Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 336: Hyuga Hiashi I need the Hokage to help me [Part 1]

Chapter 336: Hyuga Hiashi: I want... Hokage, please help me... [Part 1]

Hyuga Hiashi sweated on his forehead when he heard what Yuya said.

Hyuga Hiashi glanced at his brother, pursed his lips, and did not respond to Yuya's words.

What Yuya said was actually true.

Although that kind of high-tech drone cannot be made, the basic drone equipped with a camera is definitely no problem.

Even if the 4G network has not been broken through, this kind of drone with a camera can also transmit the situation in the distance to the receiving screen.

Therefore, the so-called strategic significance of the Byakugan is nonsense. In fact, many people in the Hyuga clan do not believe this nonsense.

But there is no way.

If they don't believe it themselves, how can they highlight the importance of their Hyuga clan?

So they can only say that those technological "products" have the risk of damage, but the ninjas of their Hyuga clan will not have this risk of not being able to use it.

This is also bullshit.

After all, everyone knows that Yuya's future wars will be about logistics, and he has always done so.

You said there is a risk of damage and malfunction? !


I'll start to explode the quantity directly, one? No! At least one hundred drones will form a formation!

It's impossible that all the drones in a drone formation are out of order, right?

Are you kidding me?

So, these Hyuga clan, especially the people of the main family, will find that their Hyuga clan...

Especially their main family.

It seems that there is indeed...

There is nothing that can interest the Hokage.

Think about how glorious it was when their Hyuga clan followed the footsteps of the Senju clan and came to Konoha Village.

At that time, Senju Hashirama personally met their clan leader.

How come after just a few decades, their Hyuga clan has become dispensable to Konoha Village? !

Of course, although the so-called Byakugan of the Hyuga clan is useless to Yuya on the battlefield, if it is used to monitor some lawless people in Konoha Village, then the Byakugan is undoubtedly a magical skill.

Therefore, Yuya can't really not use the Hyuga clan.

It's just that the Hyuga clan's ninjas won't be given a superior position on the battlefield like before.

And how can the Hyuga clan members who have fallen from the altar be so easy to let go?

How many such things have happened throughout history where people fell from a high position and then never recovered? !

The Hyuga clan has the brothers Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hiashi who want to reform.

Of course, there are also Hyuga clan members who don't want to reform and want to return to the past.

These people even think that the mobile phones, networks, and newly built factories in Konoha Village are all unnecessary things, and it is these things that have forced their Hyuga clan to the current point.

Of course, strictly speaking...

This is really true.

After all, the so-called industrialization is not just progressing bit by bit.

Yuya's words actually have the intention of hitting him.

Otherwise, Yuya wouldn't say it so harshly.

But since he's here today, it's just right to mention Hyuga Hiashi.

"I don't think there is any room for outsiders to interfere in the current situation of your Hyuga clan.

Although I am the Hokage, I can't directly interfere in the affairs of your Hyuga clan.

It takes a lot of effort to reform.

There may even be bloody conflicts.

Didn't you read the books I put on the fourth floor of the library? You should understand the essence of the so-called reform."

After listening to Yuya's words, both Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hiashi were speechless.

What can they say?

Of course they understand.

In other words, some people in the Hyuga clan also understand how much benefit the Hyuga clan can bring if they reform and completely integrate the Hyuga clan into the village.

If nothing else, Yuya will definitely not be able to block the infrastructure from reaching the Hyuga clan at that time.

Don't look at the Hyuga clan's current electricity and water consumption, but in fact, they use money to "buy water and electricity".

They have to pay every month, and the price is not low.

In Yuya's words, the water and electricity are lost when transported to you, so the inner city costs 50 taels per kilowatt-hour, and you need 500 taels here.

There are many other supporting facilities.

For example, people of the Hyuga clan can go to the schools in the inner city and buy school district houses directly, and the price is only half. They have this qualification and don't have to pay the full amount if they want to buy school district houses like now.

In short, everything is good.

However, the fact is that it can't be done this way.

In fact, the specific problem that Hyuga Hiashi found is very accurate.

It is the system of birds in cages.

As long as Hyuga Hiashi can cancel this system, the Hyuga branch family can get rid of the control of the main family, and then the branch family will be integrated into the inner city of Konoha in advance, and the main family will definitely be forced to slowly integrate into the village.

The people of the main family will definitely be dissatisfied after they lose the target that they can bully and humiliate at any time.

And the most basic...

This point has touched the roots of the Hyuga clan.

This is the biggest contradiction between the main family and the branch family, and it is also the biggest obstacle to reform.

The entry point that Hinata Hiashi found was very correct, but unfortunately...

He didn't have the ability to get others to follow him.

In the final analysis, no matter what form of reform, it will touch the interests of vested interests.

Hyuga Hiashi can't give those people greater benefits like Yuya did to make them willing to give up the old system and follow Yuya. He doesn't have the ability to do that, right?

But thinking of this...

Hyuga Hiashi looked at Yuya, showed a flattering smile and said to Yuya: "Hokage-sama, it's like this, I want you to help us... help us two brothers, go..."

After hearing this, Yuya slapped the table and said: "Hey! Don't talk nonsense!

I just came here to drink wedding wine today!

If you do this, my reputation will be completely ruined!"

Hyuga Hiashi saw Yuya's shameless words and gritted his teeth and said: "Hokage-sama...

You killed so many people last time, your reputation has long been..."

Yuya waved his hand: "Hey, don't talk nonsense Ah, last time we killed those people who colluded with officials and businessmen, it was Nara Shikaya's idea. Alas, to be honest, I really don't think it's necessary to kill so many people, but Nara Shikaya has been persuading me that if I don't use heavy hands, I won't be able to deter other people with bad intentions.

I thought about it and found that it seemed to be true.

So I gave it all to Nara Shikaya.

Tsk tsk tsk, I really didn't expect Nara Shikaya to be so cruel...

Directly killed thousands of people!

If I had known this earlier, I would definitely not let him do it. "

Hinata Hiashi and Hinata Hiashi looked at each other and saw the contempt in each other's eyes.

Youya, this bastard...

Is this human language?!

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