Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 356: Is reputation more important or is profit more important?

Perhaps Yuya himself did not expect that his original plan this time was to give these ninjas in Konoha Village a good blow.

After all, strictly speaking, these guys have not done anything against Yuya in recent years.

It can even be said that many of the Konoha ninjas, headed by Sarutobi Hiruzen, the patriarch of the Sarutobi family, follow Yuya's lead.

What does it mean to follow Yuya's lead?

That is, they do whatever Yuya says.

Yuya's thinking is that of a normal person.

This time, he did not want to suppress these ninjas in Konoha Village.

He wanted to dig up the roots.

You guys have been taking our money for so many years, but you are still the same as you were ten years ago. How can this not make me unhappy?

Therefore, this time, Yuya decided not to give these people a face, and just fuck them, and forcibly divide a part of these guys' family land.

In short, except for the place for you to live, all other places will be spit out by me.

For example, the Uchiha clan.

Yuya gave up the idea of ​​taking half of the Uchiha clan's land this time.

It's so stingy to take only half!

Let others see that I only dare to take half!

I will take at least three quarters this time!

It should be enough to leave one quarter of the land for the Uchiha clan members to live in and for the power plant and water plant.

As for other families, if there is extra land besides their family facilities, they should also be requisitioned.

For example, Sarutobi, Hyuga and Shimura.

But Shimura was unwilling, which was also within Yuya's expectations.

It's just that Sarutobi didn't have any objections, which surprised Yuya.

You Sarutobi clan didn't listen so well before.

What Yuya didn't know was that he thought of the patriarchs of these families with the thinking of normal people.

But people like Sarutobi Hiruzen and Hyuga Hiashi were different.

Oh, it's not that they are not normal people.

It's that they have seen another world before.

Know what the consequences would be if Yuya was not in power, but Sarutobi Hiruzen, and what the current Konoha Village would be like.

If you really want to say whether Sarutobi Hiruzen had the intention to compete with Yuya, even Sarutobi Hiruzen himself would have to admit that he definitely had it.

After all, who doesn't have the same intention as Shimura Danzo?

It's just that Shimura Danzo really went against Yuya.

In fact, when Sarutobi Hiruzen was chatting with Mito Kado En and Utane Koharu more than ten years ago - (if Sarutobi Hiruzen hadn't been in power, the three of them would not have had any fundamental conflicts, so they could be friends) - Sarutobi Hiruzen had imagined what Konoha Village would be like if he was in power.

But after thinking about it carefully, Yuya had spent a lot of money to make them give up this idea.

In short, Yuya gave them too much money (at least it was really a lot at that time, although it's not enough now) so that they didn't have the face to take Yuya's money while competing with Yuya for the position.

They are not as shameless as Shimura Danzo.

After failing to grab the position, this bastard Shimura Danzo actually had the nerve to ask Yuya for the money that originally belonged to their Shimura clan.

Such a thick skin is something Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others can never do.

And after going to the other world before, he asked the other world's self and knew what happened.

Of course, Shimura Danzo didn't go with him at that time, so he didn't know.

And knowing everything that happened in the other world, Shimura Danzo was naturally even more despised by them.

And they completely lost the idea of ​​getting promoted.

After all, what they did was really not good.

And this time, Yuya asked them for land and people, and the reason why they cooperated so well was really related to this aspect.

In their opinion, Yuya developed Konoha so well, so they really felt guilty if they didn't cooperate.

Moreover, Yuya has been asking them for land for so many years, which time did he not give compensation?

So they cooperated very well and gave it all to Yuya.

This made Yuya feel a little surprised, but he didn't think much about it.

After all, there is no need to think about these things at this time. He just needs to accept the land and people sent by these people.

As for going back...

That's impossible.

Youya said that he was going to play big this time, so what reason is there to go back?

But this time, Youya was right about one thing.

He really couldn't give these families substantial benefits, and it was even more impossible to give them money directly like before, and a lot of money.

But Youya can indeed give them a huge reputation.

You want to ask what Youya is going to do?

It's very simple.

Before, the matter of the Hidden Cloud Village going to the sky, didn't Youya say that if you want to go, you should go to the moon? Now this matter is settled. [Of course, we have to be honest. We all know what the moon in Naruto is. It is the kind of fairy-level Chibaku Tensei that has turned into a moon. It is not the moon in our mouths, but it is just called that. ]

After the research of the research institute in the past few years, we have really found a way to go to the moon.

After all, in the Naruto animation, cannons can be used to bombard the moon, so there is no reason why the current driving force is not enough.

Therefore, Youya decided to give the reputation of being the first to set foot on the moon to those families who were willing to cooperate with him.

Logically speaking, this kind of first reputation would not be too memorable, right?

But what if there were people on the moon?

Yes, Yuya has set his sights on the Otsutsuki clan.

Don’t worry about whether the Otsutsuki on the moon and the Otsutsuki in the universe are the same, just ask if there are people there.

The effect of a moon without people and a moon with people is definitely not the same level.

If there is no one, it may be a shock, and then the matter will pass.

But what about people? !

That is a major event that will directly enlighten everyone in the entire ninja world!

It is the first stop to enlighten the development of the universe!

It is a major event that concerns all mankind!

Yuya knows this, and naturally knows how famous it will be if these ninjas are brought along.

Of course, Yuya has thought about keeping this reputation for himself. In the future, history books will record that he alone has vigorously developed the aviation industry and pioneered the great navigation of the universe...

But is it necessary?

Add this to the history books of the future, and the future generations will admire him. If it is not added, or it is changed to "under the leadership of Yuya, the many families of Konoha Village work together", then the future generations will still admire and respect him.

Therefore, this reputation...

Yuya is really willing to share it with these ninja clans...

Of course, he Yuya is still the leader.

Although reputation is important, his reputation is not low~

Not to mention so many benefits.

Oh, of course, Shimura, Moonlight and so on, I won't play with them this time.

Do you really think I will be as even-handed as before?

Don't you look at your own virtue~

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