Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 370: Konoha 54th Year and Yes, this is war!

The conflict between Yua and Raikage, or in other words, Konoha Village and Kumogakure Village, lasted for a long time.

At least, that's how the war between the two sides looks in the eyes of the people.

But from the perspective of many nobles, kings, and daimyo who have their own intelligence agencies, it is completely different.

What are you guys fighting? !

Over in Konoha Village, Yuya asked a group of reporters to go to the so-called "frontline position" to take a bunch of inexplicable pictures.

These scenes include, but are not limited to, calling people who are walking fast but wearing heavy plasters on their feet to take a video.

A video of a person sitting in a wheelchair, crying that his legs may be useless for the rest of his life.

Yes, this video is indeed fake.

Other videos, such as those with bandages on arms and bandages on faces, are basically fake.

Some people may ask, now that it's been filmed and shown on TV, aren't you afraid of problems in the future?

In this regard, Yuya said: This is normal, because our medical technology in Konoha Village is number one in the world.

Such a reason is enough.

The reason why these videos were taken was naturally because Yuya needed the villagers in the village to believe that the ninja soldiers of Konoha Village were fighting on the front line with the people of Kumogakure Village.

And the reason why the villagers in the village need to have such awareness...

That's naturally because the Youya frontline didn't really fight Yunyin Village at all.

Yuya and Raikage were indeed very angry before, but after calming down, Yuya was the first to say: You and I are both unhappy with each other, that's for sure, but also because of this, I definitely understand you, you can't do such a stupid thing. Come on, someone is definitely framing you.

Lei Ying slapped his thigh fiercely: Isn't that right? There must be a villain plotting against us behind the scenes!

You Ya said again: Even if a fight is needed, the person behind the scenes should be found out before fighting, right?

Raikage nodded, it was indeed necessary.

You Ya asked again: But now that things have reached this point, it is absolutely impossible not to do something.

Lei Ying snorted coldly: So we still want to fight?

You Ya smiled happily, and then said: We really have to fight, but we can't really fight. You and I, just take this moment to resolve the issues left over from history.

Raikage was puzzled: What issues are left over from history?

You Ya smiled happily~

The final result is this large-scale performance art.

For Raikage, he definitely doesn't want to really fight with the Leaf Village.

But it is certainly impossible for him to violate the tough guy image he has always maintained.

If the tough image is gone, it will be at a disadvantage in communicating with other villages.

Yuya also knew this, so he just forced the Raikage to show the attitude that he must fight, and then acted accordingly.

You, Shimura Danzo, blamed Kumogakure for doing something like this this time, right?

good! I'll do whatever you want!

I can use this incident to do one thing.

The reason why Youya and Yunyincun engaged in such large-scale performance art this time was naturally because they had something to ask for.

And what they asked for was very simple.

Iron country.

The current leader of the Iron Kingdom is a samurai named Mifune.

There are no ninjas in the Iron Kingdom. Only samurai.

But this does not mean that the country is weak.

In fact, this small country adjacent to the two countries of Thunder and Fire is very powerful.

It is also because of this that the Kingdom of Iron is very annoying to Yuya and Raikage.

There would be no Iron Kingdom. The price to pay would be too high.

At least, Konoha and Kumogakure can certainly defeat the Iron Country by cooperating, but the price paid is definitely not small.

There is nothing to say about this fact.

And if the Iron Country is gone and Fire Thunder directly borders it, there will be no buffer area, which is honestly not a good thing.

That's it if it keeps going like this.

After all, it's quite good for the Iron Kingdom to stand here like this and act as a buffer zone between the two big countries.

But it should never be the case. Mifune of the Iron Kingdom wants to develop the country.

Um, okay, that's a weird thing to say.

The development of a country must be correct.

And Youya has always felt that the mutually beneficial development of both parties will definitely bring the most benefits.

And the reason why Yuya wants to bring the Raikage with him to target the Kingdom of Iron this time...

In fact, the matter really has to do with historical issues.

More than twenty years ago, the name of the Kingdom of Iron was lost to Black Jue.

Of course, although this is a fact, it is impossible for the Iron Kingdom to admit it without evidence.

They must want to know who killed the great name of their country.

And the biggest targets are naturally Yuya and Raikage.

After all, only these two villages have the ability to quietly kill the Iron Country's daimyō.

Yuya expressed his understanding of this and did not care about the hostility of the people of the Iron Kingdom towards Konoha.

Despite this, the current Mifune Samurai of the Iron Kingdom has very high standards.

After discovering that Konoha Village was getting stronger day by day, he decided to learn from Konoha Village just like Hanzo from the Land of Rain.

This is also a good thing.

But there was one thing that made Youya dissatisfied.

Why is the Kingdom of Iron called the Kingdom of Iron?

This country has a lot of iron.

What does Tiduo represent?

There’s a lot of steel.

Therefore, under the leadership of Mifune, the Kingdom of Iron vigorously developed various iron smelting plants, steel smelting plants and various supporting industries.

If that's all it is, then that's it.

The point is...

Mifune also wanted to dump these things to other villages.

Well, strictly speaking, it is not dumping, but the things of the Iron Country are good in price, high in production, and of good quality.

What would Konoha Village and Kumogakure Village, the neighbors, think of this? !

And if...

It would be fine if it was just this.

The railway from Konoha to other villages built by Yuya, because the railway from the Iron Country was requisitioned when the railway to Kumogakure was built, Mifune asked Yuya for ten years of toll collection qualifications.

Yuya did not agree, so Mifune only asked for five years.

Yuya thought about it, just five years, in exchange for Mifune's cooperation in building the railway from Konoha Village to Kumogakure Village, it seems that it is not a big loss.

So, Yuya agreed.

This is actually very normal, right?

But the money is too much, Mifune does not want to collect only five years, he said that he could use steel or something as collateral, and get another five years.

Yuya was furious, but if you really want to say, Mifune's request is actually not too much.

But for Yuya, this is the best evidence that the Iron Country has lost control.

Yuya cannot allow such a thing to happen.

Therefore, the Iron Country must be taught a lesson.

And now, in the territory of the Iron Country, such a meeting is indeed being held:

“Bang!” A warrior in armor slammed the table angrily, “Too much! These guys from Konoha and Kumogakure are simply too much!”

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