Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 432 Konoha 61 and Enrollment

Year 61 of Konoha, Land of Fire, Konoha Village, Ninja School:

Today is the annual opening ceremony of the Ninja School.

On this day, families who received the admission notice of the Ninja School last year usually send their children to the Ninja School.

The admission standard adopted by the current ninjas in Konoha Village is an invitation system.

That is to say, before the age of ten, after the children go to school, they either show talent for ninjutsu or have some special features, or simply are descendants of ninja families.

Of course, it does not mean that you must come to school if you get the admission notice of the Ninja School.

And the same goes for it. It does not mean that you cannot come to school if you do not get the admission notice. If you think your child does have the talent of a ninja but has not shown it before, then you can have an opportunity to take the entrance test.

But generally speaking, only children between ten and twelve years old are eligible.

Over this age, you cannot enter the school.

As for the situation of getting the admission notice but not coming...

At least it has not happened yet.

The reason is simple. After graduating from the ninja school, taking the civil service exam will get you promoted.

To put it bluntly, this world is the world of ninjas after all. With this special ability, it will be much easier for them to pass the civil service exam than ordinary people, even if they start from the grassroots level.

Uchiha Shisui has been promoted very quickly in recent years and is now the deputy district chief of a district. If it were in his previous life, he would be equivalent to a district official in a district of the capital. You know, Shisui started as a grassroots civil servant, so the promotion speed is not slow.

Of course, Shisui is not an exception. Take the Uchiha clan's security department as an example. Since Youya adjusted the function of the security department to include the maintenance of Konoha Village's public security and neighborhood conflicts within its scope of function, the personnel in the Uchiha clan's security department can be regarded as eating public food.

To put it bluntly, the security department is now a regular job.

Only those who have a regular job know what this means to ordinary people.

Iron rice bowl? No, it represents a symbol of status.

After all, even if you work for a businessman who makes 1 million taels a month, if the Security Department calls you and asks you to assist in an investigation, you still have to go and assist in the investigation obediently, because this is written in the law, and the highest authorities in Konoha are backing the Security Department.

Of course, the problem this brings is that the number of people in the Security Department is not enough.

Later, Uchiha Fugaku expanded, and now the situation is that four-fifths of the people in the Uchiha clan’s Security Department are not from the Uchiha clan.

In fact, the Uchiha clan is not without complaints about this, but as long as they dare to mention it, Uchiha Fugaku will dare to scold them.

Damn, you can’t have many children yourself, and the entire Security Department has more than a thousand Uchiha clan members. Isn’t that a lot?

If the Uchiha clan has 10,000 people, why would I use more than a thousand clan members to work?

Others were speechless.

Later, the situation became that every street had a branch of the Security Department. Youya said that anyway, the work you do is similar to that of the Street Office, so the two should be merged. In the future, you will be a collection of the Security Department and the Street Office. Yes, we need to add more people.

Now there are more than 15,000 security department members, managing more than 9 million people in Konoha's inner city.

It would be unreasonable if they were not busy as hell.

But there is no way, Uchiha Fugaku can't really not want this security department, this is impossible.

So, continue to expand.

And this involves recruiting new people.

Let alone the security department, other departments, construction department, engineering department, logistics department, bank, hospital, etc., who doesn't want new people? Who doesn't want these new people to be ninjas?

So, the ninja school has also been expanded recently.

But Yuya actually has some help.

He relaxed the requirements for more than a thousand new people a year.

If according to his previous standards, based on the standards that Genin like Senju Tobirama needs to be proficient in clone techniques, substitute techniques and at least three offensive ninjutsu, then at least two-thirds of the more than a thousand students graduating each year will be unqualified.

However, Tobirama Senju was preparing for war. Yuya felt that since there was no war now, it was okay to relax the policy a little.

That’s why there are more than a thousand ninja graduates a year.

However, it only looks like a lot. More than a thousand a year, more than 20 years, there are only about 20,000 people. These 20,000 people are distributed to all aspects, resulting in a shortage of people everywhere.

It’s just that there is no shortage of ordinary people now. What’s lacking is high-end talents, or high-end talents like ninjas.

Yuya himself was a little speechless. He had been fighting against the shortage of people in his life. He was short of people from beginning to end.

Therefore, the ninja school every year is really the top priority for Yuya.

Therefore, although he would come to the ninja school every year to give a perfunctory speech, he really valued the ninja school.

This is the cradle of talents.

But this year, it’s a little different.

Yuya smiled as he looked at the list of students enrolled this year.

He was familiar with many of the names on it.

At this moment, at the entrance of the Ninja School, Moonlight Gale, with a toothpick in his mouth and dark circles under his eyes, was sitting at the entrance of the Ninja School while recording forms, and in front of him was a long line.

This was also a routine work every year. He and the other nine Chunins needed to record the number and names of the students enrolled within three days.

But generally speaking, it takes less than three days, and it can be completed in one and a half or two days at most.

Giving an extra day is just a precaution.


"Naruto Uzumaki!" A golden-haired man grinned, then raised his goggles and said loudly with a smile: "The man who will become Hokage in the future!"

Moonlight Hayate's hand paused slightly, and then he looked at Naruto with a pair of dead fish eyes with thick black circles.

Then he recorded expressionlessly: "Naruto Uzumaki, gender male, age?"

Naruto blinked and said quickly: "Ten years old, I am ten years old this year."

"Oh, here you go, don't damage this label." Moonlight Hayate said, tearing off an adhesive barcode on the form and pasting it on Naruto's collar.

Naruto looked at Moonlight Hayate and asked doubtfully: "Uncle, don't you laugh at my ideals? I said I wanted to be Hokage."

Moonlight Hayate didn't even bother to raise his eyelids: "If what you said is true, then Hokage-sama should be very happy. Okay, don't be stupid here, leave quickly, I'm waiting for the next one."

Naruto blinked, clasped his hands behind his head and walked into the school.

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