Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 344 Sorry to make you laugh

The next day, Yuya was carried back by Tsunade like a chicken with one hand, while bowing to the Uchiha mirror and apologizing: "I'm sorry! I made you laugh! I'm really sorry!"

Uchiha Kage rubbed the back of his head but didn't care about Yuya's gaffe.

In fact, he was quite happy.

Asking Tsunade and Yuki to come and play whenever they have nothing to do, Uchiha Kagami sent them away.

Uchiha Shisui looked at his grandfather and asked: "Grandpa, Lord Hokage, he seems to be angrier this time than last time?"

He is a child after all. Even if Uchiha Shisui made Yuya's plan fail by some mistake last time, it was really just an accident.

Yes, the reason why Uchiha Shisui proposed to go to Southeast Kindergarten instead of Sarutobi Kindergarten last time was just because he didn't want to go, and he had no other plans at all.

But it is true that a combination of circumstances prevented the ending from slipping into the worst direction.

"Hehehe, maybe." Uchiha Kage walked to the window and looked downstairs, where Tsunade was holding Yuya's arm and walking outside - in front of outsiders, Tsunade would give Yuya enough respect.

"But... it's not a bad thing to be really angry sometimes."

Uchiha Shisui was a little confused - he didn't understand.

Uchiha Kagami looked at Shisui and rolled his eyes angrily: "You're not angry at your parents for leaving you to me to go out and have fun. What do you know?!"

Uchiha Shisui scratched his head and looked at his grandfather in confusion: "But, my parents said they would come to pick me up."

Uchiha Mirror: "...Yes, of course they will come to pick you up..."

After saying that, Uchiha Mirror added in his heart: They will come back after they have had enough fun.

Uchiha Kaoru's son has been applying to Yuya to live in other villages in the past few years.

The purpose is not to go to other villages to serve Konoha Village.

But I just wanted to visit other villages alone.

Youya was a little helpless, but finally agreed.

Of course Uchiha Mirror knew what his son was thinking.

You can travel to other villages and get paid at the same time, and it is absolutely impossible for other villages to have any bad thoughts about people like them who have come from Konoha Village.

It's meaningless after all.

If you target Konoha Village's envoys in other villages, Yuya will definitely deal with you if he finds out.

And there is no benefit in targeting it.

It is impossible for other villages to commit such stupidity.


Because Konoha Village is now the most prosperous village in the ninja world, people from other villages will rush to come to Konoha Village to serve as village representatives.

But no one from Konoha Village will take the initiative to go to other villages.

Well, usually not.

Who would have no problem moving from a prosperous area to a backward area?

In fact, although the main reason why Uchiha Kaoru's son made this decision was that he wanted to take his wife on a honeymoon trip at public expense, there were also some political factors involved.

After all, Uchiha Kagami was the former ANBU minister, and the current minister Hatake Sakumo also worked under him. Therefore, there is no doubt that Uchiha Kagami has an influence that cannot be ignored even if he retires now.

Uchiha mirror is like this, his only son will naturally be targeted.

Uchiha Kyou knew this, but he had no good solution.

He could only refuse various invitations from others.

Then just pretend you don’t know anyone else.

It's just that he really can't do anything about Uchiha Fugaku's matter this time.

In any case, he is a member of Uchiha after all, and he cannot watch the Uchiha mirror jump into the pit without any reaction.

Uchiha Kage knows that if the Uchiha clan continues like this, after Yuya announces that he will open a new power plant in two years, their annual income will be cut off by more than half.

The income from the water plant is stable, but it is indeed not as much as that from the power plant.

Of course, even if Uchiha Mirror told Uchiha Fugaku the news, Uchiha Fugaku would still have to think of the specific method.

All he could do was tell Uchiha Fugaku all the news.

And what about Uchiha Fugaku?

He has a headache.

He had already told the other elders about this at the family meeting.

Then naturally it caused an uproar.

Some old guys even slapped the table and said that Yuya had inherited Senju Tobirama's will and targeted them Uchiha.

Uchiha Fugaku became angry when he heard this. He also slapped the table and started arguing with the other party.

What was somewhat surprising to Uchiha Fugaku was that he was not alone this time.

Several peers who had already made a name for themselves in the security department—Uchiha tribesmen in their thirties—were speaking for him.

He was a little surprised, why would these guys side with him?

You know, all the members of the Uchiha clan who are still staying in the clan and have not moved out can get dividends at the end of each year.

If the power plant is cut down, their interests will also be harmed.

In this situation, they are actually willing to stand on their side?

I have to say that this really surprised Uchiha Fugaku.

In short, Uchiha Fugaku and the Uchiha elders had a fierce quarrel, and the meeting naturally broke up in the end.

But this already made Uchiha Fugaku somewhat satisfied.

In any case, his career as the patriarch in the past few years has allowed some people to see that he is a patriarch who sincerely plans for the family.

And these clan elders...

They shouted so loudly, but actually, if you think about it, it's all because of the word "interest".

They pretended to be righteous, but when they looked back, they found that you guys got the most.

The Uchiha clan has received at least 50 billion taels of money over the years.

Who would have dared to imagine this number when Konoha was building the village? !

You guys are still not satisfied, and you have to let Yuya support you and give you money all the time, right? !

Uchiha Fugaku was so angry that his liver hurt, but he had no choice.

Yuya wanted to cut down the power plant, and to be honest, this really touched the Uchiha's cake.

But that's the problem.

Yuya has given enough money over the years.

If Yuya's policy comes down and the Uchiha clan firmly resists, then no one in the entire Konoha village will stand on their side.

Especially those Uchiha clan members who have already gone to the inner city of Konoha Village.

I told you to share some of the money with others when you got it before.

You damn you didn't listen!

What should he do now that he is in this state?

Is he really going to cut off his relationship with the Uchiha clan members who went to the inner city? !

Then all his efforts in the past few years will be gone.

Do you really think that Obito wanted to go to the Security Department to work during his vacation?

Well, Obito did want to go, but who would dare to let him go if no one approved him to work in the Security Department?

It is impossible for these people in the Security Department to specially approve a twelve-year-old child to join the Security Department, right? !

The actual truth is:

Obito was able to join the Security Department because Uchiha Fugaku wanted to improve his relationship with the Uchiha clan members in the inner city of Konoha Village.

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