Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 334: Fifty Years of Konoha and Hyuga Neji

This time, Yuya still used the method of public execution.

Of course, he only publicly read out some evidence of illegal connections between illegal vendors and officials of Konoha Village, and then said that some people would be executed and some would be shot.

This shot is literally, using chakra cannon to shoot his mother.

The Konoha Village in another world also referred to this system. After all, for some really outrageous and sinful guys, it is too easy to just chop off their heads with ninja swords or kill them with kunai and shuriken.

So Yuya set up a so-called "cruel" punishment.

In fact, it still gave the other party a quick death. After one shot, they were basically dead and could not die anymore.

By the way, Obito in another world was executed in this way.

After all, the things he committed were not worth shooting with cannons, but cutting his flesh with knives and lingchi! That was all right!

And Obito himself would think it was right.

It's just that it's too cruel - that is, other people who watched the execution thought it was cruel - so generally speaking, guys who are not particularly serious will not be treated like this.

But this time, some people opened You Ya's eyes.

Two billion.

This refers to those who embezzled and accepted bribes of more than two billion.

Although the time is a little longer, the people arrested by You Ya are all officials who have been in office for more than ten years, but they can embezzle and accept bribes of two billion taels in more than ten years? !

Aren't these officials a little too outrageous? !

Thinking of this, You Ya compared it, two billion divided by twenty... is one hundred million...

Well... you have been an official for more than ten years and you have embezzled so little? !

You can't embezzle much, you really deserve to be bombarded with cannons.

And if the officials are treated like this, what else can those businessmen say? !

Businessmen can take out two billion for bribes, which means that they can get at least four billion in benefits.

What else can we say, confiscate their homes and exterminate their families.

But You Ya is kind-hearted, and only killed these people themselves, their parents, children, and his wife's parents and family members.

That is commonly known as the extermination of three clans.

To be honest, You Ya personally hates killing only the main culprit.

He has embezzled so much, and his family has received so many favors, but you only killed him. Is this a warning or encouragement? !

Apart from other things, after some bastards find out that they only killed the main culprit, will they push out one of their relatives to be the beneficiary, and then hide behind and start to collect wealth?

Some people criticize the law of collective responsibility as inhumane. Then, did those bastards' families get so many benefits out of thin air? !

So collective responsibility is necessary.

It is the slaves of these merchants and officials who suffer.

These slaves must also be liquidated, but You Ya thinks these people are also pitiful, and if you really want to say, how much benefit can these slaves get?

Although they are implicated, a fine is enough.

Of course, people like housekeepers and close servants are definitely more serious, and they should be sentenced to 20 years or life imprisonment.

In short, after this incident, Konoha Village basically cleared out a large part of the people.

And what Youya and Nara Shika thought was that because some management was arrested, the various departments in the village might face the risk of losing control, but it did not happen.

This made Youya feel both amused and sad, and he felt that the facts should be so.

The people who really work are the grassroots employees who have low wages, little power, and so-called establishments but actually cannot live a good life.

Without these so-called management, these employees can naturally do their own jobs well.

After Youya figured it out, he felt relieved.

He originally planned to transfer the army of Konoha Village to manage, but now it seems that it is not necessary.

It is okay not to use it, it is also good.

These grassroots employees are responsible for their own jobs, but it does not mean that they can be responsible for various tasks assigned and concurrently with Youya.

So there must be managers.

However, Youya ruled out his original idea of ​​letting those college students become managers.

Let them start from the grassroots.

As for these management positions...

Then they will be promoted from these grassroots personnel.

To be honest, the matter of Konoha Village this time is actually quite big.

After all, the sum of money recovered and seized from the property is a few billion taels, which is really scary. Moreover, Youya did not hide it, but announced it. If it is not announced, how can it be proved that those guys died for a good reason?

Therefore, the first reaction of other villages after hearing the news was disbelief. After sending people to find out, they all took a deep breath.

So much money? !

Although the Kirigakure Village has been raised after these years of good development, it is only more than 180 billion a year!

These guys embezzled one-third of the Kirigakure Village? !

In the Hidden Cloud Village, the Third Raikage looked at the report and pondered for a long time. Finally, a light suddenly flashed in his mind.

Youya can do it...

Then can I do it too...

Youya never expected that there is such a genius as the Third Raikage.

He only saw the benefits, but did not realize that Youya only arrested some of the merchants.

Why? !

Because business can bring prosperity, what if we are too harsh and all the businessmen run away?

When Yuya was wrapping up, he heard that the Third Raikage in Hidden Cloud Village was also arresting businessmen.

You Ya was stunned at the time.

No, the Third Raikage, are you such a tough guy? !

Are you really afraid that no merchants will come to your Yunyin Village? !

After that, the Third Raikage imitated Yuya's operations and publicly dealt with the crimes of these businessmen. He dealt with a group of people and made nearly 20 billion taels of money.

Although it is less than half compared to Konoha Village, the Third Raikage is already very satisfied.

With this money, they can even completely renovate Yunyin Village.

Of course, it was impossible for the Third Raikage to do such a thing.

After that, as Yuya thought, many merchants escaped from Yunyin Village.

But within two months, businessmen gradually came to Yunyin Village again.

You Ya was speechless about this, and he finally understood that these businessmen were chasing profits.

As a wealthy village after Konoha Village, Kumogakure Village can definitely attract a group of businessmen.

It can only be said that no matter what world or era it is, the urinary nature of these businessmen has not changed at all.

But Youya is too lazy to care about these things.

After getting tens of billions this time, let’s renovate the roads in the village first.

This time we must let those beasts build it to the highest standards.

Twenty years?

My damn acceptance criteria must be based on twenty-five years!

And a few months passed so quietly.

The new year is coming, but Youya has no intention of celebrating the new year.

He wants to build the road first.

After repairing it, he received a message from the Hyuga family.

Hyuga Neji…


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