Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 243 Come on, come on, come on

The impact of Youya's class was far-reaching.

Even until later generations, it can be said that the foundation for what You Ya told about economics and the role and capabilities of trading in the country has been firmly laid in this class.

When countless historians in later generations explored Youya's growth trajectory, they were amazed by the knowledge reserves in his mind.

But then there was a new unsolved mystery.

Known: Yuya is Senju Hashirama's apprentice. Of course, because Senju Hashirama died early, Yuya basically spent most of his time studying with Senju Hashirama.

And it is well known that Senju Tobirama is a man with a deep heart and unparalleled calculations.

During the war between Konoha and the Kingdom of Thunder, which almost triggered a world war in the entire ninja world, Senju Tobirama's logistical supplies never had any problems because of the existence of the third generation.

And Senju Tobirama's subsequent series of economic methods also showed that he did not understand economics.

But here comes the problem.

Konoha during Senju Tobirama's reign...

Why aren't there any big changes?

You see, the third generation has been in power for twenty years, and the whole of Konoha has completely changed.

Look at you again, you have been in office for almost twenty years, how come there is no change in the village? !

In the end, historians came to the conclusion that Senju Tobirama did understand some economic theories, but this guy was also shady and only knew how to use some dirty economic methods to deal with other villages.

But the Sandaime was different. After he learned the basics of economics from Senju Tobirama, he added his own understanding and used economics in the powerful Konoha Village. Then, Konoha Village had no center and radiated to the ninja world. Huge benefits, changing the entire ninja world.

The Third Hokage really makes me cry to death. It is a blessing to God that he did not turn black under the hands of Senju Tobirama, the evil Hokage with pus.

In the future, everyone in the ninja world will be able to become rich and powerful without having to worry about having enough food and clothing. The Third Hokage's selfless spirit deserves all the recognition from future generations.

How should I put it, this kind of thing has a sense of black humor.

Anyway, Senju Hashirama's disadvantage was that he died early. If he had died a few years earlier, he would have been scolded like Senju Tobirama.

After all, it was a fact that the village was extremely poor when he came to power, and he also thought of a trick to trade tailed beasts.

As the saying goes, there is no killing without buying and selling. The tailed beast will definitely not be happy if the tailed beast is bought and sold.

But that was before, and now...

The Nine Tailed Beasts in Kushina's belly have become much more honest.

Yuya's first class gave him a good foundation at Konoha University.


Most people don't understand.

In other words, these people in this day and age don’t understand.

Even if I immediately bought the live video of that day on TV after returning home, I could only understand a simple meaning after considering each word.

If you rely on these contents to think about changing your own village, that is simply a fool's errand.

But these contents are indeed full of useful information.

It's a pity that Youya only teaches one class, otherwise they would have to sign up for more.

But in this way, Konoha University can be considered famous in Konoha Village.

It can be said that Konoha University has perfected its reputation as an institution that makes Yuya so interested in it.

In this way, there is no need to worry about no students coming to the university to attend classes.

Although this ending was achieved by Youya teaching a lesson that was originally two hours long, for four hours, and drinking seven or eight glasses of water before he finished.

That night, Nagato returned to the dormitory arranged by Konoha for international students from the Country of Uzumaki, and started watching Yua's classes on TV.

He held a notebook and took notes from time to time.

Much of what You Ya told is just a rough idea.

Nagato looked and discovered a blind spot.

Let’s not talk about anything else, the division of classes and the conflicts between them that You Ya described...

Why does it look so familiar?

He remembered... It seems that there is such content in the Theory of Contradiction!

Nagato was silent for a long time and continued to watch. After making notes on the content, he got up early the next morning and went to the Konoha Library.

As expected, I found relevant content in the Theory of Contradiction.

Nagato took a deep breath, and he seemed to have discovered an incredible fact.

There are many profound books in these libraries without author names. Nagato didn't find it strange before, but now that he thinks about it, it's probably because Yuya himself wrote the book.

If this news is announced, people in Konoha Village will definitely swarm to discuss the contents of Yuya's books.

If not for anything else, even if it is to chase stars - there is no doubt that Yuya is now the biggest star in Konoha.

Nagato sighed, and when he put down the book and was about to leave, a black-haired girl holding a book stood in front of him: "Well... hello, I am Nadeshiko Shizuka, by the way... can I get to know you? "

Nagato: “…???”

what's the situation?

Only five courses were offered in the first year of Konoha University.

Advanced Mathematics, Engineering, Architecture, Physics and Advanced Chemistry.

Most of the people who come here to teach are researchers who have been in Konoha's scientific research institutes for a long time.

The level is definitely not good, and if it is really not good, Youya will not let them come here to teach students.

Because Youya provided proofreading, these teachers had a solid understanding of the university's teaching model and did not refuse Youya's arrangements.

In fact, more advanced researchers can consolidate their own knowledge when teaching.

If you really want to say it, this is a good job, and you will wait until your students graduate from school in the future. Then their social status will rise steadily.

And there is no doubt that those who can enter university are only one-in-a-thousand geniuses.

Because Youya announced a measure directly the next day.

This year, Konoha University will only enroll 400 people, and this will change in real time based on the population changes in Konoha Village.

Choose 400 people out of the 4 million people in Konoha Village.

By what method?

Of course it’s an exam.

But this time the exam is not the kind of trivial fight in school.

That's the level of difficulty that can really make people despair.

Youya went into the house the next day humming a song.

When he entered the door, he didn't see Tsunade. Yuya touched his chin. Tsunade was not at home?


How about... go outside and take a walk?

Fortunately, Youya did not choose to go out for fun in the end.

This allowed him to avoid a fat beating half an hour later.

Tsunade came home half an hour later with a few pieces of scratch paper in her hands.

Her face darkened as soon as she saw Youya sitting on the sofa, eating fruit and watching TV.

She walked over and slapped the pieces of paper on the table.

You Ya ate a grape and felt a little confused. What happened today?

I picked up the test paper and looked at it. Mathematics: 26, Physics: 17, Chemistry: 19...

"Oh, you took the exam today? Not bad, you actually got 26 points in math?"

Tsunade's face suddenly became angry: "Are you laughing at me? Who doesn't know that 60 points is a passing grade?!"

You Ya smiled and waved his hand: "This set of test papers is different. If someone really gets full marks on this set of test papers, it can only mean one thing, and that is that he copied the answers.

The test papers here are so difficult that I can't even guarantee that I can get even half of them right. "

Tsunade's face suddenly looked better. She looked at Yuya with a puzzled expression: "In that case, how did you come up with these questions?"

You Ya waved his hand: "Using a computer can save most of the calculation time and get the answers directly. Of course, this is not the point. For the most difficult questions, I hired foreign aid."

Youya smiled and added: "I don't have such a powerful tool to store knowledge."

Tsunade became interested: "Foreign aid? Who is it?"

Yuya said calmly: "Orochimaru."

Tsunade was silent after hearing this.

After a moment, she looked at Yuya and asked: "Actually, I wanted to say it a long time ago. Even if Orochimaru is at fault and has been driven out of the village for several years, there should be an even relationship."

Yuya looked at Tsunade with an incomprehensible expression: "Do you want Orochimaru to come back?"

Tsunade looked a little nervous: "Can't you?"

Yuya couldn't help but laugh, and immediately hugged Tsunade into his arms as she exclaimed.

Tsunade blushed immediately: "伱, what are you doing?"

"We are an old married couple and you are still shy?"

"No, I'm not used to you being like this..."

Yuya laughed, then took out his cell phone and called Orochimaru directly.

After a few rings, a tired voice came from the other side: "Hey... I've sent you the test questions, what else do you want to do?"

Yuya laughed loudly: "I'm not looking for you this time, it's Tsunade who's looking for you."

Yuya said as he handed the phone to Tsunade.

Tsunade hummed, and after answering the phone and exchanging pleasantries with Orochimaru, she got straight to the point: "Orochimaru, have you ever thought about coming back to Konoha?"

Orochimaru was silent on the other end of the phone for a long time, and finally he refused: "No, I feel very comfortable here in the institute now."

Tsunade was a little anxious: "Don't worry about Yuya, I told him that you can come back if you want to! To be honest, what you did back then...isn't actually a big mistake..."

Tsunade glanced at Yuya who was smiling, angrily stepped on Yuya's feet, and then went to the bedroom holding her phone.

Youya looked relaxed, but this girl was reluctant to step on her with all her strength.

The reason why Yuya is so happy is actually because of Tsunade's change.

For Orochimaru, if she had been based on the Tsunade in history, or simply, if she had been based on the Tsunade from another world over the Loulan Wormhole, there was no way she would have made this request.

But now, she made such a seemingly unreasonable request to Youya.

Although it is indeed not suitable for Yuya, it also shows that Tsunade still retains her desire for emotion.

Unlike the Tsunade in another world, all the emotions forced by the position of Hokage can only be buried in her heart.

Comparing the two, he still liked this Tsunade who was flesh and blood and had feelings.

Not to mention...

Has Tsunade gotten bigger there recently?

This is unreasonable. It should have stopped growing a long time ago. Could it be that...

Does the Yin Seal also have the ability to allow people to develop a second time?

Well...even though I'm old enough now, I wouldn't mind if my brother was a little bigger.

I'll ask later.

Ten minutes later, Tsunade walked out of the bedroom door with a strange look on her face. Looking at Tsunade's expression, Yuya knew that Tsunade's invitation had failed.

"Don't be surprised, he definitely doesn't want to come back now."

Tsunade was a little sad: "Why? Jiraiya and I are both in Konoha. If he comes back, the three of us can even go to a barbecue restaurant for a meal together."

Youya chuckled and said, "Because I won't let him go when he comes back."

Tsunade was immediately dissatisfied and came over and hammered Yuya's arm: "Are you still remembering what happened back then? Strictly speaking, Orochimaru didn't use living people for research at that time..."

This is true, but Orochimaru's living subject of research is himself.

Therefore, strictly speaking, it is called self-mutilation, and self-mutilation cannot be considered a crime, at most it can be considered a mental illness.

Youya waved his hand: "That's not it, I mean, if he comes back, I won't let him go.

Once he comes to the scientific research institute, he will be able to start many projects. "


You Ya added: "This is probably the reason why he didn't come back."

Tsunade raised her hands angrily and shouted: "So that's it!

I asked why I felt something was wrong with him! "

Yuya laughed while begging for mercy.

In the end, the two of them rolled onto the bed without knowing it.

On this day in Konoha's 45th year, Tsunade was energetic and ready to go to work. Yuya came to the Hokage's office while yawning.

"You didn't sleep well last night?" Nara Shika had also arrived and asked casually when he saw Yuya yawning.

Yuya looked at Nara Shikaya's appearance and suddenly became curious: "That's not right, don't you usually never come before the time is up?"

Nara Shikaya's face darkened: "I only do that occasionally, do you know that occasionally?!"

After saying that, Nara Shikaya sighed helplessly: "I was kicked out of the house."

Yuya's eyes lit up, he looked at Nara Shikaya and said, "Tell me in detail, tell me in detail."

Nara Shika also curled his lips, this guy likes to watch the fun so much, doesn’t he? !

Sighing, Nara Shikaya slowly spoke to Yuya.

Things are not complicated. Nara Shikaya's son, Nara Shikaku, is 19 years old this year. Generally speaking, people of this age will definitely be engaged, not only if they have children, but also if they are married or something.

But Nara Shikaku inherited Nara Shikaya's lazy character.

To put it simply: Girlfriend? Not looking. Wife? don't want. I just want to eat all day long and wait to die.

This moment made Nara Shikaya's wife and his mother anxious to death.

Nara Shikaya is actually quite angry.

He also wants to hold a grandson!

Because of Yuya's targeting of the ninja family, if the ninja family in the future wants to continue the good life now, they must either break up the family or have only one child per family, so that they can survive for generations.

Well, this is an ideal situation, and Nara Shikama is not sure that the Nara clan will maintain the status quo in the future.

But one day when he is here, he will definitely be determined to only have one child.

In other words, he failed to deal with Youya.

It can only be said that what kind of father is what kind of son.

Nara Shikaya's wife and mother have been preaching to Nara Shikaku for more than a month. Yesterday, Nara Shikaya said a few words for the child. The result...

You know he came so early today. He probably wasn't at home at all last night and was kicked out.

Yuya was eating the melon with gusto, and when he was about to ask Nara Shikaya to talk, there was a knock on the office door.

"Please come in."

Seeing that the people from the Uchiha clan came in, Yuya was a little confused: "What's wrong?"

The other party smiled and bowed to Yuya, saying that today the Uchiha clan leader took his wife to the hospital, and after Tsunade's diagnosis, it was confirmed that the Uchiha clan leader's wife was pregnant for more than two months.

Youya was stunned for a moment, then reacted suddenly.

Uchiha clan leader... isn't that Fugaku...

His wife is pregnant?

Oh, if you put it this way...

One against seven...

It should be coming...

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