Then release the pupil technique of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Kamui.

The distorted vortex-like space distorts the Huo Dunhao fireball together.

Cooperate with the huge whirlwind released from the Shenwei space.

It becomes the Huo Dun Bang Feng Luan Wu blessed by the wind!

The huge flame took on the shape of a flaming snake, and in an instant, it expanded to a range of more than 10 meters!

Not only Jiraiya and Orochimaru will be devoured.

Even the people in Longyin Village behind them will be wiped out together!

"Water escape......"

Seeing this, the village chief of Longyin Village immediately sealed his seal.

A row of ninjas in the back followed Jieyin.

"Earth escape..."

Jiraiya also uses Tudun.

"Soil flow wall!"

"Ho ho...water wall!"


The earth flow wall rose from the ground, and the water formation wall of Orochimaru formed a protective film, wrapping the earth flow wall.

The flame hit the water curtain, stirring up monstrous steam.

Wait until the flames dissipate...

Jiraiya's soil flow wall reveals its original appearance.


Not a single scorch mark was produced.

That is to say...

Only relying on Orochimaru's water barrier, Uchiha Obito's Bakukaze Ranbu was resisted.

"There are two tricks..."

Jiraiya looked at Orochimaru in surprise.

He still doesn't know... the one standing in front of him is Orochimaru, who has been winning him steadily since he was a child.

"Jiraiya... get ready to enter sage mode... I'll buy you time..."

Orochimaru knows.

If "Madara" turns on Susano.

You need to use Jiraiya's sage mode.


I also thought about it, and didn't refuse.

"Then be careful..."

Saying that, Jiraiya clapped his palms together, stepped back, and began to gather chakras.

And Orochimaru...

Although invented a lot of ninjutsu Orochimaru.

But it doesn't mean that Orochimaru won't order anything else.

Orochimaru... is a warrior with seven attributes.

He is also an expert who has inherited countless ninjutsu from Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Orochimaru even mastered many ninjutsu that Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know.

Blue out of blue and better than blue, this is something every outstanding disciple will achieve.


Obito Uchiha narrowed his eyes, looking at the man with black ponytail and evil smile.

I always feel a little familiar...

"The reply is almost..."

Orochimaru shook his fingers.

Although he was wiped out by Hinata Xiao, he was seriously injured.

But Orochimaru also came up with a way to recover.

He injected himself with interstitial cells!

Although Orochimaru failed to master Mu Dun's power, Mu Dun's vitality merged with the White Snake's power, making him...

More durable.

Orochimaru, who was able to meet Tsunade's strange power in the face.

Can now take more damage.

Of course, the resilience also increased again, to the extent visible to the naked eye.

All of this is due to Orochimaru's continuous transformation of his body.

"Ho ho ho..."

Orochimaru smiled.

The next moment, he rushed forward.

The whole person twisted his body strangely.

More critically.

Orochimaru's hands were not behind his back.

Instead, swing back and forth.

Because... this is the most scientific way to run.


Obito Uchiha threw a few kunai casually.

"Ho Ho..."

Orochimaru dodges easily.

Then, Orochimaru came to Uchiha Obito's face and punched it.

The result is naturally passed through.

The moment Orochimaru and Uchiha Obito passed by.

Uchiha Obito turned around and activated Kamui, touching Orochimaru's body.



His strategy is also in Dashewan's strategy and calculation.

Orochimaru, who suddenly turned his head around strangely, spit out a mouthful of purple poisonous gas towards Obito Uchiha.

Uchiha Obito's hand passed through Orochimaru's back in an instant...

His body was blurred again.

Use blur to avoid two attacks.

Wait until Orochimaru turns around.

Orochimaru began to seal.

"Earth escape... Huangquan Swamp!"

Jiraiya's ninjutsu was performed by Orochimaru.

The A-level Yellow Spring Swamp turned the soles of Uchiha Obito's feet into a mire swamp in an instant.

1015. Immortal Mode·Jiraiya!


Obito Uchiha began to sink.

Slow at first, then suddenly accelerated.

All of a sudden, Uchiha Obito disappeared without a trace.

"D-kill him?!"

The ninjas in Longyin Village were puzzled.

"not at all......"

Jiraiya, who maintained the extraction of natural energy, said seriously.

The enemy is far more difficult than he imagined.

"It turned out to be the art of earth escape and earth dragon hidden in Yanyin Village..."

Following Jiraiya's words, Uchiha Obito came out from another place.

Earth Dungeon·Earth Dragon Hiding Technique, a special earth escape in Yanyin Village.

Can make people sneak on the ground.

It is the proud ninjutsu of the Iwagakure Demolition Unit.

in other words......

Uchiha Obito copied Deidara's Earth Ryuin with Sharingan.

Gained the ability to travel freely on the ground, underground, soil, and rocks.

This is also the reason why normal earth escapes cannot trap him.

"Ho Ho..."

Orochimaru stopped and stood there, staring at Obito Uchiha.

Since conventional ninjutsu cannot take effect.

Then spend it.

Anyway, he can afford it, so he can buy time for Zilai by the way.

Uchiha Obito stared at Orochimaru for a while, and found that Orochimaru had no intention of moving.

That can't be helped.

Take the initiative to attack yourself.

Obito Uchiha thought so.


The sky-blue bust of Susan instantly ignited from Uchiha Obito's whole body.

The first stage, Susano in the form of ribs, grew huge claws and grabbed Orochimaru.

Orochimaru with a speed value of "9" will of course not be caught.


Just when Orochimaru was about to dodge, his expression changed slightly: "Ho ho ho..."

boom! !


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