Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 309: Hidden Cloud Village, look at mine

Chapter 309: The Hidden Cloud Village: Look at me...

However, in the end, Yuya still didn't have a sweet night with Tsunade.

Because something happened.

A mine cave in the north of Konoha partially collapsed, and more than 30 people have been killed or injured.

People in the inner city of Konoha basically don't do this kind of work.

This time, the mine cave was simply because the workers didn't follow the instructions, and dug more than a meter deep, and finally collapsed.

Of course, even so, even if the workers didn't strictly follow the instructions, the mine must pay compensation.

At least the pension must be paid.

But compared to this, there are more injured people.

Three people were buried on the spot, and the collapse killed more than a dozen people. Now there are still a steady stream of injured people entering the hospital.

There is no doubt that Tsunade can't rest tonight.

Tsunade didn't feel disappointed.

This kind of emergency is rare. Since it happens, just save people. If you want to complain, it must be after you have tried your best to save people.

Yuya is happy to relax tonight.

As for the workers who died or were injured in the mine...

To put it bluntly, these people are basically not from Konoha.

There is only one type of people who work in the mines in Konoha now.

That is prisoners.

There are basically plenty of job opportunities for people in the inner and outer cities of Konoha, so there is no need to work in the mines.

These people should be from other villages in the Land of Fire, or from other countries.

After coming here, they found that even if they want to be a driver in Konoha, they have to take a driver's license test, and they need a mobile phone and a health certificate to deliver food. They can only do hard labor without anything.

Similarly, the construction workers in the places where Konoha Village is still under construction are basically of this type.

The next day, Tsunade came back tired and slept until the afternoon.

And when she got up, Yuya had already prepared dinner for her.

As for what happened yesterday...

To be honest, such trivial matters will not be sent to Yuya.

For Yuya now, it seems that the most important thing is that other villages will sign a new year's trade agreement with Konoha in the next few months.


Nara Deer can be dealt with, he is used to it anyway, in this case, Yuya will continue to play badly... well, it is enough to continue to trust Nara Deer.

However, as the saying goes, life is about tossing.

If Yuya doesn't want to toss others, someone will come to toss him.

In early February of the 48th year of Konoha, the Hidden Cloud Village sent an invitation to Konoha, inviting Yuya to visit the Hidden Cloud Village.

And the banner was very interesting.

Invited Yuya to visit the super chakra cannon of the Hidden Cloud Village.

At the same time, the Hidden Cloud Village also invited the other three shadows' ninja villages.

Yuya probably had a guess about this.

In the Naruto theatrical version, the chakra cannon of the Hidden Cloud Village that is said to be able to shoot to the moon should be completed.

Otherwise, the third generation Raikage would not jump so much.


Do you really think that I will be scared if you make it?

Yuya felt funny and accepted the invitation.

In fact, Yuya could not refuse this invitation.

After all, this time it is obviously a deterrent made by the Hidden Cloud Village to other villages.

It's just like when Yuya first developed the chakra cannon, he invited other villages to visit Konoha.

There is no reason why Yuya can threaten other villages, and the Hidden Cloud Village can't threaten Yuya in return.

It doesn't make sense.


The premise is that you really have the ability to deter.

Yuya doesn't plan to bring many people to the Hidden Cloud Village this time.

He doesn't have to worry about his own safety at all.

The Hidden Cloud Village won't be stupid enough to attack Yuya.

As for some rats in the gutter.

The biggest rat Black Zetsu has been sealed by the Six Paths like Uchiha Madara.

As for those other rats, even if they really attack Yuya, he is not without fighting power.

What's more...

He is not without bodyguards.

Hatake Sakumo brought Minato Namikaze, Kushina Uzumaki and Yoshino Nara.

Might Dai brought Shikaku Nara, Inoichi Yamanaka, and Choza Akimichi.

Others, no more.

Yuya doesn't plan to bring many other people.

He doesn't even plan to bring Anbu.

Anyway, what camping... Ugh!

It's a temporary camp, and these few people are definitely enough for advance reconnaissance and security.

After knowing this, Tsunade said to Yuya: "This time, kill the prestige of those guys in the Hidden Cloud Village for me!"

Tsunade's dissatisfaction with the Hidden Cloud Village can be said to have a long history, after all, her second grandfather had fought with the Hidden Cloud Village.

Of course, she would not show it normally, because she is the wife of the Hokage, and she cannot show hostility to others.

Yuya shrugged: "I don't know if I can kill the prestige, but what I can guarantee is that this incident will not have any impact on our Konoha Village."

Tsunade nodded, she was very relieved about Yuya.

Yuki and Yulu were reluctant to leave Yuya.

Because if Yuya was not at home, no one would be able to suppress the mother Tyrannosaurus if she went crazy.

However, separation was inevitable, and Yuya could only touch the heads of the two children, and then said with a smile: "Yuki, you bastard must work hard to get into college, otherwise I will beat you if your mother doesn't beat you."

Yuki wanted to cry but had no tears.

He can already foresee a future in which he will be mixed doubles.

Youya went to the Hidden Cloud Village this time, and he could also talk to the Kages of the other four villages about the establishment of a ninja league.

In the extraordinary world, it should be impossible to hold sports competitions.

Otherwise, it would be a superpower brawl.

But if it is based on other things, such as e-sports, racing, etc., then it will be possible.

Of course, we will talk about it later.

Strictly speaking, what Youya is really interested in is e-sports.

After all, no matter how awesome a ninja is, you still need to use a keyboard and mouse to fight your opponent.

Youya left the village with two teams.

Not many people came to see them off, mainly because everyone was busy, so Youya simply ordered no one to see them off.

But Tsunade would definitely see them off.

After setting off, Youya took the two teams to travel around the mountains and rivers, and the movement was not fast.

And after leaving Konoha Village, you can see the obvious desolation and oldness.

If you compare it, it is probably like going from an international metropolis to a third-tier rural area.

However, as they got closer to the Hidden Cloud Village, it gradually became more prosperous.

Yuya was not in a hurry, he could probably guess what the Hidden Cloud Village wanted him to see.

In that case, why should he be in a hurry.

What's more...

The two teams he selected were more than just a couple.

Nara Yoshino and Nara Shikaku were also married, and Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato were preparing to have children recently.

Because they have been promoted to Jonin, their lives have stabilized.

Yuya was looking forward to it, wondering what Naruto of Konoha Village would be like at that time.

But he was not going to get involved.

For this kind of thing, just let it go.

Soon, Yuya brought two teams to the Hidden Cloud Village.

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