Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 310 You Ya, I want to meet the Raikage (Part 1)

Chapter 310 Youya: I want to see Raikage (Part 1)

The location of Yunyin Village is not good.

Village roads are formed by connecting roads with iron cables on the mountainside of various mountains.

In each mountain peak, whether halfway up or at the top, there will be buildings standing there.

The reason why the residence is not moved from here to the plains - yes, there are plains in the Land of Thunder - is said to be that the first generation Raikage moved the residence to express the villagers of Kumogakure Village's spirit of not being afraid of hardship and forging ahead. The places are set on various mountain peaks that are difficult to travel.

And because of geographical factors, many ninjas in Yunyin Village are directly exposed to the sun when they exercise. Therefore, many people in Yunyin Village have wheat-colored skin or even get tanned directly.

Because of this, most of the girls in Yunyin Village are disliked by many people.

I can’t say I dislike her, but if I were to choose her as a candidate for marriage, generally I wouldn’t choose a girl from Yunyin Village.

When Youya arrived about ten miles away from Yunyin Village, there was already a Yunyin Village team of more than ten people waiting here.

Don't get me wrong, this is not the people of Yunyin Village who want to welcome You Ya ten miles away, it is just that from here on, it is the territory of Yunyin Village.

These people are wearing Yunyin Village's forehead protectors, and they are the ninjas of Yunyin Village.

One of them wore sunglasses and a mask on his mouth. He was the candidate for the next Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki - Kirabi.

Kirabi also went to Konoha to study abroad.

It's just that this guy is not good at learning, but under the "influence" of the music of Konoha Village, this guy's interest in rap is getting stronger day by day.

Many young people in Yunyin Village even started to get into music because of his guidance.

As we all know, the most popular Queen of Snow Country is the biggest star in the entire ninja world.

The money paid for a movie by the Queen of the Snow Country is enough to cover the entire tax revenue of the Snow Country for a year.

Of course, this is the only city in the Snow Country that can be considered a city.

In other words, you can understand the Snow Country as a country with only one city.

Last year, the Queen of the Snow Country's movie was paid one billion taels, and the Snow Country's sailors received 800 million taels last year.

Therefore, it is not a lie to say that the Queen of Snow Country can support an entire country by herself.

As for whether there is anything fishy in this number...

Everyone understands that.

In short, Yuya was somewhat interested when he saw Kirabi.

This little guy is 16 years old and can take on the responsibility of welcoming the Hokage of Konoha, and judging from his position, he is likely to be in the core position.

In other words, he should already have the strength of a jounin.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, this is really...

The future is bright.

"Hello, welcome to Yunyin Village as a guest."

Regardless of whether there is any conflict between Kumogakure and Konoha, these people must show basic courtesy to Yuya and his party.

After all, we are all in the Great Ninja Village, so we must have enough superficial skills.

Kirabi looked at Yuya with a somewhat excited expression, but unfortunately his mouth was blocked.

Yes, the function of his mask is to keep him silent.

This kid didn't know what he was thinking. His catchphrase directly changed to Bagaya Road and Kuonao Yalu. This kind of words can be said normally. If it is said at such an important moment to welcome Youya, it is diplomatic. An accident happened.

Of course, Kirabi is not a fool and knows when to say what to say.

He was not prepared to speak this time.

Some people may ask.

If Kirabi is so ignorant, why do you let him come to greet you?

Well, the reason is very simple. The Third Raikage also dislikes him. Let him come here so that he can be out of sight and out of mind.

As for letting Kirabi go to other locations in Yunyin Village...

This is the confirmed next Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki, and his protective power is definitely of the highest level.

Not to mention that the eight-tails and Kirabi are very compatible, so there is no need to let Kirabi act alone.

Youya shook hands with the other party and smiled: "I have wanted to come to Yunyin Village for a long time, and I finally have the chance today."

This sentence is not a lie, Yuya from other villages is interested.

It’s just that kind of interest in traveling.

Yuya really wanted to know the customs and customs of other villages and see the scenery that was different from Konoha.

However, it was obvious that the other party was not interested in Yuya's words, and just responded in a neutral tone: "The Hokage will have time to visit Kumogakure Village."

Youya smiled slightly, not angry at the other party's slight.

After all, if the other party is in Konoha Village, then with the hatred of the villagers of Konoha Village towards Yunyin Village, they will not give the other party a good look no matter what.

Although Youya said this from the heart.

Yu Ya led two teams into Yunyin Village. During this period, the other party asked Yu Ya: "Does the Hokage only lead two teams?"

You Ya looked at the other party amusedly: "Didn't you invite me to be a guest this time? Since I am a guest, why did you bring so many people here?"

After saying this, the other party couldn't help but glance at Youya.

Not to mention anything else, he only took six people with him, and there was no one else to protect him secretly. He admired Youya's courage.

What Yunyin Village has learned from childhood is to become stronger through training and not to complain again and again because of the harsh environment. Therefore, for these ninjas in Yunyin Village, they have great respect for all those who can ignore the external environment and strengthen their hearts.

Of course, if Yuya knew, he would definitely smile without saying anything.

What gave you the illusion that the six people I brought were noobs?

Although they are indeed not very old, but...

The strength of a ninja is not determined by age.

Don’t you see the difference between Naruto at the age of seventeen or eighteen and Naruto in his thirties...

To be honest, the younger one seems to be stronger?

In short, if the Hidden Cloud Village really wants to harm Yuya, Yuya can guarantee that he can take these two teams back to Konoha.


It shouldn’t come to that.

Yuya followed the team through mountains and floating bridges.

On the floating bridge between the two mountains, Yuya looked calm and was not nervous at all.

This made the leading Hidden Cloud Village ninja nod in his heart.

Yes, only such a person is qualified to lead Konoha to be hostile to their Hidden Cloud Village.

In other words, only such a person is qualified to become Hokage.

With the ninja in front leading the way, Youya looked left and right along the way and found that there were more or less ninjas on duty on almost every mountain.

This made Youya nod secretly in his heart.

Not bad, the defense strength of the Hidden Cloud Village.

Strictly speaking, the geographical location of the Hidden Cloud Village can be said to be very easy to defend and difficult to attack. After all, the mountains protruding from the bottom of the river are not connected.

In other words, if any mountain cannot be defended, it can retreat to other mountains to continue defending.

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