Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 368: Order from Daming Prefecture

Actually, this matter is very simple to understand.

After all, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, if you ask how much he really loves his children, then it is definitely not the case.

But if you ask how much he really loves himself, then there is no doubt about it.

So, of course, it was his son who was killed by the assassin ninja this time.

Then next time... will it be himself?

So, as long as he thought about it, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, who inevitably fell into fear, naturally wanted to ensure his own safety.

How to ensure it?

Isn’t Konoha known as the strongest in the entire continent?

Get me some ninjas! This is an order!

The reason why Yuya didn’t know about this was naturally because he was stopped by Nara Shikaya, and he didn’t come to Yuya at all.

Indeed, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire is indeed noble in the Land of Fire, but no matter how noble he is, there must be a limit, right? !

Before, you wanted all the good things that came out, such as cannons, various electronic products, etc.

One is to protect your Fire Country Daimyo Mansion, and the other is for your enjoyment. Just give it to them. There is nothing to say. After all, our Konoha Village signed an alliance treaty with the Daimyo Mansion during the Senju Hashirama period.

But you can't be so arrogant as to ask us to give you things. You don't pay for it!

Since the development of the third generation of cannons, Konoha Village has started to send the first generation of cannons to the Daimyo Mansion.

Although there are two generations of errors, it is still given.

Not to mention that it has been given to the fifth generation now.

So much has been given, when has your Daimyo Mansion ever given a dime?

This time you are actually asking for people directly? !

Our Konoha Village is of equal status with your Daimyo Mansion, not a vassal of your Daimyo Mansion!

An interesting point is that the way countries used to control the ninja villages in their own countries was to control their food and economy.

If you don't obey, then no money or food will be given.

But now, under the development of Yuya, at least the five major ninja villages have slowly escaped the control of the national Daimyo.

The five villages can play on their own. Of course, there is still the same problem. Yuya will definitely not take action before there are not enough people to occupy the entire territory of the Land of Fire.

Or, it will not take action first.

If the Daimyo of the Land of Fire suddenly attacks Konoha Village, Yuya will definitely not show mercy.

At that time, why did your Majesty rebel? Then your Daimyo will be razed to the ground.

In fact, other countries and ninja villages have gradually discovered this situation.

But after all, this mode is quite comfortable. If there is no conflict, no one will like to make trouble, so both sides can always maintain the status quo.

But this time, the Fire Country Daimyo was obviously scared and asked Youya to send people over. Although Nara Shikaya thought about it, if he let his people go, he could completely hold the Daimyo's life and death in his hands, but he thought again that the Fire Country Daimyo could not be so stupid and let all their people go. At that time, it was estimated that their people would do the hard labor, and the people loyal to the Fire Country Daimyo would have a higher status than the people of Konoha Village if they did the easy work.

And a few days later, as expected, the news came that the Fire Country Daimyo went to the Fire Temple in person.

Well, it seems that what I thought was right, fortunately I didn't agree.

Nara Shikaya was scared in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't treat the Fire Country Daimyo as a fool, otherwise the people in his village would be sent to the broken place of the Daimyo Mansion.

However, Nara Shikaya's concealment was useless. The Fire Country Daimyo found that Konoha Village had not made any movement, so he simply started to pick people directly.

I have heard about the Sarutobi Asuma from the Sarutobi clan. His ninja performance is very good. He is 17 years old this year, which is the age when a ninja's potential is exchanged and gradually climbs to the peak.

Well, very good, worthy of my personal invitation.

Then he set his sights on the Uchiha clan.

And he specifically asked for Uchiha Obito.

How to say it, since Yuya from the other world brought people here, and also brought a large number of people from other villages.

Then the fact that there is another world cannot be concealed.

Even many ordinary people know about it, but the attitude of ordinary people is to smile and continue to work. But the high-level people like the daimyo must know the truth.

Then the strength of Uchiha Obito from the other world naturally caught the eye of the daimyo.

As for why Uchiha Fugaku didn't come here.

Uchiha Obito's family had left the family land long ago, and Uchiha Fugaku didn't know about it at all.

As for whether Uchiha Obito's family would agree...

This is simply a joke, no normal person would agree.

Yuya nodded, and understood why Sarutobi Hiruzen specifically looked for him today.

"It's useless to ask me about this issue." Yuya spread his hands, "If the daimyo forces your son to go to the daimyo's mansion, then besides sending him there, is there any other way?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen opened his mouth, unable to refute.

After all, Sarutobi Asuma was named to go to the daimyo's mansion.

Although you have to admit that there is more or less a threat in this.

But in fact, the reality is that although Konoha Village and the daimyo's mansion are equal, they are now brothers, one of whom is afraid of being assassinated by others and asks the other for help.

Tell him by name: I know you have someone under you, he is very powerful, ask him to protect me.

It would be unkind to refuse such a request.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also understood this, he gritted his teeth and said to Yuya: "I know you are in trouble, so, if you can help me do this, I will let the family transfer another 2 billion funds to you to support the aviation industry."

Yuya's eyes curved into crescents when he heard this.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is really sensible.

This matter, it is very simple to give money.

Yuya patted Sarutobi Hiruzen on the shoulder: "That's fine.

Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not looking at your 2 billion funds, it's just that I really like Asuma and don't want him to leave Konoha Village.

Well, you go back first.

I'll give you an answer in a few days, don't worry, Asuma will never go to the Daimyo Mansion."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was relieved to hear Yuya's words and nodded: "Then I'll leave it to you, Hokage."

After bowing to Yuya, Sarutobi Hiruzen was relieved and left.

Yuya looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen's back and shook his head.

The third generation Hokage in the original comics really didn't want his son to go to that bullshit guardian 12 ninja.

In this case. The operability is very large.

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