Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 345 Jiraiya, I am rich!

Chapter 345 Jiraiya: I have money!

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is very cruel.

The resistance of these old guys is likely to...

Well, it will definitely make Konoha Village hate their Uchiha clan.

It will also make the Uchiha clan members in the inner city of Konoha Village hate them.

Why did Youya build a new power plant?

Because Konoha Village's electricity consumption is getting higher and higher.

In the past, a family had at most one light bulb, a black and white TV, and an old-fashioned refrigerator, and at most a washing machine.

That's it.

What about now?

Mobile phones, computers, air conditioners, high-end TVs, and other various electrical appliances.

Not to mention that the amusement park in the Hyuga clan's territory has kept pace with the times and developed many new projects and new games, which is also a big electricity consumer.

And their power plant uses hydropower to generate electricity.

New energy is new energy, but the power generation is getting less and less.

Anyway, it is definitely not as much as burning mines.

Occasionally, Konoha Village will have a village-wide power outage to maintain power.

Although most of the time it is in the early morning, there are still people who need electricity in the early morning.

Uchiha Fugaku became more and more angry when he thought about this, and felt that his liver was getting more and more painful.

As long as Yuya told him about the construction of the new power plant, with Yuya's personality, the electricity bill might be reduced in the future! If the villagers of Konoha knew about it, they would definitely be ecstatic.

And if they knew that the good policy of reducing electricity bills that was originally possible was stopped because of the obstruction of Uchiha people, Uchiha Fugaku was afraid of the anger of the villagers.


This broken clan leader, he really couldn't stay for a day.


The little Itachi stumbled to open the door, and then raised the painting in his hand to Uchiha Fugaku with brisk steps: "I drew, drew a painting today..."

Uchiha Fugaku frowned and turned his head to look at Uchiha Itachi.

Then when he saw that the painting in Uchiha Itachi's hand showed a family of three, although the painting was extremely childish, he still relaxed his frown.

Sighing, Uchiha Fugaku walked over and picked up Uchiha Itachi.

"Itachi... I hope you can become the link between the clan and the inner city in the future..."

As he said that, Uchiha Fugaku asked Itachi with a smile: "Little Itachi, is this painting of your father, mother and you?"

Uchiha Itachi opened his eyes and shook his head: "No, this is the great grandfather, this is the grandmother, and this is me."

Uchiha Fugaku: "..."

Restraining the smile on his face, Uchiha Fugaku put Itachi down and began to untie his belt.

Uchiha Itachi was immediately frightened and cried, and ran outside wailing.

Uchiha Fugaku looked at Itachi's back and gritted his teeth and said hatefully: "Bastard! How dare you attack my son?!"


Konoha Hospital:

"Sister-in-law... There's no need to be so troublesome..." Himiko looked at Tsunade with a blushing face while lying on the hospital bed.

Tsunade comforted Himiko: "It's okay, since these have been researched, they should be used naturally~"

Tsunade explained to Himiko: "Anyway, not many people use this B-ultrasound now, so what's wrong with giving it to you? Jiraiya will pay for it anyway."

Himiko's face was touched and froze suddenly--Ah, you actually have to pay for it? I'm so touched, but you just ask me for money...

Outside the examination room:

Jiraiya paced back and forth nervously.

Yuya had a cigarette in his mouth and was about to light it, when Jiraiya came over: "Brother, smoking is not good for pregnant women."

Yuya looked at Jiraiya sideways, he was the spicy next door, your wife is inside, and I can't even smoke a cigarette outside? !


Thinking of Tsunade's own nervousness when she was pregnant before...

Okay, I understand.

Yuya put the cigarette in the cigarette box and sighed.

Jiraiya looked at Yuya nervously: "Brother, why are you sighing? Is there a possibility of an accident?"

Yuya rolled his eyes: "No, there is no accident, I just thought of my child."

Yuya sighed, damn, I have a great reputation in my life, but I gave birth to Yuki, and this bastard failed again this year.

The questions of this year's civil service examination are not difficult!

Yuki is 18 years old this year. From this year on, Yuki will only have one chance to take the college entrance examination in the future.

Of course, Yuya is talking about the college entrance examination, but in Konoha Village, everyone says it is a civil service examination.

Because now the iron rice bowls in Konoha Village are gradually giving way to college students.

Of course, those who were admitted before will not be dismissed, but you will not be given a regular position.

The difference between having a regular position and not having a regular position will not be elaborated here.

In short, basically now if a family can pass the college entrance examination before the age of 18, it is really a happy event that makes their whole family happy to treat guests.

It's a pity...

My reputation in my life was ruined by Yuki, this bastard.

Well, recently Yuji that brat has been staying in the military camp.

He is probably afraid that Yuya will beat him up.

Jiraiya heard Yuya say that and said without thinking: "Brother, although Yuji that brat is not good, he is also your son."

Yuya glanced at Jiraiya and saw that he was glancing at the ward. Yuya rolled his eyes and said: "If you want to go in, go in."

Jiraiya rubbed his hands like a fly and asked with some concern: "Is this not good?"

Youya curled his lips, stretched out his hand and pushed, and walked in.

He just wanted to come out to smoke a cigarette.

Now Jiraiya didn't let him smoke, so what else could he do if he didn't come in?

Was he really waiting outside like a fool?

Jiraiya saw Youya go in, and hurried to follow.

Then Jiraiya saw a female doctor holding a probe and pressing on Himiko's exposed belly from time to time, and changing places to look from time to time.

Jiraiya looked at Himiko's bulging belly with gentle eyes.

At this moment, the female doctor said in surprise: "This, this child actually has four hands and four legs?!"

Jiraiya's face changed suddenly!

Tsunade slapped the back of the female doctor's head with a slap: "Those are twins! What four hands and four legs!"

The female doctor said "Oh" with a wronged look on her face, and continued to explore.

Jiraiya's face gradually changed from panic to ecstasy.

After the examination, Himiko was in good condition. The due date was about three and a half months later. It was impossible for Himiko to stay with Jiraiya during this period.

Jiraiya continued to rub his hands to show his understanding.

Then he asked Tsunade: "Can I let Himiko live here forever? If there is anything, I can ask the doctor to come immediately!"

Tsunade blinked and looked at Jiraiya speechlessly: "Proper exercise is also very important for pregnant women. What's the matter with you keeping her here all day?"

Jiraiya immediately said: "I can let her exercise in the hospital."

Tsunade put her hands on her hips: "What about the cost? Why waste this money?"

Jiraiya patted his chest proudly: "I! I have money!"

Yuya nodded with a smack of his lips.

This is true.

Those books that are not suitable for children written by Jiraiya did make him a lot of money.

Well, a lot of money.

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