Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 455: Actually, it's my brother

Afterwards, the other party escaped with serious injuries, while Yuya was sent to the hospital because of serious injuries.

"Wait!" Tsunade interrupted the middle-aged Sasuke, crossed her arms and asked with disdain: "What about me? My husband went to fight against a strong enemy and he is still here in Konoha. I can't escape, right?"

Middle-aged Sasuke looked at Tsunade and said: "You were protecting your grandson and granddaughter at that time."

Tsunade's expression froze, thinking of her son Yuki telling her that he would bring the children back to stay for a month before the end of the year...

If that's the case, then Tsunade can understand why she didn't take action.

Yuya also nodded in understanding.

If that's the case, even he wouldn't be willing to let Tsunade help him.

That's his grandson and granddaughter, he must be protected.

And in the end, didn't the other party get seriously injured?

"What happened later? My husband was injured, couldn't I save him?!" Tsunade asked with a bad look.

She is indeed qualified to have this attitude.

Let me put it this way, as long as the head is not chopped off or the heart is broken, Tsunade can guarantee that he will not die even if you sew the person who is broken into two parts back together.

Youya drove away the enemy, is it possible that she can't save him?

Then the middle-aged Sasuke nodded to her: "Yes, that person's ability is very strange. No matter what kind of chakra is used, it can't save the third generation. Moreover, the injury is internal, and there is not much time left.

In the end, the third generation gave up the plan of letting you treat him, but called everyone back and arranged the funeral."

Tsunade stood up and looked at the middle-aged Sasuke and clenched his fists angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about?!"

Middle-aged Sasuke shook his head: "I'm not talking nonsense. The heart of the third generation was hooked through the atrium by that guy's fishhook. The third generation should have died within a few minutes. It was you who let the third generation hold on for more than six hours."

Tsunade was instantly furious. She was just about to teach this kid who was talking nonsense a lesson, but her hand was grabbed by Youya.

Turning her head to look at Yuya, Tsunade saw only indifference on Yuya's face.

"Don't worry, listen first, and talk after you finish."

Tsunade gritted her teeth and sat down with an angry face. She didn't want to eat the noodles Yuya ordered.

After that, the middle-aged Sasuke continued to talk about the future.

"In the last period of the Sandaime's life, he gave the best solution he could think of.

Still let those people manage their positions, and everything will be the same in the short term. As for the position of Hokage, the Sandaime asked his widow, that is, Tsunade-sama, to temporarily take the position of Hokage."

Tsunade was stunned, frowned and pointed at herself: "Me? Ha, you are talking nonsense, how could he..."

Tsunade originally wanted to refute, but turned her head to look at Yuya and found that Yuya's expression was not wrong at all.

Tsunade's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

"If I die this year, and it's such an accident..." Yuya nodded, "Indeed, letting Tsunade take over my position for a short time is indeed the best way.

But Tsunade can't sit there forever."

Middle-aged Sasuke nodded: "Yes, she always remembers your instructions..."

As middle-aged Sasuke narrated, Yuya and Tsunade seemed to see...

A woman who had just lost her husband, but had to stand up immediately to stabilize the people's hearts in the village.

They both sighed at the same time.


After Tsunade came to power, she didn't think she was the fourth generation Hokage.

So she refused the craftsman's request to repair the Hokage Rock for her.

At the beginning of her rise to power, although it was very hard, she had no complaints.

And it also made Tsunade know how busy Yuya was.

If things had gone on like this, Konoha Village would definitely be able to maintain stability, not to mention other things.

But Tsunade is not like Yuya after all. She definitely has management skills.

But after all, she has not been exposed to any management ability.

If Yuya had not arranged corresponding personnel to take over the various departments of Konoha Village before his death, and these people were willing to obey Tsunade's command out of respect for Yuya, there would be chaos in the second year of Tsunade's tenure.

However, Tsunade accepted Yuya's last wish and tried her best to maintain the stability of Konoha Village.

Later, historians who recorded this period said that according to Nara Shikaku, the secretary of the Hokage, many things that Yuya could decide at a glance, Tsunade-sama often had to look through a lot of information, ask her secretary, and then call the person concerned to ask carefully, because she had no experience. How could such efficiency be fast?

Despite this, Tsunade-sama was still working hard. She was not a person who could handle government affairs.

In the end, after Tsunade had been in office for seven years, she was exhausted.

The life of getting up earlier than chickens and going to bed later than dogs every day was too torturous.

In the later period, even if Tsunade had the Yin Seal, she could not keep her body in good condition.

Tsunade fell, and the top leaders of Konoha Village naturally panicked.

This year, many hidden dangers were buried. Many people said that from this year, Konoha began to have the embryonic form of the civil strife in the following years.

When Yuya and Tsunade heard this, their hearts tightened at the same time.

Tsunade was originally from this village, so she naturally cared about it very much.

For Yuya, this was his own hard work!


How can there be internal strife?

I don't think there is any problem?

Middle-aged Sasuke explained to Youya: "In fact, since your death, some people have used your name to say that Tsunade-sama is not worthy of the position of Hokage..."

Youya crossed his arms: "Won't those guys investigate such conspiracy remarks? What do they do? What about Minato Namikaze? Is this how his Anbu manages things?"

Middle-aged Sasuke was silent, then he raised his head and said in a low voice: "Minato Namikaze... Minister was monitoring the Uchiha Security Department and the people of the Uchiha clan at that time..."

Youya was stunned, and then reacted in just a moment: "Because I died, those jumping clowns in the Uchiha clan thought that their Uchiha clan should become the largest family in Konoha Village like the village was built?"

Well, there is nothing wrong with it, because Hashirama Senju disbanded the Senju clan, so in the early days after the village was built, the largest family was indeed the Uchiha clan. There is nothing wrong with it.

Middle-aged Sasuke was silent for a moment, then gave Youya a flattering smile and said, "As expected of the Sandaime, you already know the sequel before I even told you."

Youya rolled his eyes, rubbed his brows and sighed, "I know, of course I know, I even know that these guys are not stupid, they are just blinded by interests, right?"

What can middle-aged Sasuke say? He can only sigh and say, "They are indeed narrow-minded and narrow-minded... The Minister often tells me so, so..."

You Ya had a bad feeling, he looked at Uchiha Sasuke: "I say, you won't kill those people, will you?"

Middle-aged Sasuke was silent for a while and then said: "I have no choice, Tsunade-sama trusts me, and does not exclude me because I am the son of the Uchiha clan leader. She also let me enter the Anbu and let me follow the Anbu Minister, Minato Namikaze, and gave me unparalleled power..."

This is indeed, Minato Namikaze is the Anbu Minister, and Uchiha Sasuke was arranged by Tsunade in this way, which is obviously intended to arrange Sasuke to the position of the next Anbu Minister.


"Pa" Youya slapped his head painfully: "I know what Tsunade is thinking. She wants you, the son of the Uchiha clan leader, to go to the Anbu to take real power, and then use this behavior to tell those Uchiha people that she is confident in the Uchiha clan and will not suppress the Uchiha clan because of my death. This idea is correct. Even if Tsunade is fine, she will be fine as long as she is in the position of Hokage for one day. But as long as Tsunade is in trouble, the Uchiha clan holds the Security Department and you, the biggest Anbu leader besides the Anbu Minister, how can those idiots not be tempted?"

Youya sighed and looked at Uchiha Sasuke and asked: "So, the Uchiha clan wants to push your father Fugaku to become Hokage?"

Uchiha Sasuke smiled awkwardly: "Actually, they want to push... my brother..."

Youya: "..."

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