Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Chapter 1237: Hokage That Started With Blind Eyes

The sea and the sky are revealed.

This village built on the sea.


It's like a ruin in the middle of the sea.

After a while.

Sea water poured in.

Fortunately, when the village was established, the altitude was slightly higher than sea level.

So as not to be submerged in sea water.

It was too late for everyone to express the shock in their hearts.

Another meteorite fell.

Like an extinct comet.

The explosive energy swept away again.

This time...

Yuyin Village was completely destroyed.

10 seconds later.

There are no buildings in the entire village.

The original steel city has been razed to the ground.

The falling star position in the center turned into a sunken crater.

Two comets before and after.

Fragments scattered everywhere, burning with green smoke.

The hot crimson roasted the air, distorting the space.

Pieces of scarlet stones gradually dimmed.

The people in the sky watched this scene.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Hinata Xiao nodded as if nothing happened.

"It's much easier to fight this way."

Pan the terrain.

It made Payne unable to rely on terrain combat to form a multi-coordination.

This is the battlefield that Hinata Xiao created for herself.

in this open position.

Fighting is the real strength.

A lot less opportunistic.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Hinata Xiao nodded: "It's almost done, please use the wind escape to blow away the smoke and dust for me..."

Hinata Xiao said casually.

on site.

There are many ninjas who can escape from wind.

For example, Fengying Luosha, such as Gaara.

Like Hiruza Sarutobi, like...

Hearing Hinata Xiao's words, everyone came back to their senses.

They nodded.


Because Hinata Xiao's attack was too exaggerated.

Their hands were even shaking.

From beginning to end, they saw these two waves of attacks clearly.

It is precisely because of this that the shock in my heart cannot be increased.

Luo Sha took a deep look at Hinata Xiao, and nodded.

"Wind escape...!"

next moment.

All those who knew Wind Escape formed a seal together, and unanimously cast Wind Escape Great Breakthrough, the most commonly used spell at C-level.

Many people work together, and the large-scale storm blows away the smoke and dust.

After about ten seconds.

All the smoke and dust were blown away, revealing the wreckage of ruins with a huge pit at the center.

Hinata Xiao began to fall.

Soon, it came to the range of 500 meters.

With the white eyes flickering left and right, Hinata Xiao saw the corpse of the beast.

The animal road affected by the shock wave barely left a whole body.

The Rebellious Forbearance of Yuyin Village fell from the forehead.

A scar appeared.

He tilted his head, his mouth was bleeding, and he had no breathing or chakra characteristics.


This is an obvious thing.

Staring at the animal road lying on the ground, Hinata Xiao nodded, landed on the ground, and then flashed a few times, heading towards the central tower...

And in places that Hinata Xiao didn't notice.

Obito Uchiha turned into a whirlpool and flashed from the air.

500 meters...

Hinata Xiao surpassed this distance in two seconds.

Therefore, Hinata Sho did not notice that Uchiha Obito appeared behind him.


Uchiha Obito snorted coldly, picked up the body of the beast, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

next moment.

He appeared underground.

The other four Payne headed towards the ground one after another, preparing to fight against Xiao Hinata.

In the underground refuge facility, only Nagato himself, Hell Road Payne, and Black and White that emerged from the soil remained.

"That Hinata Xiao..."

Heijuebaijue watched Obito appear, and said.

"His moves... are really powerful."

A meteor with a diameter of 50 meters can destroy almost everything.


Not enough to kill Nagato.

According to Kurojue's estimate, Nagato can block the meteorite,'s not necessary.


Uchiha Obito released the body of the beast Dopayne from the Kamui space.

Hellroad Payne is a big guy.

He stretched out his hand, as if summoning something.


The body of Beast Dao Payne floated into the air and was swallowed by an invisible force.

Moments later...

Brutal Way Payne reappears.

——with an intact posture.

Beast Road... Payne, revive!

"Do you need me to help?"

Uchiha Obito asked.

"not needed for now."

Nagato said.

"I will kill the white demon myself!"


"Are you here..."

Hinata Shoto stared at a hole.

Filling in the ruins was blown away.

Two figures jumped out.

"This is...the strength of the white devil."

in the air.

A figure changes from illusion to entity.

It's Shin Uchiha.

His expression was fanatical, and he stared at Hinata Xiao with an attitude like a god.

at this time.

A kaleidoscope Sharingan on his arm gradually closed.

Use the kaleidoscope to write sharing eyes as Izanagi's activation offering.

Except for Uchiha Madara back then, probably...the only one who is so extravagant is Shin.

"Two more people with reincarnation eyes appeared."

In the sky, Fengying Luosha lowered his altitude, stared at the two people below and said.

One of them was chubby and stocky.

The other person has long hair and a slender figure.

Their common feature is that they all have a pair of reincarnation eyes and long orange hair like the beast Dao Payne.

There is also Yuyin's rebellious ninja forehead protector on his forehead.

Finally...the Red Cloud Black Robe of the Akatsuki Organization.

Hungry Ghost Way Payne, Human Way Payne... debut!

993. The Death of the Split Dog


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