Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 244 Forty-Six Years of Konoha and Uchiha Itachi

The Uchiha clan members came here purely to report to Yuya, and by the way, they hinted that the Hokage would go to the Uchiha clan's territory to have a banquet and give gifts.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether you give them gifts or not, the Uchiha clan is not short of money either.

Mainly because there are problems within the Uchiha clan now.

what is the problem?

Of course it’s a cliché.

The old representative of the Uchiha clan.

The new generation represented by Uchiha Fugaku.

There is no doubt that for the new generation, conflict with the older generation of Uchiha tribe members is something they do not want to see.

But there is no way.

The elders of the older generation firmly control the Uchiha clan's security department, and at the same time do not allow the ninjas of the Uchiha clan to leave the family without permission.

Oh, we are responsible for all the affairs of the Security Department. You old fools just mess around and give orders every day. It's annoying to do nothing.

It's all your words and all the things we do. Is there anyone who does this? !

After the death of the oldest member of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku no longer hid it, but simply made it clear that in the future, Uchiha's security department would have to expand its recruitment.

It is simply impossible for the ninjas of the Uchiha clan to complete the work of the security department.

Naturally, the older generation of Uchiha clan members were furious about this decision.

But for the new generation of Uchiha people, that is an extremely good thing.

The elders of the Uchiha clan talk about the glory of Uchiha every day, talk about the glory of Uchiha in the past, and say that the security department should be controlled by the Uchiha clan.

But for the new generation of Uchiha people, especially the new generation of Uchiha ninjas who were born after Yuya came to power and are in their twenties this year.

The Uchiha Glory you talk about is the past era when it was a problem for the entire Uchiha clan to have enough to eat?

Is it the era when Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama suppressed them and dared not say anything?

The Third Hokage has such a bad temper that he doesn't care about you, but you just started to show your face to him? !

When Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama were in power, you didn't even dare to say anything, so why are you talking nonsense to us now?

After all, these people's parents are just old, not dead.

These Uchiha clan bosses keep saying that the security department belongs to the Uchiha clan and cannot allow outsiders to interfere.

The result is that their own children are busy all day long until they get home at 11 or 12 pm, and have to go out at 6 or 7 am the next morning.

Human hearts are made of flesh. If your son or daughter doesn’t care, who do you expect to care for them?

What's more, it would be fine if the hard work paid off, but the problem is that there is no reward!

You old guys have occupied all the positions. How much do you share with us every year with so much money?

The bulk of it goes into your own belly, making you fat and fat, and you don’t even look at the people in other branches.

This requires us to devote ourselves and work hard all day long.

I bother! I quit!

...Does it look familiar?

Yes, the Uchiha clan is almost similar to this kind of corporate culture now.

The people at the top were fed by You Ya until their mouths were full of oil, and the people at the bottom were so squeezed that even two more days of rest were a luxury.

Under such a premise, it's okay that these new generations can't see hope.

Now Uchiha Fugaku waited for the opportunity to rise up and prepare to fight with these Uchiha clan elders.

If you don't support it, are you still going to go back to being a cow and a horse? !

Of course, Youya didn't know this.

He really didn't know what Uchiha Fugaku had been doing for more than a month. He didn't care at all and didn't bother to care.

However, he did know that Uchiha Fugaku was prepared to seize the opportunity to gather a wave of power first because of the death of the oldest member of the Uchiha clan.

But the specific content...

Youya doesn't worry much.

After all, the matter of Konoha University involved too much of his energy, and his energy was limited.

Therefore, Yuya felt baffled by all the looks the Uchiha clan member gave him.

After accepting the greeting note, Youya nodded.

Seeing that the other person hadn't been out for a long time, Youya looked at him in confusion: "What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

The Uchiha ninja shook his head after hesitating for a moment.

Again, because Yuya's ability is so strong, most people in Konoha Village respect Yuya very much.

This does not vary by family.

In other words, even Sarutobi Hiruzen and many other heads of the ninja families in Konohagakure admire Yuya.

Of course, admiration is one thing. When it comes time to fight for the family's interests, they don't mind fighting with You Ya.

But privately, they don't have any objections to Youya and the others.

Just like Sarutobi Hiruzen.

He clearly distinguishes between public and private. If the audit department discovers any good stuff - referring to the program content of the midnight channel that Sarutobi Hiruzen and Akimichi Tofou secretly worked on - he will also send it to Yuya to enjoy... Well, it’s a discussion and review.

After all, whether he can pass the trial or not is a matter of one word from You Ya.

Therefore, in private, Youya actually has a good relationship with the patriarchs of these families.

But that doesn’t stop everyone from banging the table together during the review at the end of the year.

Of course, the exception is the head of the Shimura family.

Shimura Danzo is a typical good-natured and fun-loving character.

Yuya brought Konoha to where it is now, but Danzo Shimura still didn't come to admit his mistake to Yuya.

Yuya's demands are not high, so come over and say sorry to me. If you drink three drinks as a penalty, I will forgive you and then take the ninjas of the Shimura clan as my own and let them work for me.

Since you have always refused to give in, I can only exclude the Shimura clan.

Of course, just because Danzo Shimura refuses to give up does not mean that the Shimura clan will follow suit.

Just like the Uchiha clan, internal divisions are an old tradition.

In short, for many people in Konoha Village, Yuya deserves their sincere respect.

Therefore, the Uchiha ninja in front of him finally gave up on letting Yuya get involved in the Uchiha clan's affairs now.

There's no need for that.

Chief Fugaku must be loyal to the Sandaime. When Chief Fugaku's child is born next year and the Sandaime comes to the Uchiha clan to congratulate him, all the rumors will be self-defeating.

Youya nodded and didn't take it to heart.

Until Jiraiya suddenly found Yuya and handed in his resignation.

"Are you leaving the village again? Tsk tsk, forget it. Remember to write the novel carefully. Send it to me as soon as you finish it. I, um, I will help you correct a thing or two."

Yuya teased with a smile on his face.

Unexpectedly, Jiraiya nodded seriously: "No problem, don't worry, brother, I will send it to you first."

Yuya was stunned and looked at Jiraiya suspiciously: "Why are you... so different today?"

Jiraiya didn't jump, and said calmly: "Whatever is different, it should be the same."

You Ya thought for a while but didn't care: "It must be an illusion. Okay, let's go. Your royalties should be paid every three months. If you have any questions, let's put them here..."

Yuya was about to say a few words, but he saw Jiraiya picking up the village leaving agreement approved by Yuya at lightning speed and flying away.

Youya had a question mark on his face.

What on earth is this guy doing here today?

Shaking his head, Yuya looked at Nara Shikaya aside, thought for a moment, and asked Nara Shikaya: "In the past few days...has Jiraiya caused trouble again in the village?"

Nara Lu also thought about it and shook his head: "I have not received relevant reports, at least, the people below did not report it to me."

"That's strange. This guy is definitely acting like this today."

Youya crossed his arms and was about to take advantage of this opportunity to fish when there was a knock on the door outside.

"Please come in." Nara Shikaya is now very accustomed to serving as a gatekeeper.

"Hokage-sama, Uzumaki Nagato from the Land of Uzumaki wants to see you, do you want him to come in?" A short-haired girl holding a folder walked in and looked at Yuya with bright eyes.

——Wuhu, I know that even if I work as a receptionist in the Hokage's office building, I can still have the opportunity to talk to the Hokage!

Youya nodded casually: "Okay, let him come in."

"Understood, make arrangements immediately!" The short-haired receptionist gave Youya a serious salute and then walked out holding the folder.

——Wow! I talked to Hokage-sama today! My classmates will definitely envy me!

Not long after, Nagato arrived at the Hokage's office.

After seeing Yuya, he asked straight to the point: "Hokage-sama, where is Mr. Jiraiya?"

Yuya was stunned for a moment, and then replied to Nagato: "He just left today and left the village. What happened?"

A bad premonition surged in Youya's heart, could it be...

Nagato became a little anxious: "Huh?! Mr. Jiraiya left the village? What should I do?! Today a girl told me that she was Mr. Jiraiya and her teacher had agreed to prove that she wanted to be my daughter. friend……

Hokage-sama, you are Jiraiya-sensei’s eldest brother. He often talks about you to me, otherwise...

Can you help me...? "

Youya took a deep breath, then roared with a distorted face:


Nagato and Nadeshiko Shizuka were finally called together by Yuya. Yuya Akizhi said emotionally and rationally that the world is so big, there is no need to be bound by that agreement, and he vowed to restrain himself and live for himself.

Nadeshiko Shizuka said: I have been observing Nagato for a long time, I quite like him, I have no objection.

Nagato felt goosebumps all over his body. He really didn't expect such a beautiful girl to follow him!

You Ya helplessly held his forehead, and finally decided to put a broken jar in front of him, saying, why don't you two spend some time together to see?

Nagato sternly refused, but Nadeshiko Shizuka agreed.

You Ya finally came up with a compromise plan: "Living together is not possible, but you can study together.

You originally came to Konoha Village to study. "

When Youya said this, he felt a little unsure.

Nagato should be here to study, but this Nadeshiko Shizuka...

hold head high……

Forget it, it's better not to worry about it, because it will make you more and more annoyed.

Eventually, Nadeshiko Shizuka joined a study group consisting of Nagato, Yahiko and Kazuya.

After that, the first goal of this study group is naturally to obtain the qualifications to enter Konoha University in the first formal college entrance examination for all villages and all people of the same age group held in Konoha 46 years.

The first period of Konoha University's exams this year has ended.

If you want to continue trying to see if you can get into college, then try again next month.

Next month is the end of the year, so you can try some winter tricks at the end of the year.

Anyway, 37 people passed in the first round. Is it possible that there will be more in the second round?

Yes, only 37 people were admitted to Konoha University in the first phase.

Only 37 people out of more than 4 million people were admitted.

Youya's original plan was to admit 400 people.


It can only be said that when the difficulty increases to a certain level, it won’t happen.

However, these 37 people also became slightly famous because of this.

The university life they later revealed is also exciting.

In particular, they benefited a lot from the fact that all the teachers in the university taught were practical information.

The learning atmosphere driven by them became even stronger.

This year Yahiko, Nagato and others are not eligible to take the exam because they are from other villages.

But it will be available next year.

The range given by Youya is very loose. If you are more shameless and just use the human wave strategy to send 10,000 to 20,000 students over, you should still be able to get one or two.

But Youya is definitely happy to accept this.

How could he pick and choose when Konoha was so short of people?

It's okay if you come as a human being, but it will be uncomfortable to see if I let you be a cow or a horse.

The regular meeting of the Konoha ninja family at the end of Konoha 45.

This year's regular meeting is still a mess.

Nara Shikaya looked at the various ninja clan leaders below expressionlessly as they slapped the table and yelled, wanting to compete for more benefits for his family and tilt resources for next year.

Nara Shika also felt tired inside.

You Ya, this guy, has completely let himself go since he was asked to take over his duties once.

Today Youya would rather go fishing with a fishing basket on his back than come here for a meeting.

But there is one thing to say...

if it is possible……

I also want to go fishing...

"...I have something to ask." An elder of the Shimura clan stood up with an ugly face. He tremblingly asked Nara Shikaya:

"Please tell Secretary Nara this.

Does the Sandaime have any prejudice against our Shimura clan?

Our year-end accounting this year has been declining for three consecutive years, with only 1.9 billion taels this year..."

After the clan elder of the Shimura clan finished speaking, the other ninja clan clan leaders who were spitting like crazy stopped and looked at Nara Shikaya.

Nara Shikaya's expression remained unchanged: "What's the reason? Don't you, the Shimura clan, know it best?

With the development of the times, the prices of raw materials for the glass factories, accessories factories, and furniture factories of the Shimura clan have increased slightly. However, villages in other countries also have the ability to manufacture such accessories. If the prices are not reduced, your products will be No one wants it anymore.

The price of raw materials has increased, but the selling price has to decrease. To be honest, with an income of 1.9 billion taels, I feel that the third generation is taking care of you. "

The elder of the Shimura clan fell silent.

He couldn't speak because Shimura Danzo proved his failure to Senju Tobirama and finally had to withdraw from the position of Hokage. As compensation, Yuya allowed him to choose which factories he wanted. These factories were extremely profitable at the time.

But now...

The elder of the Shimura clan sat down helplessly.

After all, you still have to face it, and you can't say anything too shameless.

Nara Shikaya looked relaxed. Although he didn’t want to come, if he could host it...

Still no problem.

In the end, Konoha's accounting at the end of 45 years ended like this.

And the Shimura clan...

Some people may care but...

What's the use?

The following year, Konoha's 46th year.

Yuya stood at the entrance of the Uchiha clan's clan territory, looking at the banner that read (Congratulations to Mr. Fugaku Uchiha on his birthday), and he took a deep breath.

after all……

He was finally going to meet Uchiha Itachi!

If that's the case, then...

Let's go!

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