sand Hidden Village are huge, both sides are definitely not willing to end up like that.

Therefore, it is better to send the next generation of outstanding talents to Konoha first, so as not to be affected and die. If they die, it will be a loss.

Of course, Scorpios don't know about these secret rivalries.

There is only one thing he knows, and that is to bring these children here safely and then bring them back safely.

If during this period...

It would be better if you can learn more knowledge...

So, Scorpion came to the library.

He knows this place, a building that claims that all kinds of relevant knowledge can be found and learned here.

He was just about to go in when he saw a figure hurriedly walking past him. Judging from the icon with a cattail fan behind him...

This person is...

From the Uchiha clan of Konoha?

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Yuya's maniacal laughter sounded in a dark basement.

A sinister smile appeared on Yuya's lips: "It's finally's finally done!

As long as I have this thing...why can't I..."

"Hokage-sama, can you turn on the lights?" A voice came from outside.

Youya was stunned for a moment, then his expression returned to normal: "Oh, ah, turn on the light. I've tested it and there's no problem with the machine. Let's just announce it to the public."

"Well, okay, then I will contact Minister Sarutobi. This type of thing requires him to come over for review."

With that said, the researcher in a white coat left holding a board.

Leaving the room, the researcher shook his head...

The Third Hokage is good at everything, but he always has some wild ideas...

It's not that it can't be done, it's just...

The kind of thing that is boring and a waste of time...

Will it really be popular?

The researchers were deeply skeptical.

And inside the house, opposite to Youya...

Astonishingly, it was a machine as tall as a man, with a built-in joystick and six buttons...

Game arcade.

Youya groped his chin, already thinking about this gold-swallowing artifact... Well, where should we open the arcade...

A week later, on a sunny afternoon, the five o'clock bell rang in the library. Xie closed a book with "Desert and Governance" printed on the cover, got up and left the library.

He has gained a lot this week, and this library is indeed worthy of what the doctors who returned to Sunagakure Village from Konoha told him before.

This is a place where you can get answers to any questions you have.

The difference is that you have to find the solution yourself from the knowledge in the book.

Xie was already preparing to save money. He was paid a monthly sum in Konoha for taking care of the children from Sunagakure Village.

Before, he thought it would be best to bring back some Konoha specialties, but now it seems that taking all these books back seems to be the best choice.

Of course, the books here cannot be taken out, but they can be copied.

Although I copy it by hand very slowly, that’s all I can do (Note 1).

Fortunately, he still has a lot of time, so there is no need to rush.

And when he came to the school gate, the children in Sunagakure Village were extremely enthusiastic today.

"Brother Scorpion! Brother Scorpion! Can you take us to that newly opened place called the arcade? I heard from my classmates that it's a lot of fun there! We just need to be accompanied by adults over 16 years old. Without your consent, the captain will definitely They won’t take us in!”

Scorpion tilted his head in confusion.


What is that place?

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