Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 357 Rocket launch and everyone's confusion

Konoha 52nd May.

In the past few months, Yuya has not said anything to the ninja families who agreed to give up their family land and send family ninjas to wait for Yuya's orders.

This made many people murmur in their hearts, is it possible that Youya doesn't want to give anything this time and wants to give away nothing? !

This is not possible!

Sarutobi Hiruzen muttered in his heart. The two brothers Hyuga, Hizashi and Hizashi didn't care. Recently, they were having a cough with the elders of the Hyuga clan. Basically, they have one meeting every three days and one small meeting every five days. Anyway, basically the central idea is one : You bastards must give me some face. I don’t care about caged birds for the time being, but the people who separate the family must be able to enter the management position of the Hyuga clan.

Strictly speaking, this condition is not excessive. After all, there are also strong ninjas among the members of the Hyuga branch.

For example, Hinata Hizashi is also as strong as a Jonin.

But because of the caged bird, Hyuga Hizashi must be respectful to every genin of the clan.

Because the ability to control the curse seal of the caged bird is something that all the ninjas of the clan can master.

To put it simply, you can use this as a tight spell, and everyone in the spell sect will know how to do it.

But this does not mean that the Hyuga branch family is inferior to the overall strength of the main family.

Again, there are experts in the Hyuga branch family, and there are also useless people in the Hyuga clan.

Hinata Hizu naturally knew that it was impossible to abolish the system of the Caged Bird Curse Seal in one fell swoop.

So he was tempted again and again.

As for this time, there is a saying that Yuya was also used by Hyuga Hizashi without his knowledge.

Because of Yuya's long-standing reputation and the benefits to these ninja families, Hinata Hizashi took advantage of Yuya's last order to hand over the family's territory and ninjas and directly gave away all the open space in his hands.

To put it simply, apart from Hinata's mansion and those schools, Hinata and Hinata don't want any other places.

Of course, he was not the only one who made this choice, Sarutobi Hiruzen also made this choice.

After all, their houses all have yards, and they are big yards and lawns. It is said that it is a house, but a villa is closer to it.

So in fact, if we really want to talk about open space, there must still be some.

But this time they also understood Yuya's determination, and with the comparison from another world, since Yuya did so well, there was nothing to say in giving it to him directly.

It's just that Yuya hasn't said anything in the past few months, and now every time Hinata and Hizu meet, the clan elders will bring this up.

It's the same today.

Hinata Hiashi slapped the table and shouted angrily at a clan elder: "It's been more than two months! Doesn't this clan leader just want to promote a few jounin from the branch?!

I am the patriarch! And they are stronger than you, why do you pretend to be a wolf in front of me? ! "

The clan elder sneered: "As the clan leader, don't forget why we promoted you to the position in the first place! In addition, no matter how strong they are, they are still members of the branch family. The branch family only needs to serve the clan and protect the people of the clan. The security is enough, enter the clan guard team? Or the management?

Are you crazy or am I crazy!

Also, it's very grand to slap the table here. What do you mean by giving the Hyuga clan's territory and the people from the branch family to that Yuya guy? ! "

Hinata Hiashi looked at the clan elder in front of him with a gloomy face: "Yuya? How dare you call the Hokage by his first name?!"

The clan elder in front of Hinata Hizashi looked disdainful: "I used to call him Hokage-sama because I could get a large amount of profits from him every year."

Hinata Hinashi narrowed his eyes: "Now we get a lot every year."

The clan elder slammed the table: "In the past, it was only 70 to 80 billion a year!

Now our Konoha Village has 500 to 600 billion a year! We can still only get three to four billion a year! Why? ! "

Hinata Hizu looked at the clan elder in front of him with a cold face, and then looked at the other clan elders at the meeting: "Okay, okay, okay! Do you all think so?!"

Another clan elder stood up to smooth things over: "Third elder, please calm down first. Lord Hokage has not treated us Hyuuga clan badly for so many years, so we still need to give him an honorific title."

Then he looked at Hinata Hizu: "You are the same, Hizu. Without the support of the third elder, you couldn't be the clan leader, right?

And it's not you, Ninth Grandpa, who is the one making the trouble. This time, it is indeed Mr. Hokage who is being unreasonable. How many months has it been? There is no movement from Hokage-sama at all. We don’t ask for too much, just give us two to three billion. "

Hinata Hiashi looked at the old people in front of him. Suddenly, a sneer appeared on his face: "Aren't you afraid that I will tell Mr. Hokage what happened today?"

The Ninth Elder looked calm, and the Third Elder sneered directly: "In all these years, have you done enough things to betray the family?

Why did the Hyuga clan's clan become so small now? You don't think you have any problems, do you? "

Hinata Hizu looked at the third elder in front of him and suddenly laughed - laughed angrily:

"When you go to collect money at the end of every year, you, the third elder, are the most active."

The third elder held his head high and said, "I did it for the sake of the family."

Hinata and Hinashi looked at each other coldly, and in the end, he could only walk away: "The meeting is over!"

After leaving the conference room, Hinata Hizu returned to his home. While sitting on the sofa and pressing his eyebrows, Hinata Hizu began to think in his heart.

Is it true that You Ya is not prepared to give benefits to those who support him this time?

Every time before, You Yake had given benefits to families who were willing to give in, and there was no reason not to give them this time.

Hinata Hizu was very confused, and he was not the only one who had this trouble.

Uchiha Fugaku and Sarutobi Hiruzen, as the two people who gave the most land to each other this time, and the first people to support Yuya, are also under pressure in the family.

And what about Youya?

Yuya sat in the Hokage's office, crossing his legs and looking at Nara Shikaya.

Yuya looked sideways at Nara Shikaya and asked, "Why is there no movement from the Nara clan?"

Nara Deer was also a little confused: "What's the movement?"

Yuya stared at Nara Shikaya and curled his lips: "What do you think?"

Nara Shikaya suddenly had a dark look on his face, and then he rolled his eyes: "Please, the reason why there are dissatisfaction voices in the Sarutobi, Hinata, Akimichi, Yamanaka, Inuzuka, Aburame and other families is because there are two of them. Yue can’t contact you. Within the Nara clan, my son is the current clan leader and I am the Hokage’s secretary. How could they be as presumptuous as the clan elders like Sarutobi and Hinata?”

Youya was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he realized that this seemed to be the truth.

Sighing, Yuya knew that he couldn't take care of the Nara clan.

Grandma, a family with many smart people is really troublesome.


Let’s resolve this matter first.

In June of Konoha 52, Yuya announced that the first moon landing plan would be launched in the near future.

As soon as these words came out, the entire ninja world fell into confusion...

what does this mean? !

Do you Konoha really want to go to heaven? !

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