Chapter 456 Story...

Middle-aged Sasuke has no psychological burden at all about changing history.

Because for him, such a tragic future should never have happened.


Because when he grew to his current state, he discovered a fact.

That was because the person who killed Yuya, the third Hokage, was a member of the Otsutsuki clan, and it was caused by traveling back in time and space.

But for now, let's tell the Third Hokage about the future.


Yuya slapped his forehead in pain and sighed: "Konoha Village is over."

Tsunade was a little confused: "Well, how could this end? I also know that Itachi's child, he is Mikoto's eldest son, isn't he a very powerful child?

Moreover, he recently joined the security department to relieve his father's worries. Although he is young, he is already very good at handling things. "

Yuya shook his head: "Konoha Village is a village with many family forces. For the Uchiha clan, it is only for their own benefit, but since they have started, others will naturally follow. .

And there is not only one Konoha Village in this world..."

Tsunade's expression suddenly became serious: "Husband, you mean, other ninja villages will..."

What was the cause of the last ninja war?

Konoha and Cloud Hidden Village were pulling their hair, and others came when they thought they had a profit.

It is obvious that there is likely to be civil strife in the future Konoha Village, and the people in other villages are not stupid. How is it possible not to add insult to injury at this time?

Yuya looked at middle-aged Sasuke, who was silent and gloomy at this time.

Yuya sighed and said: "I'm afraid the first one to take action was not the other ninja villages, but the Daiming Mansion of the Land of Fire, right?"

Middle-aged Sasuke looked at Yuya in shock, then smiled bitterly and said, "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you..."

Youya rolled his eyes, do you still need to think about this?

You are a famous figure in the Kingdom of Fire. Thirty years ago, when Yuya first came to power, he had to give you money every year and give you all kinds of new inventions to please you. However, thirty years later, the status of the two parties has not been exchanged. , let’s just say that a wealthy, very wealthy force has emerged within the sphere of influence you rule. Do you want to devour it?

However, the force of Konoha Village is strong enough, so they dare not attack Konoha Village even if they kill the Fire Nation's Daming Mansion.

But there is another saying that is good, what you can’t get is the best.

In fact, as I said before, there is not much cash (note, it is cash) in the bank of Konoha Village, only tens of billions of taels. Even including the money printing machine, if it works at full capacity for a year, it will only be over 1,000 billion taels.

Of course, this is a normal situation. If it is not a normal situation, the money printing machine opens to print...

Well, this is impossible, Youya can't let money turn into waste paper.

In short, there is not much cash in the banks of the entire village of Konoha, but considering that many people owe the bank money and have to pay it back every month, it is credited every month, so there is no need to rush to print.

If tens of billions of money were really given to the people of Daming Mansion in the Land of Fire, they might be shocked at first, and then after a while, they would think it was nothing.

The money of Konoha Village cannot be seen or touched by the Fire Country Daimyo, so they feel that Konoha Village is very rich. When Konoha Village's financial report is released at the end of each year, people are dazzled by the GDP of one trillion taels. .

In this case, if you say that they have no idea about Konoha Village, even a normal person would not believe it.

And don’t forget, it was the Fire Country Daming Palace and Senju Hashirama who initially cooperated to give the land of Konoha Village to Senju Hashirama to build the village.

In the eyes of the Fire Nation daimyo, Konoha Village owes them.

In the eyes of the villagers of Konoha, if it were not for the protection of Konoha Village, the Fire Country would have been gone long ago.

This is a fundamental contradiction, and it is very simple to resolve it. One party can annex the other.

It was obvious to middle-aged Sasuke that he was not interested in politics. It is estimated that he is not very willing to take it seriously, after all...

According to him, Uchiha Itachi is not dead, and his status within the Uchiha clan is higher than his.

Sasuke in the original book is a brother-controller. Yuya doesn't know what this Sasuke is like, but he probably has a lot of feelings for Uchiha Itachi.

Putting all this aside, it seems that the Uchiha clan on his side is not far away from annihilation?

So must the Uchiha clan be destroyed?

Middle-aged Sasuke continued to tell.

The Fire Country Daming Mansion was indeed the first to take action.

But he didn't attack Konoha directly.

Instead, the operating rights of roads and railways in the Country of Fire were directly sold to other villages.

For example, those leading to Yunyin Village will be sold to Yunyin Village, and those leading to Sunagakure Village will be sold to Sunagakure Village.

Other villages couldn't believe at first that there was such a good thing? !

It wasn't until later that the Fire Country's famous names were put up for auction, and the matter was settled.

In the tenth year after Yuya's death, all the Fire Country Railways were sold to other villages.

What is Konoha doing at this time?

Well, in the race to be the next Hokage.

"Pa" Tsunade looked pained.

Youya didn't find it strange at all.

In other words, Yuya would feel strange if these guys didn't do this.

Eleven years after Yuya's death, the Sarutobi clan and the Shimura clan formed an alliance and jointly recommended Sarutobi Asuma, the then Minister of Science and Technology, to become Hokage.

Sarutobi Asuma himself was unwilling, but he had no choice, he was pushed out, and others would not be dominated by his will.

In the same year, the Uchiha clan wanted to push Uchiha Itachi to take action, and Uchiha Fugaku gave the position of the head of the Security Department to Uchiha Itachi, and gave the reason that Konoha had been in turmoil recently, the Security Department was too busy, and it could not move without Uchiha Itachi. If he became the Hokage, what would the Security Department do?

The other Uchiha clan members had to give up.

In the same year, Nara Shikaku of the Nara clan announced that Tsunade died of illness.

Yuya looked at Tsunade worriedly.

Tsunade smiled: "I've lived for a long time, and... I'm sure that I must have been pissed off by these bastards."

Yuya sighed.

Middle-aged Sasuke continued to tell what happened on his side.

In the same year, Uzumaki Naruto stood up and said that Konoha Village could not be in chaos anymore. Everyone was from the same village, how could they be hostile to each other?


Then no one bothered to pay attention to him.

At this time, Uzumaki Naruto was just an ordinary grassroots civil servant who passed the civil service exam.

It was impossible for Naruto to have a say.

In the twelfth year after Yuya's death, as expected, the civil strife could no longer be covered up.

Sarutobi Kashimura and the Hyuga clan fought.

Although it was just a small fight, there was bloodshed. When Konoha Village was about to be destroyed because of the civil strife...

Other villages gave assists.

Of course, in Yuya's eyes, it was assists, but in the eyes of middle-aged Sasuke, it was taking advantage of the fire, a bunch of damn people.

I only heard the middle-aged Sasuke say angrily: "Our Konoha Village has developed for so many years! We have never suppressed other villages, and we have always led other villages to develop and become rich! But this is how they treat us?! They come to bite us when they see us weak?!"

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