Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Chapter 1235 Hokage That Started With Blind Eyes

With that said, he nodded.

"Yes, I am a pacifist god."

"Then what if this weapon is obtained by terrorists?"

Hinata Xiao asked back.

"People with anti-social personality will use it to destroy the whole world, and regard it as a pleasure and an ideal. When the time, who are dead, how will you care about such things in the future?"

Sages of the Six Paths will all die.

Payne is no exception.


Payne was silent.

After a moment, he replied.

"That means that human beings are hopeless creatures."

"In that case, what's the use of your plan?"

Hinata Xiao asked again.

"Since human beings are hopeless, it proves that the end is doomed. What's the point of your actions?"

Payne: "...

"Human beings will disappear sooner or later, and you can't change it even if you speed up or slow down. Isn't your approach unreasonable? The ridiculous idea of ​​​​fearing the sky falling?"

"What about you! White devil! Do you have better ideas?!"

Payne asked.


Facing Payne's question, Hinata Xiao only answered one sentence.

"None of my business."

Hinata Xiao's goal is to become stronger.

Assuming that one day, the world is really destroyed because of himself, that doesn't matter.


Hinata Sakuya is not crazy.

There is no subjective idea of ​​extinction.

If you can save it easily, Hinata Xiao doesn't mind reaching out and straightening it out.

Just like Hinata Xiao let go of Orochimaru and Uchiha Madara.


They are still useful.

To a certain extent, he could hinder himself on the road to becoming stronger and accidentally destroy the world.

Hinata Xiao's idea has always been to become stronger.

Whether it is on this planet, or rushing out of this planet, to the sea of ​​stars.

They are all just means on the road to becoming stronger.


Hinata Shoto is not interested at all in what Nagato said about whether the world is peaceful or not.

When a person's strength is strong enough.

He said that if the world is peaceful, the world must be peaceful.

Especially in this world with superhuman powers.

"You really are just a brat...!"

Animal Road Payne, with such a description, put an end to the conversation.

next moment.

Under Payne's will.

The 8 psychic beasts started to move.

"Qigong wave!"

In line with the idea of ​​attacking first, Hinata Xiao raised his hand and sent a qigong wave, hitting the beast Dao Payne.

The stone panda with a smirk on his face suddenly turned around, stretched his arms, and blocked the attack for Payne.

Boom boom boom! !

After the earth-shattering big bang.

The stone panda's body was shattered.

With a bang, it disappeared.


Hinata Xiao's sight followed the animal to Payne and soared into the sky.


Payne sat on the Yata Bird.

This strange bird with a sharp beak that can be used to stab and collide instantly flew into the sky at a speed as fast as a fighter jet.

"There are seven more..."

Hinata Xiao looked around.

After killing the stone panda, there were still seven of Payne's psychic beasts left.

Minus the fast-flying octopus, right now...the only thing to consider is which one of the six to kill first.

Rhino, Giant Bull, Hell Crab, Cerberus, Giant Centipede, Chameleon.

Hinata Xiao looked around.

The chameleon was invisible, got into the building passage, and disappeared instantly.


Hinata Shoto looked at the remaining five.

After thinking for a second, he decided to kill the slowest giant centipede first.

It seems to get up very fast, but because of its super long body, more than 18 meters, it has become the biggest target.

As soon as Hyuga Xiao raised his hand, there was another qigong wave.

Boom boom boom! !

After the explosion, the centipede was blown in two.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The rhino and the giant bull charged, and soon came before Hinata Xiao.

With unrivaled kinetic energy, the two giant creatures with rough skin and thick flesh collided fiercely.


The Hell Crab, which moves extremely fast laterally, launched the water escape ninjutsu Bubble Chaos.

Ordinary C-level ninjutsu, used in the mouth of this giant creature, turned into a vast high-pressure water flow.

Compared with humans, the scale is dozens of times larger!

At the same time, the Cerberus roared, and with three heads roaring, they also rushed towards Hinata Xiao.

All of a sudden, a situation of four bread sandwiches was formed.

As for the chameleon that had disappeared, at this moment, its tongue pierced through the ground, sticking out from Hinata Xiao's feet, and entangled Hinata Xiao's body.

Look at the sky again.

Several giant eggs then fell, dropping a barrage like a bomber.

The air-ground integrated attack immediately made it impossible for Hinata Xiao to escape!

boom! boom! boom!

A series of hits and jets.

Coupled with the explosion of the giant bird egg, a burst of smoke rose from the scene.

After the smoke dissipated, the knocked Hinata Sho appeared from the air.

Hinata Xiao didn't land on the ground.

Instead, it goes straight into the air.

With the flame pointing.

Just let the animal crash quickly.

Looking at the beast that flew down to avoid his own attack, he said.

Hinata Xiao cast Magnetism·Star Point and went straight into the sky.

"In one breath... level Yuyin Village!"

Hinata Xiao decided to drop objects from a height of 1,000 meters.

Throw the meteorite stored in the time-space hole of Nether Eunuch down!

Annihilate the entire Yuyin Village in one fell swoop!

991. Meteorite Falls!

Seeing Hyuga Xiao fly to the sky.

The animal glides and dives like Payne, and flies close to the ground in a stable manner.


He raised his head and stared at Hinata Xiao.

I don't know what the white devil is going to do.

Tsunade and the others floated in the distance.

Onoki stared at Hinata Xiao with a sneer on his face.

"White devil boy, what tricks are you playing? Such a high distance, you plan to attack from here?"

A common sense among ninjas.

Ninjutsu distance is divided into "near", "medium" and "far".

Near is 0~5 meters, medium is 5~10 meters, and far is more than 10 meters.


Onoki and others, because of the technique of light and heavy rocks, floated at an altitude of 1,000 meters.

From here, it is difficult to distinguish the figure staring below.

Most ninjutsu cannot be effective at this distance.


They still saw the battle between Hinata Xiao and the beast Dou Payne.

Summoning 8 psychic beasts at once is really amazing.

After all, no one knows where Payne got so many strange creatures.

8 psychic beasts... It's no problem to defeat any elite Jonin.

That is.

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