Payne's strength is at least at the shadow level.

But none of the strong men present thought that they would lose to the bastard Dao Payne.

Hard to beat the 8 psychic beasts, except for the third generation of Raikage and others who can fight head-on.

Other strong players can use devious tactics.

If you think about it, you can still fight.

They didn't know what kind of move Hinata Xiao was planning to use to deal with the beast Dao Payne.

Hinata Xiao didn't speak, but stretched out her hand and pointed her left arm down.

Afterwards, Hinata Sho thought of something.

Turning to the Third Raikage, he said, "Master Raikage, if you don't want Kirabi and Ai to be killed together, I suggest you let them come back..."


Third Raikage opened his eyes slightly.

Looking at Hinata Xiao's expression, he didn't think he was lying.


Is there really a move that has an attack distance of over 1000 meters and is strong enough to kill Yatsuo Jinchuriki?

"Ai, Bee! Come right back!"

The Third Raikage shouted loudly, and for the safety of his son and adopted son, he still issued an order.

"Are there a lot of people today, are they all intruders?"

"Who the hell knows...bad..."

When the third generation of Raikage shouted, two figures flew past forcefully.

It's Hidan and Deidara.

Looks like he's healed.

Didara, who was a little interested, felt bad the moment he saw Onoki.


Onoki, who has a keen sense, also saw his unworthy disciple.

Didara was dressed in a red cloud and black robe, obviously joining the Akatsuki organization.

Ohnoki almost committed high blood pressure on the spot!

"Didara Nisan~!"

The black soil loli greeted Didala cheerfully.

"Ah, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, Heitu, I'm going first~!"

Didara is proficient in explosions though.

But in this situation, it would be troublesome if the old man caught him.

Moreover, Onoki's Dust Dungeon and Earth Dungeon can restrain Didara's explosives to a certain extent.

Seeing the old man here, Didala, who wanted to watch the excitement, left directly.

"Didara, this guy..."

Onoki's face turned pale on the spot.

It seems that the information that Didara joined Akatsuki was not groundless.

"Stop, Deidara!"

Onoki roared.

Don't care about the interaction between the master and the apprentice.

The energies of Raikage III and the others were concentrated on Sho Hinata's left arm...or the palm to be precise.

A series of distortions extended from Hinata Xiao's right hand.

It seems like something... is coming out.

1000 meters...

Falling objects, meteors during the day!


Obito Uchiha narrowed his eyes and looked up.

Deidara and Ai are back in the air.

And Uchiha Obito's attention has been placed in Hinata Xiao's palm.

He understood what Hinata Xiao was going to do.

next moment.

Beast Dao Payne, his eyes widened and his gaze changed wildly.

The top of his head... or the sky above Yuyin Village has been filled with a blinding red light.

Onoki, who was chasing Didara, also stopped.

Together with Didara and Hiduan, they looked at this vision.

"That is......"

Didara felt that he saw art in a flash.

"50 meters in diameter!"

Nobu Uchiha stood near the central tower of Yuyin Village, staring at the sky.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

With a fanatical look, he stared at the shooting stars in the sky.

Through Sharingan, he calculated the volume of this meteor in an instant.

And therefore, understand what that means.

The speed of the meteor falling from a height of 1000 meters was originally stored in advance by Hinata Xiao, exceeding the speed of sound, which is more than 340 meters per second.

The high-speed friction of the atmosphere creates a thermal barrier effect on its surface.

Large volumes of air that cannot escape are compressed, generating high temperatures.

Although it was not enough to ignite the stone, it also made the surface of the meteor blood red.


Izumi Uchiha grew his mouth.

Only then did she know.

At that time, the mud train that Master threw was just a small toy.

The shooting star in front of me is the true strength of Master...


I am not the master's opponent at all.

How much destructive power can a 350,000-ton meteor drop down at supersonic speed?


When a meteor strikes, most of the force is directly borne by the ground.

The transmitted force passes through the bottom layer, causing a large-scale earthquake.

Part of the power is converted into heat energy.

The frontal contact with the meteorite, as well as a small part of the space around the meteorite, is instantly heated to a high temperature of more than 600 degrees.

Turn this place into a burning hell.

At last......

A part of the power turned into terrifying shock waves, and detonated them, sweeping away everything.

"Damn it!"

Beast Road Payne, only had time to say this.

He desperately manipulated the yataka, and flew towards the distance.

The other psychic beasts just stood there blankly.

Because at this time, there is no use in doing anything.

than this.

Quickly transferring the body to the ground is the correct choice.

Where no one knows...

The main body of Nagato, together with other Penns, is quickly heading towards the underground refuge.

According to Nagato's speculation.

The shock wave of this meteorite will produce an earthquake of magnitude 5 or 6.

The underground defense building is enough to withstand this kind of detonation.

boom! ! !

Under everyone's dumbfounded gaze...

The meteorite hit the ground.

I saw that the whole ground was sunken, as if it had been swallowed.

The dazzling red light shone even brighter.

992. Resurrection, New Payne

And with this violent impact.

The comet created by Hyuga Isa also shattered.

Then, the shock waves continued to spread outward like ocean waves.

A huge cloud of smoke rose into the sky and spread in all directions, filling the entire space.

Where the shock wave and smoke passed, houses were torn apart, and buildings made of steel were wiped out in an instant.

In the eyes of everyone.

Everything was reduced to dust.

Spread along the shock wave.

As a result, millions of tons of sundries rushed into the sky in an orderly manner, causing secondary barrage damage.

The escaped beast Dow Payne.

The speed couldn't keep up with the speed of the shock wave at all.

In the blink of an eye, it was swallowed by the shock wave.

The yataka bird didn't even have time to cry, but was instantly engulfed by the shock wave, and it had no time to dodge the sudden destructive force.

The whole process lasted about 10 seconds.


Within a diameter of 10 kilometers, there is no grass and ruins everywhere.

It can be said that the entire Yuyin Village was destroyed by Hinata Xiao.

Originally surrounding the village, the city wall was like an iron wall.

Now...all flattened by the shockwave.

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