Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 308 Youji is indeed my father.

Chapter 308 Yuki: You are worthy of being my father.

In an Internet cafe on the second street in the south of Konoha City:

Nagato and Yuki were sitting on two arcade machines facing each other and fighting hard.

After a moment, Yuki hit the arcade machine directly and hugged his head.

"Ah! Lost again!"

After finishing this game, Nagato didn't plan to continue. He looked at Yuki and said, "It's unbelievable. The first thing you did when you came back to the village was to ask me to come to the game hall?"

Yuki cheered up and sat up straight. He glanced at Nagato and twitched his mouth: "That's because you don't know what kind of life I have lived in the past three years."

When Yuki said this, the desire to start another game suddenly disappeared. He couldn't help complaining to Nagato: "I have to get up at five in the morning. Can you believe this?

That's fine! After breakfast at 7 in the morning, it's a five-kilometer mountain cross-country with a load!"

Nagato became interested: "Is it so hard? ? "

Yuki rolled his eyes: "This is just the beginning. After the 10-kilometer mountain road cross-country, there is an hour of physical training! You are already tired, and now you are lying on the ground.

Even so, you are not allowed to rest. You can sit down and rest, but you have to wipe and clean the ninja tools. When you finish cleaning the 100 kunai, 100 shurikens, and 100 ninja swords that you are responsible for, you can go to lunch.

Then you can take a nap at noon. They say you can have two hours, but generally speaking, it is very good to sleep for an hour.

After that, the afternoon is even more tiring.

You don’t know, I think about the game hall every day in the military camp. "

Yuki shook his head while speaking.

Nagato’s expression is subtle. He really wants to tell Yuki that there is a devil behind Yuki, but Yuki can’t see the expression on Nagato’s face at this moment.

He continued to complain for a while, and finally Tsunade behind him couldn’t help but lift his ears.

Yuki realized at this time that he was in great trouble.

He cast a look of help to Nagato, but Nagato responded with a helpless look.

Afterwards, Yuki was captured by Tsunade. In order to prevent Yuki from crying and humiliating, Tsunade covered Yuki's face and used the transformation technique to transform herself into someone else.

Anyway, she felt that she could not afford to embarrass this person.

However, this kind of thing could not be concealed.

After all, Tsunade did not use the transformation technique when she first found the game hall.


That night, the social media circle of friends in Konoha Village spread the news that Yuki was captured by Tsunade.

After returning home, Tsunade beat Yuki severely. Yuki felt wronged, but he also understood that he deserved this beating.

Tsunade put her hands on her hips and looked at Yuya: "Don't you feel ashamed of your son's behavior?! Can't you educate him properly?!"

Yuya looked at Tsunade who was on the verge of a volcanic eruption and coughed, and asked Yu Lu to take Yuki back to her room, and she took Tsunade back to the bedroom.

Then Yuya took out the folder in his inner pocket as prepared.

Then Yuya handed it to Tsunade: "Take a look at this first."

Tsunade took the folder with some doubts, flipped it open and looked at it for a few times. She looked at Yuya in surprise: "Is this true?"

Yuya smiled and nodded: "Of course. Our son will not be a waste."

Yuya said with a smile, Tsunade curled her lips and ignored Yuya's flattery.

The folder records Yuji's military camp records.

To be honest, it is not outstanding, but Yuji has not been late or left early in the past three years.

Although in the first three months, he often failed to complete the assessment because he was not used to it.

For example, the most basic requirement is to carry a load and go back and forth for five kilometers in forty minutes.

But at the beginning, even if it took more than an hour, he did not give up and still completed it.

Even if he stayed up until one or two in the morning the day before, he got up at five o'clock the next day as usual.

And this is what Yuya attaches great importance to.

It doesn't matter whether you can complete it or not, what matters is that you have this attitude.

Obviously, Yuji does have this attitude.

And now...

At most, he was too suffocated in the military camp.

At first, Yugi would come back on the day of rest every month.

Later, he felt that the best way to rest on the rest day was to sleep in the military camp until the sky darkened and not come back.

Now that he has finally retired, Yugi must indulge himself.

Three years ago, Yugi also met a boy named Sasori from the Sand Village.

But Sasori has returned to the Sand Village. It is said that he is preparing to reform the Sand Village. Whether it will succeed or not, Yuya hopes that he will succeed.

Because if he succeeds, the Sand Village will be richer.

If the Sand Village is richer, isn’t it good news for Konoha Village?

Of course, the Sand Village has also laid a communication network. Although the network speed is very slow, only about 2g, basic expressions and texts can still be transmitted.

Yugi usually checks Penguin accounts and contacts friends like Sasori and Nagato during his rest time every month.

It does have the flavor of the keypad phone that Youya used to chat with others on in his previous life when he was a kid.

In his previous life, Youya would mute his phone during class, then hide it in his sleeve, leaving only a small screen exposed, and type with his fingers blindly, which was extremely fast.

It's a pity that keyboard phones were eliminated later, and full-screen phones became popular, so this kind of thing can no longer be done.

Tsunade curled her lips after reading the comments of the officers in the military camp on Yuki, and snorted at Yuya: "Even so, he can't be too presumptuous."

Yuya knew that the alarm was lifted, smiled and rubbed Tsunade's shoulders, then leaned close to Tsunade and whispered: "I don't have anything to do these days. You have been preparing for so long. Let Yuki and Yulu go to my parents tonight. The two old people haven't seen Yuki for more than a year. Yuki didn't come back during the Chinese New Year this year. It should be more than a year. Although they can call each other at ordinary times, my parents should miss Yuki very much.

Let Yuki take Yulu to see their grandparents. How about we try hard tonight?"

Tsunade blushed immediately.

Although she did prepare for pregnancy for a long time, she was still shy when Yuya said it so suddenly.

But this is exactly what she wanted.

There is no doubt that Yugi's big account will not be useless, but Tsunade wants her child to be able to take over Yuya's ability.

If Yugi can't do it, then we can only see if he can train another small account.

"Whatever, whatever you want, then, then it's a deal..."

Yuya then let Yugi and Yulu come out.

Yugi gave Yuya a thumbs up in the hidden place.

There is no doubt that he admires his father very much for being able to subdue his mother, the Tyrannosaurus.

He is worthy of being my father.

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