Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 431 The Future [End of this Volume]

Nagato looked at Nadeshiko Shizuka, and spoke softly, telling what happened to him after returning to the Country of Whirlpool.

At first, he came back from Konoha Village and was loved by the people in the clan.

Because he was a college student in Konoha ten years ago, and he did not choose to stay in Konoha, but chose to return to the Country of Whirlpool and contribute to the development of the Country of Whirlpool.

After that, he entered the political situation and began to stand out. Many people of the same clan were willing to listen to him, because he led everyone and brought the advanced concepts of Konoha Village to everyone.

For example, when Yua asked Mito Kaden to build roads in the Country of Whirlpool, Nagato said that this was a good thing and that he could take advantage of this time to renovate the village.

As a result, there is a current situation where every household has a small home.

Later, Yuya said that he would vigorously support the tourism and service industries in the Country of Whirlpool. Nagato was dissatisfied. He felt that the Country of Whirlpool could also have an industrial base and it was not that there were no factories in the Country of Whirlpool. This was the first time he resisted.

But his tribe members felt that they could make money easily, so why should they have to work so hard?

After all, the tourism industry has developed, and making money is really making money.

Nagato finally gave in.

He also wanted to understand that no matter what, as long as the geographical location of the Country of Uzumaki is here, even if Yuya finally wants the Country of Uzumaki to be merged into Konoha, the quality of life of the people of the Country of Uzumaki will not drop too fast.

In other words, there are actually some officials who are promoting the theory that the benefits of merging with Konoha are greater.

Nagato felt that these people were really frustrated and crazy. Although the current situation was much better than before, they still had a certain degree of autonomy. If it was really merged, would the Kingdom of Whirlpool still have a future?

Wouldn't it all depend on Konoha's face then?

As a result, Nagato fell out with those officials again.

Later, Nagato was assigned to the Construction Department.

There is little oil and water in this place, and there are a lot of troubles. After all, you can see from the railway construction that people in the Kingdom of Whirlpool really dare to openly ask for money.

Nagato finally solved it, but in the end he discovered...

In fact, the villagers other than the Uzumaki clan in the Country of Uzumaki don't want much.

At's much less than what some people want...

Nadeshiko Shizuka has been listening silently.

Nagato couldn't stop talking as he talked.

He was really tired for him.

He really needs someone who can listen to his sorrows with peace of mind.

And there is no doubt that Nadeshiko Shizuka is such a perfect character.

Nagato said that his mouth was dry and he was pouring drinks one cup at a time. Maybe it wasn't because of his dry mouth. He couldn't release the annoyance in his heart, so drinking to relieve his worries might not be a good choice.

In the end, Nadeshiko Shizuka reached out to stop Nagato from pouring wine on her.

"Stop drinking."

Nagato stopped, put down his glass and sighed.

Nadeshiko Shizuka looked at Nagato and said, "We haven't seen each other for ten years. You have indeed changed a lot."

Nagato smiled bitterly, then looked at Nadeshiko Shizuka and said: "Now you know, it is impossible for me... to be with you, I still have a lot of things to do, and I still have a lot of things that I have not finished... …”

Nagato said and smiled bitterly: "I'm really stupid, aren't I."

"...I don't think so." Nadeshiko Shizuka shook her head at Nagato. She looked at Nagato and suddenly smiled and said, "Actually, after leaving Konoha, I returned to my village.

I have been practicing bridal practice for the past ten years. "

Nagato was stunned and looked at Nadeshiko Shizuka with some surprise: "You mean... Nadeshiko Village? I remember that place..."

Nagato originally wanted to say, weren't there all women there? But after thinking about it, he changed his words and said, "Isn't the development there far worse than that of Konoha?"

Nadeshiko Shizuka smiled slightly: "Even so, since I have made an agreement with you, I will definitely wait for you to fulfill it.

In fact, for me you have succeeded, but..."

Nadeshiko Shizuka pursed her lips but still raised her head firmly and looked at Nagato seriously and said: "If you think it's not enough, I can continue to wait! My master, I have been waiting for Master Jiraiya for twenty years, and I too Yes, you can wait for twenty years!”

Nagato looked at the girl in front of him, stunned...

Regarding what happened to Nagato in this world, Nagato and Konan in the other world wanted to express something.

But in the end...

The two just sighed together, and then chose to leave the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

At least……

They no longer have to worry about possible war.

Later, Nagato and Nadeshiko Shizuka held a wedding.

Jiraiya was specially invited to the wedding.

When Jiraiya in Konoha Village heard that his apprentice was getting married, he was immediately overjoyed and rushed to the Country of Whirlpool with Himiko.

Seeing Jiraiya's excited look, Yuya scratched his cheek, thought about it, and decided to give his little brother Jiraiya some face.

The Kingdom of Whirlpool and the Kingdom of Rain jointly decided to research submarine technology in the future, and he decided to become a shareholder.

Of course, originally, he was going to invest one billion taels and get 50% of the shares.

This looks like a bastard no matter how you look at it. The current one billion taels may not be enough to even develop a high-end community, so where do you get the qualifications to participate in this level of research and development?

That's too much, isn't it? That is indeed a bit excessive, but from Youya's perspective, why should he pay more?

Whirlpool Country and Rain Country, both of these countries have Konoha's say.

But now...

Yuya also understood that Yahiko, this old guy, would come up with another plan if one plan failed.

What he wanted was Konoha's reputation to decline.

If Yuya really did this, it might not matter in the short term, but in the long run, it would have an impact on Konoha's reputation.

Many people may say that there are interests between countries, and too much emphasis on reputation will only drag oneself down, and reputation is not important at all.

Those who say this are either stupid or bad.

If you really want interests instead of reputation, then where did you get so many excuses to find trouble with other small countries in your previous life?

Isn't it better to just act like a hooligan?

What is the end of the biggest hooligan, Yuya has seen it a long time ago, that is, he is really surrounded by enemies, and the so-called allies want to stab him every day.

So Yuya finally asked Jiraiya to send a gift to Nagato.

Jiraiya and Himiko were very happy to drink at Nagato's wedding.

Three days after Nagato got married, Jiraiya came to visit and gave Nagato the gift from Yuya.

It was a...

Investing 5 billion taels in the Whirlpool Country and 5 billion taels in the Rain Country. All he wanted was a 10% stake and technology sharing in the submarine cooperation between the Whirlpool Country and the Rain Country.

To be honest, this request was not excessive.

Nagato was a little surprised when he saw it.

Such generous conditions?

The most important thing is...

With this document...

Then he can get the railway in the Whirlpool Country.

And with this railway...

The Whirlpool Country has a future.

The trouble that he had been thinking about was solved just like that. This really...

It made Nagato feel a little unreal...

Nagato looked up at the sky of the Whirlpool Country.

The sky was clear and cloudless.

It was a very suitable day to clean up the house...

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