Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 201 Gu Loulan Exploration Team

"Prepare No. 1, the target has arrived in the relevant area..." A calm and calm voice sounded.

"Received on the 1st, the target has been locked."

"No. 2 checks the equipment."

"Received on the 2nd, equipment inspection completed, ready to start at any time."

"No. 3 is blocking the way."

"Received on the 3rd, already in place."


As the sound fell, three figures sprang out from the grass on both sides of the road and rushed toward a black figure on the roadside.

After a moment of uproar, the yellow-haired Namikaze Minato covered his cheek that had been severely scratched with a claw and threw a white cat into the cage prepared by Nara Yoshino.

"Can't you use shadow imitation to control this cat?" Minato Namikaze looked at Nara Yoshino and said.

Nara Yoshino rolled his eyes: "My chakra is not wasted in a place like this."

Namikaze Minato was speechless, Kushina took out a piece of dogtail grass and started teasing the kitten in the cage.

"So cute~" Kushina sighed from the bottom of her heart.


There was a "pop" sound, and the kitten seemed to be frightened, and slapped its paw on the cage.

"Okay, it's not cute anymore." Kushina dropped the dogtail grass, and then looked at the figure walking to the side:

"Teacher Fugaku, do we have any other tasks?"

Uchiha Fugaku held a scroll in his hand and nodded: "We will go to the farm in the north of the village later in the afternoon to help the farmers there weed."

Kushina's whole face suddenly wrinkled: "No way... We were the first and second place graduates of the last class of Ninja School... Why are we still doing this task of catching cats and dogs after three months..."

Fugaku waved his hand: "This is how everyone came here, and in such a simple task, you have to learn to apply chakra in actual combat. Yoshino did a good job. Chakra is not used to catch cats and dogs. It’s about small things.”

Sighing and sticking out her tongue, Kushina could only accept this fact.

"By the way, Minato, after you finish the task, come with me to the Hokage-sama's office. He has something to do with you."

Namikaze Minato was suddenly confused: "Is something wrong?"

A slight smile appeared on Fugaku's serious face: "Don't worry, it's not a bad thing."

Konoha Village Mission Hall.

Because this place is an official boundary, it is located in Beicheng District.

And the decoration is very nice.

Although Yuya hates asking ninjas from Konoha Village to take on tasks from other villages, the fact is that Konoha ninjas are number one in their ability to complete tasks.

After all, if it is a large-scale mission, then the elite jounin who went to investigate directly sent a report to Yuya, and Yuya approved letting people bring the fifth-generation chakra cannon - detachable, transportable, lightweight, Powerful - help complete the mission, and just bring back the equipment after the mission is completed.

With Yuya helping behind the scenes, there was basically no mission that could stop the Konoha ninja.

This also caused many people outside Konoha Village to recognize Konoha's abilities and like to give tasks to Konoha.

This is true even if Yuya has increased the reward for the mission again and again.

Helpless, Youya could only let this situation continue.

He really doesn't like to let jonins devote themselves to tasks. Again, if one jounin is engaged in construction, it is worth an engineering team. Now Konoha has infrastructure, but the transportation network radiating in all directions is terrible. Not yet.

Not to mention the small countries, the roads to the big countries on the other three continents have not yet been repaired. If all the ninjas in Konoha who are doing tasks come to help, it should be repaired within three years.

It's a pity... there's a shortage of people.

"Oh my little baby~" A fat lady wearing a big gold chain and her hands covered with gems hugged the little white cat and kept rubbing the fat on her face.

Kushina seemed to understand why the cat had to risk its life to escape, and why it didn't want to go back even if it risked its life...


"Thank you very much. Konoha Village is really full of talents~ Ah, this should be a member of the Uchiha clan..."

The fat woman looked at Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Fugaku, who had always looked calm, finally couldn't help but change his expression.

"I wonder if this gentleman is married..." The fat lady licked her tongue and looked at Uchiha Fugaku with aggressive eyes.

Uchiha Fugaku's body trembled, and he quickly said with a smile: "Ah no, I'm already engaged..."

The fat lady suddenly looked pityful.

After the fat woman left, the three students of Uchiha Fugaku burst into laughter.

After some winking and banter, Uchiha Fugaku brought Namikaze Minato to the Hokage's office.

Kushina and Nara Yoshino were lying on the door panel outside, trying to eavesdrop.

The gatekeeper ninja standing guard outside the door didn't look sideways and pretended not to see it.

Lord Hokage always has a special kind of generosity towards children, which is reflected in the fact that when Kushina splashed paint on his stone statue, he not only didn't get angry but also laughed.

It is also reflected in the fact that he often secretly visits the game arcade to play games privately.

In short, they don't need to be harsh on children.

In the office, Fugaku looked at Yuya: "Hokage-sama, as you ordered, I brought Minato here."

Yuya nodded, then looked at Fugaku and asked, "Minato's chakra level should have exceeded the chunin level."

Fugaku nodded: "No ordinary chuunin can compare to him."

Youya then handed over a piece of paper.

Fugaku took it and saw that it was a stamped pass that allowed him to enter Konoha's treasure house and choose a treasure or ninjutsu scroll.

"This..." Fugaku was a little surprised.

It's not that this thing is so precious, there are always some people in Konoha who get this kind of pass every year and go to dig out the things in the treasure house.

But because new things come in every year, there are more and more things in the treasure house.

Fugaku was surprised why Minato Namikaze was given.

Yuya spoke softly: "You have forgotten that he protected Kushina before and held him back for a minute against such a powerful enemy without graduating from school. This achievement was enough for him to get this pass. .”

Fugaku nodded in understanding.

Indeed, if Namikaze Minato hadn't held her back for a minute, Kushina would have been taken away by Uchiha Setsuna.

But it seems that Yuya didn't let Namikaze Minato come because he didn't reach the minimum chakra level of a chuunin.

Fugaku then took the pass and handed it to Namikaze Minato, raised his eyebrows and hinted wildly, then coughed and said, "Thank you, Hokage-sama."

Namikaze Minato blinked and bowed to Yuya.

Yuya grinned.

Xiao Huangmao was quite polite when he was little.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door from someone outside.

Fugaku was stunned for a moment, then turned around and prepared to leave with Namikaze Minato.

Youya didn't prepare to stop him, but he heard an impatient voice suddenly coming from outside:

"Can't you just push the door open and go in? You are here to report information. What are you afraid of!"

"Wait! Don't!"

With a "bang", Kushina slammed open the office door, and then directly performed a 720-degree turn in the air for Yuya, landing directly on her knees on the ground.

Yuya looked at Kushina who was kneeling on the ground speechlessly: "Does your knee hurt? Kushina, what are you doing?"

Kushina gritted her teeth and endured the pain from her knees, and said stubbornly: "It doesn't hurt! It just doesn't hurt!"

Yuya looked at the noisy Kushina speechlessly, ignored her and looked at Hatake Sakumo who was standing at the door: "Come in, is it... news from the Country of Grass?"

Hatake Sakumo nodded, then walked in and hesitated whether to take out the information scroll directly.

Yuya looked at Kushina beside him and knew what Hatake Sakumo was worried about.

It seems that there is news from Orochimaru in the Land of Grass.

After all, it is an indisputable fact that Orochimaru was kicked out of Konoha by Yuya.

It's better not to let the children know about this.

"Uncle Hokage!" Kushina slapped her hands on the table from the ground and stood up.

Then she looked at Youya sincerely: "Uncle, please give us a B-level or above mission!"

Yuya blinked and looked at Kushina in confusion.

Uchiha Fugaku quickly grabbed Kushina, and then looked at Yuya with an apologetic look: "I'm sorry, Hokage-sama, Kushina is too rude."

Yuya waved his hand. He was very tolerant of children, let alone Kushina.

Aside from her role as a plot character, the Nine-Tails in her body is also a strategic weapon of Konoha Village and should have been given more attention.

Yuya looked at Kushina: "So... you think the mission is too easy?"

Kushina nodded heavily.

D-level tasks are all miscellaneous tasks with little technical content. With the ability of their team, they can complete B-level or even A-level tasks.

Youya touched his chin, feeling that this scene seemed familiar.

However, Yuya didn't think much about it. He looked at Kushina and nodded: "Okay, I will arrange a B-level or above task for you tomorrow."

Kushina left happily.

Fugaku looked at Yuya helplessly: "You dote on Kushina a little too much..."

Youya waved his hand: "It's okay, children should be more lively.

You take Minato to pick out rewards, I'm looking forward to what he can choose. "

Fugaku took Namikaze Minato away and even closed the door before leaving.

It was only at this time that Yuya opened the scroll handed over by Orochimaru.

The content inside made Yuya narrow his eyes.

The current time point is early March of Konoha 40.

At the end of October of Konoha 39, Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato graduated from the ninja school, and then took a month off. In December, the three members of the team gathered together, and Uchiha Fugaku became their captain.

The entire month of December is devoted to basic training and some genin precautions.

They officially took up their posts after the Chinese New Year in January and have been working for more than two months now.

As for Yuya, aside from the usual practice of sending envoys from other villages to sign business contracts for the new year at the beginning of each year, the rest are just some trivial matters for the Hokage.

Youya now has enough time and manpower to work.

Well, what this means is that You Ya gives the order and then lets others do the work.

But how do the people below complete the task...

Well...then it's none of Yuya's business.

Therefore, for Youya, he actually has no shortage of manpower.

As for the people below competing for graduates every year as usual...

You Ya: I don’t know. What are you talking about? I don’t know what you are talking about. What kind of fight are you talking about? It is obvious that these people are arranging jobs for these graduates, which is a good thing.

The main reason is that except for some special characters, Youya is really not good at assigning students.

Because it is different from the original history of Naruto, the scientific research department and the R\u0026D department of the factory in Yuya's hands are departments that urgently need high-end talents - referring to "high-end talents" who have received relevant education and have mathematical skills.

In this regard, it's not good for Yuya to favor anyone, because the other one will have opinions.

Therefore, Youya can only pretend to be deaf and dumb. As for these students...

Alas, you can use all your tricks to grab it, I promise not to blow a whistle.

In fact, if Kushina and Namikaze Minato are not ninjas and choose to enter the R\u0026D department of Konoha Village, then any research department will be very happy to let these two people become their interns and learn on the job.

But one of the two has a Nine-Tails in his body, and the other has all kinds of weird research ideas (not ideas from the scientific research department, but some weird biochemical weapons and the like), and they will definitely not be happy with it in a serious research laboratory. go.

Being a ninja is free, with high wages and good benefits. Apart from some dangers, there are basically no other problems.

And the future of ninja is Konoha's highest management.

Although Yuya doesn't want to say this, all the high-level positions in Konoha Village are ninjas, and they are powerful ninjas.

This means that if you want to climb up, your strength must not be bad.

Of course, if you want to lie down, that’s okay. No one will rush you or anything. You only need to be responsible for yourself.

The final situation is now. Team Fugaku has completed more than fifty tasks in two months. Generally speaking, Konoha Village will take half of the rewards for such tasks, and the higher the level of the task, Konoha will take away the proportion. The lower it is, if it is an S-level mission, Konoha will take away a symbolic 10%, and the rest will be divided by the team.

Therefore, the profession of ninja is actually very promising in Konoha.

Well, both the future and the money are promising.

The family members of Team Fugaku are naturally very supportive.

In the past few months, Orochimaru has been communicating with Yuya.

There is no other reason.

This guy came to Youya to ask for money.

After all, research requires money. In the original work, how did Orochimaru get so much money to build so many bases and equipment? The original work did not mention it, but it was nothing more than deception or direct robbery.

This is actually very inefficient.

Because Orochimaru in the original work is wanted, he cannot rob wealthy places with tight security, so he can only target some small targets.

Small goals and not much money...

Therefore, in the original work, Orochimaru took the great risk to kill the Fourth Kazekage, Gaara's father. I don't know if there are any economic reasons for this, and I dare not ask.

Gaara's father worked hard to dig for gold in the sand with his own abilities. Logically speaking, there should be more or less gold left, but it didn't happen.

Not at all!

In the end, after Gaara came to power, Sunagakure Village was still as poor as a ghost.

Then where did Gaara's father's hard-earned gold money go?

Again, it’s hard for us to say, and we can’t ask.

He was just a Fengying who worked hard to find gold. He was killed and his identity was robbed. The result was also robbed...

To put it bluntly, whenever I think about it, I think it's too much.

But Orochimaru in this world doesn't have this trouble.

Because he has thighs.

No money?

A letter was thrown to You Ya: Brother! Hungry, hungry, hungry.

Then I spent some time to help Youya solve some communication problems and network transmission problems, and Youya gave me billions and billions of money.

This time is no exception, Orochimaru is here to ask for money.

Because he discovered something very interesting.

It was at the ruins of the ancient Loulan Kingdom that his assistant discovered the fluctuations in time and space.

There is probably a different space there!

Youya narrowed his eyes as soon as he saw the news.

It's obvious he feels...

This was Orochimaru's excuse to deliberately tease him into defrauding him of funds.

Another different space...

Why don't you talk about parallel universes?


I took a look at the relevant experimental data and cases of 2G upgrade to 3G network attached with the letter...

Yuya sighed.

Give it, give it.

This technology alone is worth so much money.


Looking at the information, Orochimaru said that he had sent people to investigate that different space, and the older people there were, the greater the resistance.

He has sent several children into it and found that the alien space has no resistance at all to the children. The younger they are, the easier it is.

But when the adults entered, the flow of chakra slowed down a lot.

So Orochimaru wanted Yuya to send a team of newly graduated ninjas here.

Of course, there is no need to worry about safety issues. He assured You Ya that there will be no problem with future funds.

Youya nodded, well, this oath is too poisonous. He actually swore it on future funds, so there must be no problem in terms of safety.

In this case...

Yuya thought of Kushina who had just made trouble...

The decision is yours!

So, the next day, all members of Uchiha Fugaku's team gathered in Yuya's office.

Yuya, on the other hand, handed Fugaku a scroll with a serious look on his face:

"The difficulty of the mission is level B, investigating a different space, but..."

Youya looked at the four figures, one large, three small, in front of him, and slowly said: "The level of confidentiality is S level."

Kushina suddenly gasped.

It's actually an S-class secret mission? !

She was excited.

This shows that this mission must have a head start!

Then, when she took the train to the farthest point of Konoha's current railway construction, the central area of ​​the Country of Fire, she transferred trucks, tractors, pallets, handcarts, and walked. Eleven days passed like this...

When she saw the man with a soft and pale face smiling at her at the destination, she knew why the confidentiality level of this mission was S-level...

Hey, Orochimaru, I really can’t let everyone in Konoha Village know about it, but...

Who doesn’t know that you are connected to him?

You are his eldest brother. The whole village knows that even though you drove him away, there must still be a connection.

I really thought it was some big secret, but this is what happened? !

Regarding the connection between Orochimaru and Yuya...

No one in the entire Konoha Village thought anything was wrong.

After all, Orochimaru is the Hokage's younger brother.

Our bright and majestic Hokage-sama is kind-hearted. Even if his little brother made a mistake, he did not protect him, but continued to support him after he was expelled.

So kind~

He really made me cry to death~~~

Probably, that's how it is viewed.

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