Chapter 335 Yuya: Bullshit...

So it's already this time...

Yuya suddenly realized that if he remembered correctly, Hyuga Neji was one year older than Hyuga Hinata, but because Hinata was the main family and Neji was the branch family, Neji's status was much lower than Hinata, even though Neji was more talented than Hinata.

But now...

Yuya took this opportunity to personally give a golden lock to Hyuga's father, Hyuga Hizashi.

For so many years, Yuya would basically give some tacky gold to important ninja members when their children were born.

Of course, the other party would definitely not think it was tacky, and even thought Yuya was very generous. It would be best if he could give more.

When Yuya came to the place where Hyuga Hizashi held a banquet for Neji, Hyuga Hizashi and Hyuga Hiashi were very surprised.

The two hurried to the door to greet Yuya.

Yuya didn't pay much attention to the two people's greetings. He just looked at the place where Hyuga Hiashi held the banquet and the few tables of guests inside. Yuya frowned: "Are there only a few people?"

Hiashi was a little embarrassed, but he still said quickly: "People from other families actually sent greetings and gifts, but they didn't come in person. Now that Lord Hokage has come in person, I feel more honored than all of them combined."

Yuya looked at Hiashi speechlessly: "You kid, are you such a smooth talker?"

Hiashi remained silent.

He is no longer a child.

He is no longer at the age where he can be willful.

Hiashi on the side was speechless and could only remain silent.

The current problem of the Hyuga clan is actually the same as that faced by Uchiha Fugaku.

That is the conflict between the conservatives in his own family and the reformists as the clan leader.

It's not that Yuya doesn't want to get involved, but once this kind of thing starts, it will definitely be rejected, and may even trigger resistance from other families to Yuya.

This is not impossible.

As for the reason...

Benefits are the most important reason.

Uchiha Fugaku waited until the oldest elder in his family passed away and then took some power.

But he still failed to completely control the Uchiha clan.

Apart from other things, although Uchiha Fugaku has the right to distribute the dividends of the water plant and power plant in the Uchiha clan every year, once the distribution is unfair, there will still be trouble.

And the problem lies here.

Youya distributed profits to these ninjas in order to make them stand on his side and support him to become Hokage.

There is nothing wrong with this. If you don't give others benefits, they will go crazy to support you.

For so many years, the Uchiha clan can get more than 3 billion taels of dividends every year.

This money is not a small amount.

So there are naturally many people eyeing this money.

And the Uchiha clan members who can't get this money have all left the clan.

In other words, those under Uchiha Fugaku are basically all able to get dividends.

So here comes the problem.

Uchiha Fugaku wants to integrate into the village, but this money is still paid every year. What does this mean to other clan members?

It means that you, Uchiha Fugaku, want to take this money for yourself.

Although Uchiha Fugaku's idea is to divide this money equally among the Uchiha clan members every year, those who have left the clan land are also members of the Uchiha clan.

But the people in the clan land now will definitely not do it.

If this is done, each family in their branch can get millions of taels or even more every year, but they can only get hundreds of thousands of taels in the future. Who would like this?

Uchiha Fugaku was speechless.

The conflict of interests is the simplest and most direct.

And the two brothers, Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hiashi, who were originally determined to change the Hyuga clan's main family branch system, are now stuck here.

In other words, as the patriarch of the branch family, Hyuga Hiashi is even in a better situation than Hyuga Hiashi.

The Hyuga clan's Konoha Village Super Amusement Park, Theme Park, and school facilities built with money and land, etc., also have billions of income every year.

The branch family only gets some broth from the money, and the main family will definitely take the bulk.

Therefore, there is not much resistance for Hyuga Hiashi to reform.

Because these profits are actually only a little bit of loss compared to the benefits of integrating into the inner city.

After all, when you go to the inner city, there will be express delivery stations, hospitals, schools, etc.

Although the Hyuga clan also has schools in their own families, the teachers there are all from the Hyuga clan, and they don’t teach math, physics, chemistry, etc. at all - because they don’t know how to do it.

So the branch family actually has a better future when they go to the inner city of Konoha.

But the main family won’t let them.

Some people in the main family think that the people in the branch family are the slaves of their main family and cannot be allowed to leave the main family.

It’s just that this idea is getting weaker and weaker now.

Because Hyuga Hiashi doesn’t allow this idea on the one hand, and on the other hand, it’s because of the legal system reformed by Yuya.

Yuya will definitely not abolish the caged bird system of the Hyuga main family and the branch family with a twitch of his head and a mouth. This is an opportunity that is likely to cause disgust among all the people in the main family. If it’s just disgust, it doesn’t matter. Yuya is afraid that these idiots will really dare to resist.

It’s not that Youya is afraid of their armed suppression. He is afraid of nothing. He just doesn’t want the Hyuga clan to be in a mess, otherwise he will lose a lot of working ninjas.

In short, the Hyuga clan has more problems and more troubles than the Uchiha clan, so it's no wonder that Hyuga Hiashi looked like he was going to die.

After entering the house, Yuya ate some wedding wine, and then looked at Ningci who was one month old.

Then Yuya was ready to leave.

However, he was invited by Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hiashi to drink alone in a room.

Yuya was not afraid that these two people would do something to him. As I said, Yuya is not involved in the affairs of the ninja clan now, and it is impossible for any ninja to do something to him.

After all, so many people are counting on him to get dividends at the end of each year.

While drinking, several people chatted.

They talked about the village, and then talked about things outside the village, such as the tiger-like Third Raikage who had messed with the merchants in his village before.

As the atmosphere gradually heated up, Hyuga Hiashi tentatively asked Yuya: "Hokage-sama...what do you think of our Hyuga clan's caged bird technique?"

Yuya paused slightly while holding the wine glass, and then looked at Hyuga Hiashi meaningfully.

Then, Yuya looked at Hyuga Hiashi in a teasing tone: "I would be you who would ask me this question."

Hyuga Hiashi remained silent.

Hinata Hiashi quickly tried to smooth things over, "I personally think that this system is no longer up to date. I just want to ask your opinion, Hokage."

Youya smiled and didn't intend to keep him in suspense. He said directly with a look of disdain: "My opinion?

This shitty system is just garbage.

It is said to be used to protect the Byakugan. Is the Byakugan so important on the battlefield now? The first generation of drones at the research institute has been successfully developed. It can directly detect the enemy situation ten kilometers away and can even directly transmit images back. Isn't this much more useful than your Byakugan?

Protecting the Byakugan is all shitty reasons.

The reason why this shitty system is still kept is not because some people in your main family want to use it to control the people in the branch family?"

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