Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 369 Konoha, Kumogakure That’s right, we are fighting!

Chapter 369 Konoha, Kumogakure: Yes, we are fighting!

Three days later, Yuya angrily asked to talk to Kumogakure on TV.

And it was broadcast on the news channel.

The reason was that Kumogakure Village had assassinated the Daimyo of the Land of Fire.

Everyone was confused about this.

Except for Shimura Danzo.

In the dark corner, Shimura Danzo showed a grim smile on his face.

That's right! That's right! That's it!

Let's fight! Let's fight!

Shimura Danzo was very excited, but the subsequent development was beyond his expectations.

Shimura Danzo certainly knew that the people who assassinated the Daimyo were not from Kumogakure Village, after all, he gave the order.

But who would care about this kind of thing? !

Kumogakure Village would definitely explode in anger if they were treated like this, and then conflict and friction with Konoha Village, right? !

As long as this is the case, Yuya's position will be slightly unstable.

Shimura Danzo certainly couldn't expect Yuya to detonate the powder keg between Kumogakure and Konohagakure because he sent people to attack the youngest son of the Fire Country Daimyo.

In fact, he thought that the conflict might not be very big.

But what he never expected was...

The development of the situation was beyond his imagination.

At the end of the 53rd year of Konohagakure, Nara Shika also checked the year-end and distributed bonuses as usual.

As for Yuya, he was having a crazy conversation with the Raikage of Kumogakure.

No one knows what they talked about.

But it is certain that the atmosphere between the two villages has become increasingly tense since then.

In the end, it was the words of the Raikage that completely detonated the powder keg.

On December 19, 53rd year of Konohagakure.

Yuya said to the Raikage, anyway, the New Year is coming soon, don't force me to beat you during our New Year.

The Raikage was furious, and then said that you are still in the mood to celebrate the New Year after such a thing happened? ! I'm going to fuck you!

These words instantly made Youya's face gloomy, and the people of Konoha Village suddenly looked indignant.

Some people even took to the streets to protest that they must teach the Hidden Cloud Village a lesson. When Tobirama Senju was still in power, he had fought with the Hidden Cloud Village.

He didn't believe that Konoha Village had become so much stronger over the years. Could it be that they couldn't beat the Hidden Cloud Village? !

No! Absolutely can't stand it!

And in the dark room of the Shimura clan:

Shimura Danzo was dumbfounded.

The elders of the Shimura clan were immediately anxious.

One person looked at Danzo and asked: "What are you thinking?!

You didn't tell us about such a big thing?!"

Shimura Danzo wanted to assassinate the people of the Fire Country Daimyo's mansion. Even if he didn't kill the Daimyo, it was very dangerous to kill the Daimyo's son.

Once it was leaked, the Shimura clan would be completely finished.

Shimura Danzo certainly couldn't tell these elders about such a dangerous thing.

In his opinion, he would control everything in this ninja world in secret.

Assassinating the youngest son of the daimyo will put Konoha Village under pressure from the daimyo.

After that, Konoha Village can collect evidence of the assassination in the Hidden Cloud Village.

In this way, Yuya will definitely have a rift with the Raikage. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that after knowing that it was the Raikage who did it, what will Yuya choose?


If so, then Shimura Danzo will definitely ask Yuya to retaliate against the Hidden Cloud Village.

And what about Yuya? !

What will he choose? !

Shimura Danzo will definitely not think that Yuya will really retaliate against the Hidden Cloud Village.

After all, if a fight really breaks out, the number of casualties will be a huge number.

Shimura Danzo does not think Yuya is so stupid.


But the current situation is going in this direction all the way!

Shimura Danzo panicked at this time.

At the same time, the elders of the Shimura clan naturally have to review the contributions made by their family members to the family in the past year because of the end-of-year review.

It would be better if they didn't investigate. Once they did, they were dumbfounded.

Why did dozens of ninjas leave the village some time ago?

Then investigate further...

It's over. It's involved in the assassination of the youngest son of the daimyo.


Or the mastermind? ! ! !

God knows how devastated the elders of the Shimura clan were when they found out about this.

No, you are really daring!

The most important thing is that they can find out. Who can guarantee that Yuya's people can't find out?

Now I don't know why Yuya and Raikage are fighting. They have been arguing without talking calmly and exchanging information. If the two sides really sit down, then the first to die will be our Shimura clan? !

Now it seems that the best situation is that the situation continues like this. Yuya and Raikage only talk nonsense and don't take action. After all, whether the two sides stop fighting after a big fight or stop fighting directly, it can be said that as long as they stop fighting and both sides investigate, the matter will be completely over.

Therefore, the elders of the Shimura clan now looked at Shimura Danzo with eyes that wished they could kill him.

Shimura Danzo did not react because he was completely stunned.

He could never have imagined that...

Yuya actually called the Raikage and asked a few questions, and then the two of them started arguing, and now it has come to the point of fighting.

To be honest, even if the final investigation revealed that people from the Shimura clan participated in the assassination, wouldn't it be enough for Shimura Danzo to introduce some people as scapegoats?

Anyway, assassination is indeed a serious matter, but you can't possibly kill my whole family because of something without proof, right?

Danzo Shimura thought very well.

But he never expected that when Yuya and Raikage collided, the damn effect would be like this!

Can't fight! You guys started fighting...

I'm completely finished!

After all, the Shimura clan's participation in the assassination and their participation in planning the war are two completely different crimes...

One, kill a few people at most.


That would indeed mean that the entire clan would die.

However, if Shimura Danzo prays like this, it is naturally impossible for reality to run according to his ideas.

You know he doesn't have the ability.

On December 21st, Konoha 53, Yuya said that it was unbearable, and it was really unbearable. Your Kumogakure Village has gone too far.

Raikage also slapped the table, saying, stop talking nonsense, if you want to hit me, just hit him right here! Do you think I am a coward? !

Yuya then began to assemble the ninja army.

The Raikage was not far behind.

The entire ninja world was quiet, and countless people were waiting for the end of this war.

Everyone is looking forward to seeing the strength of Konoha Village, which has not fought a major war since thirty years ago.

Some people think that Kumogakure is still a great shinobi village and should be able to withstand it.

After that, the two sides collided.

They yelled at each other very loudly.

But soon, someone discovered something was wrong...

You two fight back and forth...

Why is the location in the Kingdom of Iron? !

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