Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 202 Who is this yellow-haired boy?

When the first, third and fourth members of Team Fugaku came to the Country of Grass, they looked very Konoha-esque at first glance.

The original Grass Ninja Village has now been built with buildings one after another.

Moreover, at first glance, these houses look like they are copied and pasted, and there is no difference at all. At a glance, you can tell that they are mass-produced stair houses.

The four of them arrived at the entrance of the Grass Ninja Village and were stopped by two ninjas guarding the gate.

After confirming their identities, the two ninjas quickly moved out of the way and even saluted.

When I was in the village, I didn't feel deeply about it, but when I came outside the village, whether it was the way I took the transportation or the time I entered the Grass Ninja Village, I learned that the four of them were all from the Leaf Village, and After the four of them were all from the inner city, the envious glances from the other party made the three little Kushinas, who left the village for the first time on a mission, a little happy.

That is a kind of vanity that is not as glorious as glory.

Walking through the streets of Cao Nin Village, the villagers in Cao Nin Village were busy with their own things. Some were picking mulberry leaves, some had a dustpan in their hands, and there were grains of silkworm sand in it, and some were pounding The contents of my own jar...

When Kushina and the four passed by, the villagers on both sides of the road quickly stopped what they were doing, hid on both sides of the road, and made way for the four of them.

It can be seen that these villagers are more afraid of Konoha ninjas.

But it's understandable. After all, their village was flattened by a round of artillery fire. It was impossible not to be afraid.

Well... of course, technically speaking, it has been more than ten years since that happened. Logically speaking, it is almost a generation ago. Even the fear should not last for so long.

But luckily, Orochimaru came a few years ago.

And Orochimaru is a ninja of Konoha.

Although Orochimaru was nominally expelled, you see that no one was chasing him after he came to the Grass Ninja Village. He even stayed outside the Grass Ninja Village. The Konoha ninjas on the border of the Land of Fire and Orochimaru were so friendly with each other. , harmony and harmony.

No one will believe you if you say there is no ghost here.

Then Orochimaru openly set up a laboratory in the Land of Grass.

It's not the kind of underground, dark laboratory in a cave.

It is a biological laboratory in the center of the Kingdom of Grass. It is surrounded by five buildings. The central dome has a high wall, and roads like spider legs radiate to the four high-rise buildings surrounding this building.

Each building has twenty floors, which can be said to stand out in a general environment where the average building in Kusakunin Village is only five or six floors.

Because of this, people in the Country of Grass can often see a lot...

Well, the materials are transported into this laboratory.

Thanks to Konoha's aid to the Land of Grass, there is also a hospital here.

Of course, the conditions will not be very good, and there will always be hundreds of people who die every year because they cannot be rescued.

For Orochimaru, every dead individual is a rare and precious material, and he will naturally not waste it.

Therefore, the attitude of the civilians in Kusanagi Village toward Konoha is that they bombed our village a few years ago, and then sent a pervert to live here for a long time.

And Orochimaru didn't need to avoid the people in Kusaku Ninja Village. Naturally, from time to time, people with broken limbs would enter the laboratory and never come out again.

This place is already an urban legend of Kusakunin Village.

Some people may ask, why don't the people in such a terrifying Grass Ninja Village escape?

It can only be said that everything is based on comparison.

The central laboratory in Kusanagi Village was terrifying, but more often than not, the experimental subjects were placed on people who could not be rescued by the hospital.

In other words, there is a hospital in this village.

And based on Youya's long-standing thinking, it was impossible to build a bare hospital.

There must be supporting facilities.

Some medical equipment factories may simply open up directly, so that the supply of goods does not have to travel everywhere - Orochimaru strongly supports this.

Once the factory is opened, there is no need to say much else. And because hospitals need high-end talents, schools must also have them.

Therefore, various supporting facilities must also be provided.

Compared with Konoha Village, it is certainly far behind.

But everything is afraid of comparison.

It's not better than Konoha, but here in Kusanagi Village, strictly speaking, it's better than Iwagakure Village in the Land of Earth next door.

Of course, because the stalls in Iwagakure Village are large, a single move can affect the whole body. If Iwagakure Village also develops, it will definitely be incomparable to Kusakunin Village.

But this hasn't developed yet, so the people in Kusanagi Village won't leave because of the facilities in the village.

It's an urban legend...

Then just close the doors and windows at night and prevent children from going out.

Of course, Kushina and her party had no idea about any of this.

When they followed the guide to the central experimental garden of Kusanagi Village, the guide showed a gentle smile to the four of them: "Master Orochimaru is inside. He has been waiting for you for a long time. Please come with me." Bar."

The four of them followed the guide into the park and were greeted by a refreshing fragrance.

What's strange is that the rest of Kusanagi Village is full of grass, but the park where this biological laboratory is located has many big trees.

And it's very strong.

There were definitely no trees like these in Kusakunin Village before, but I felt relieved when I thought that this was Orochimaru's territory.

Maybe the fertilizer for these trees is better.

The guide lady led the four people through the long corridor and came to the laboratory in the center.

Orochimaru, who was wearing a white coat, turned to look at the four of them and showed a feminine smile: "You are finally here."

He actually doesn't have any malicious intentions.

But combined with his current clothes and the body lying on the iron bed, it looked very eerie.

The two girls Nara Yoshino and Kushina hugged each other and shivered. Namikaze Minato didn't feel anything scared, and was even looking at the details of the laboratory.

Fugaku, on the other hand, stepped forward and shook hands with Orochimaru with a speechless face: "Hello, Mr. Orochimaru."

Orochimaru has never fought Hanzo, so the title of Sannin does not exist.

His reputation among high-level officials in Konoha is more like "madman", "pervert", and "madman".

After all, Orochimaru had restrained himself when he was in Konoha Village, and he only had a limited amount of human experiments. He even experimented on himself at first.

What can you say if someone treats you as a guinea pig?

What else can I do besides calling him a pervert and a lunatic? They didn't break the law.

After being driven out of Konoha by Yu Ya, Orochimaru also completely let himself go.

Especially with Youya providing financial support behind the scenes, it becomes even more unscrupulous.

Fortunately, this guy is no longer in Konoha, otherwise he would really pollute the spirits of many people.

"We are a team sent by Hokage-sama to investigate the abnormal space fluctuations in Ancient Loulan that you collected."

Orochimaru raised his eyebrows, and then looked at the three little ones behind Fugaku.

Kushina and Nara Yoshino hugged each other directly.

Nara Yoshino's mouth was trembling with his hair in a ponytail.

Because she found that the "corpse" that was originally on the iron plate had just moved...

It moved!

"You can actually hand over the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi with confidence..." Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and looked at Kushina, and found that the other person's eyes were looking behind him in horror.

Orochimaru probably understood something, turned to look at the "corpse" lying on the iron plate, and smiled softly: "It turns out that he still retains some nerves...

This is really good news. "

Afterwards, Orochimaru expelled the four people from the laboratory.

He went inside and said to the young lady who was leading the way for the four of them: "P-1, you can do the rest of the experiment, and remember not to break it."

A gentle smile appeared on the young lady's face: "Okay, Orochimaru-sama, I won't let you down."

Only then did Kushina and Nara Yoshino realize that the young lady who brought them here was not a fuel-efficient lamp either!

This place is simply hell!

The two little girls were trembling. Fugaku was already comparing information with Orochimaru.

Orochimaru briefly explained the matter to Fugaku.

After hearing about the special suppression of adults and the considerable strengthening of children, Fugaku frowned: "What is the principle of this?"

Orochimaru smiled and shook his head: "I don't know, and I'm not going to study it in depth. I have no interest in time and space. Of course, I can help prepare all the materials you need.

At the same time, I also have positioning badges produced here. "

With that said, Orochimaru took out two magnets.

"I will put one piece here, and you guys will take the other piece. If you notice that something is wrong in the different space, you can pour chakra into it, and the ninjutsu sealed in it will bring you back to me."

As he said that, Orochimaru took out the other three: "Only one has no error tolerance, and you probably won't let go, so there are three spare ones here.

Of course, if you let them all be destroyed, you will have to come back on your own. "

Fugaku took it and was speechless. How could all four be destroyed?

They are not destructive maniacs.

After receiving the four magnets from Orochimaru, Fugaku stored them separately with four scrolls.

Kushina rolled her eyes and acted cute: "Teacher Fugaku, give me one~"

Fugaku looked up at Kushina expressionlessly.

Kushina stuck out her tongue and said with a smile: "If we get separated inside, wouldn't this thing be useful?"

Fugaku immediately hesitated.

Indeed, they had no idea what was in that different space. What if they were randomly teleported into it?

If the magnets are all here, it will be difficult if they are scattered.

Although the people Orochimaru sent in said that the alien space was an endless desert, it was precisely because of this that if it was really scattered and lost, it would be the end.

Seeing Fugaku's hesitation, Kushina struck while the iron was hot, and finally Fugaku agreed that four people would each have a magnet scroll.

Afterwards, the four of them rested for a day and a night. On the third day when they arrived at Kusanagi Village, each of them carried a backpack and followed Orochimaru on an airship with the ability to fly.

"This thing is an airship from the Kingdom of Birds. It has no research value. It's just a board with a power system. The iron-clad aircraft called airplanes that Brother is researching are much more advanced than this. This thing can fly short distances. It's okay, but if you fly higher or for a longer time, it may disintegrate directly in the air.

But it's not bad for short-distance transportation. "

Orochimaru explained to Fugaku.

Fugaku nodded to show his understanding.

There is an artifact over there in the Bird Country...

Well, the Bird Country thinks it is an artifact, just a simple large airship.

The speed is slow, the flying height cannot be too high, and the power system also needs to be charged all the time. After Yuya knew what this airship was, he gave up on the airship route and instead developed an aircraft.

Although Fugaku didn't know this, he did feel that the speed was not very fast.

But the more convenient thing is that you can drive in a straight line without taking a detour.

At noon that day, the sun hit a few people. Orochimaru gathered up his sleeves and took out a katana with a ghostly drawing on the handle - which was actually an inscription - and chopped the sword in front of him with one blow. space.

Then the space in front of him shattered like a mirror.

Fugaku looked at Orochimaru. Although Orochimaru didn't actually mean anything, he smiled and stuck out his tongue to lick the corners of his mouth, which still made several children think he was a little gloomy.

“The space here is so broken, and some people from the Country of Grass have fallen into it before.

Those people never came back, and I later sent people in to investigate.

But the desert inside is indeed too big, and my people have been investigating for half a month but there are no useful clues.

But now that you are here, I leave the matter to you. Remember to take good care of the magnet where the ninjutsu was planted.

Without it, you really might not be able to come back. "

With that said, Orochimaru turned around and left without stopping at all, and even gave people a feeling of being impatient.

Well, Orochimaru really couldn't wait. After all, his experiment had just made a breakthrough. He was not interested in this broken space. But because Yu Ya asked him to investigate a few months ago and threatened him with funds, he had to Agree to the investigation.

And now...

After being dismissed as the shopkeeper and leaving the matter to Fugaku, Orochimaru could continue his experiments.

On Fugaku's side, looking at the passage in front of him that shattered space and revealed colorful light, Uchiha Fugaku looked at the three students beside him, shook the backpack on his back, and said softly: "Let's go."

Then he took the lead in striding into the passage that exuded colorful light.

Nara Yoshino and Namikaze Minato quickly followed.

The moment Kushina walked into the passage, Kyuubi let out a light sigh in her heart.

[What's wrong, Nine Lamas? 】

[Well... you may not believe it, but...

I sensed something else...

My chakra. 】

【ha? What's the meaning? Do you have someone else? your brother? 】

Kushina followed the team out of the passage, and she had to resist the blazing light with her hands.

After a few seconds, Kushina, who finally got used to the light, looked up and looked around.

The sky is filled with yellow sand all around, and the air seems to be filled with the smell of sand.

"Put on a gauze scarf." Fugaku instructed.

So, in the style of Sunagakure Village, but wearing Konoha forehead protectors, a group of one, three and four people appeared in this vast desert high in the sky...

"Teacher, has this space channel always been so stable?"

Namikaze Minato looked at the colorful passage behind him and asked Fugaku.

The corner of Fugaku's mouth twitched. He knew the space passage of the hammer.


"Orochimaru said so, we can also go back through here but..."

"That wouldn't be an investigation, right?" Kushina raised her hand, grinned, and said boldly:

"This is my first B-level mission! We must perform well!"

Namikaze Minato just nodded, but his thoughts moved and he turned his head to look in one direction.

And Uchiha Fugaku also turned his head and looked to one side, his eyes quickly turned blood red. Under the Sharingan, over there...

There are also four figures rushing towards them...

"Hide on the spot and disperse." Uchiha Fugaku looked in that direction without making any movement, while Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Kushina and Nara Yoshino disappeared directly into a piece of yellow sand, undoubtedly hiding in Under the sand.

"Brush" X4

The four figures landed quickly, and then the four people who had just landed were stunned.

Because they really didn't expect to see a figure here who was also wearing a Konoha forehead protector.


There seems to be something wrong with the style?

As mentioned before, Konoha's original Konoha forehead protectors were not divided into junior and senior levels in such detail, only upper, middle and genin.

The original Konoha forehead protectors for upper, middle and genin were distinguished by color.

Uchiha Fugaku's jounin forehead protector is the forehead protector of a junior jounin, which is the forehead protector after Yuya's reformation.

Therefore, although the patterns on the iron sheets are the same, the subtleties are also different.

Fugaku frowned and said, "Who are you? Didn't you know that Konoha enacted a law to stop the use of old-style forehead protectors five years ago? Or..."

Fugaku narrowed his eyes and looked at the four people in front of him: "You are the remnants of the old era..."

There are always some rebel ninjas in every village, and Fugaku naturally thought this was the kind of forehead protector worn by those who betrayed Konoha more than ten years ago.

In any case, since they left the village, they represented the village.

Putting aside the conflicts within the Uchiha clan, with the village, and with Yuya, for now, since he has left the village, he is a member of Konoha.

If these people don't look very young, they can't be the people who survived until now during the war between Senju Tobirama and Kumogakure Village. Fugaku must have taken action first. Who cares, subdue these people first, and then talk about other things. .

But looking at the four people opposite, there was a boy with blond hair and three stripes on each side of his face like a fox's beard, a girl with short pink hair, and a boy with a face as pale as paper and a skin as pale as Orochimaru's. ,as well as……

The figure leading the team had a dull look on his face and was wearing a face-covering protective gear similar to that worn by the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama...

Fugaku was already on guard.

"We should ask you this question! I haven't heard that other teams have also accepted this mission!"

The young man with blond hair in the team opposite Fugaku raised his hand and stood up. Then he complained fiercely through gritted teeth in a low voice but did not dare to let anyone hear: "Grandma Tsunade is so bad, she gave us a mission. Well, he actually sent others here..."

The girl with short pink hair on the side cast her gaze over: "What are you muttering about?"

"Ah, no, it's nothing..." The blond boy quickly scratched his head and smiled, but he complained even more in his heart:

Ever since Granny Tsunade said she would accept her as her disciple, she has completely sided with him.

"Other teams?" Fugaku frowned, and then looked at the dull-looking middle-aged man leading the team.

"Hello, let me introduce myself. I am Yamato. Are you also sent by the Hokage to hunt down the traitorous ninja Hyakuzu of Sunagakure Village?"

Fugaku was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Yamato with a puzzled look on his face: "Rebellion in Sunagakure Village? Shouldn't that be the scope of Granny Chiyo's control? Why are you here to hunt him down?

In addition... the mission we received is to investigate all the information here. It is not to hunt down the rebel ninja, nor is it to hunt down the rebel ninja in Sunagakure Village. "

As he said that, Fugaku narrowed his eyes and looked at Yamato dangerously: "This is an internal matter within Sunagakure Village, and it is not Konoha's style. Lord Hokage has always not supported our involvement in other villages' matters."

Yamato was stunned on the spot, and he had already started brainstorming.

But because he always had a dull face, no one noticed anything was wrong.

At this time, Yamato was thinking about the information revealed in the other party's words.

Then he suddenly thought, yes, the rebellious ninja Baizu is the puppet master of Sunagakure Village, and as we all know, the strongest puppet master of Sunagakure Village is Granny Chiyo, and Baizu did learn under Granny Chiyo.

As for Hokage-sama not supporting the matter of interfering with other villages...

That's true. Lady Tsunade is extremely busy. If Sunagakure Village hadn't asked for help, she wouldn't have sent a team over.

So Yamato nodded in agreement and sighed: "Who says it's not the case, but there is nothing we can do. The Hokage over there in Sunagakure Village is asking for urgent help. Oh, we can only let us come over and help in a hurry. "

Fugaku raised his head and looked at the forehead protector on the other person's face. It was still the old style.

Fugaku narrowed his eyes, but Fugaku knew that if the other party had malicious intentions, they would have already fought against each other.


Fugaku was still cautious in his heart, but he waved his hand and said to the air: "Stop, stop the team."

Yamato was still confused, but with three swishing sounds, the three children emerged from the sand beside them.

Sweat suddenly formed on Yamato's face and on his forehead. It was obvious that he had thought about the fact that if these children just attacked them, it would be a surprise.

Strictly speaking, the average age of the team he led was only 15 years old.

If you really get attacked by surprise, it's really over.

Fortunately, the other party should not have any malicious intentions.

"Since everyone has received the mission from Hokage-sama... let's say goodbye here." Fugaku looked at Yamato in front of him with a very calm expression.

Strictly speaking, all his doubts were just doubts.

As we all know, the ninjas of Konoha Village don't cause trouble outside, but they are not afraid of it either.

Although the team in front of him looked suspicious, it was impossible for Fugaku to directly kill people. This didn't make sense.

But it was impossible for him to act together with the other party.

And since the other party said they were hunting fugitives, they certainly couldn't waste time.

After all, there is no need to rush their investigation.

As for dry food and water...

The backpacks each of them carried contained a large number of them.

No rush at all.

Yamato nodded, took his team and prepared to leave.

He really felt the danger from the person in front of him...

And just when the yellow-haired figure in Yamato's team turned around, he turned his head and met the eyes of Uzumaki Kushina in Fugaku's team.

This is certainly not an accident. It is obvious that something of a common nature resonates between the two of them...

Just when the yellow-haired boy wanted to take a closer look, Uzumaki Kushina raised her fist and roared: "What are you looking at?! You want to be beaten!"

The yellow-haired boy was so excited that he ran away and almost fell to the sand.

He himself didn't know why he was so frightened after just being yelled at...

The Kyuubi in Kushina's body was already laughing so hard that she fell on her back:

【Hahaha! That's it! That's it! Was the ninja chosen by the impostor actually such a good person? Hahahahaha!

Kushina, continue next time, continue next time! I want that impostor to know that Kyuubi can't be faked for anything! 】

Kushina snorted coldly, but felt a little confused in her heart.

That little yellow guy who's not much older than me...

Why does it feel familiar...

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